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Playing With / Mind-Control Eyes

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Basic Trope: Characters eyes change when they are hypnotized or possessed.

  • Straight: A spectral cat hypnotizes Alice, and while under its spell, her eyes look like cat eyes.
  • Exaggerated: Her eyes glow brightly, while doing a spiral pattern.
  • Downplayed: Alice just has a blank stare.
  • Justified: The cat wants people to know it has this power, to make them afraid.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice's eyes usually look like she's hypnotized. When she actually is hypnotized, her eyes look normal.
    • The telepath develops Prophet Eyes when she's mind controlling someone.
    • Hypnotic Eyes
  • Subverted: It turns out Alice was wearing funky contacts.
  • Double Subverted: To hide the obviously brainwashed eyes underneath.
  • Parodied:
    • Her eyes flash, alternating "Hypno" and "tized".
    • Alice is hypnotized to believe she is a princess, and her eyes turn pink.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's eyes may or may not change when under the mind control.
  • Averted: Alice shows no visible signs of being hypnotized.
  • Enforced: The story requires that Alice get in and out of being hypnotized several times, and the audience is honestly lost which is which until this effect is edited in.
  • Lampshaded: "What is it with being under a trance, and something happens to your eyeballs?"
  • Invoked: Alice wears eye contacts and pretends to be mind controlled to go undercover.
  • Exploited: This is how the cops identify the alien invaders who are taking over people.
  • Defied: The cat takes great care to make Alice's eyes appear normal to keep its power a secret.
  • Discussed: "Hey, why aren't my eyes spirals? This hypnotherapy tape is clearly busted."
  • Conversed: "Wait, does that mean Alice is a robot, or..." "Pretty sure it's just cartoon logic."
  • Implied: Alice's blank expression and odd behavior could be hypnotism, or something else.
  • Played For Laughs:
    • Alice has a blank expression when hypnotized, or just when bored. Because of this, Bob doesn't realize that Alice is still hypnotized the whole night. When Bob demands the stage magician snap her out of it, the magician looks at Alice and asks if Bob is sure she's still hypnotized. Bob sheepishly says he isn't.
    • Bob buys Alice a fur coat and diamond necklace an an apology for cheating on her. Her eyes sparkle when she sees the gift, and stay that way. Bob realizes she was so Distracted by the Luxury it literally entranced her.
  • Played For Horror: This is the first sign someone has been taken over by The Virus.
  • Played For Drama
    • Alice and Bob get separated, and when Bob reunites with Alice, she is revealed to now be mind controlled.
    • Alice pretends she's not being mind controlled to gain Bob's trust, only to betray him.

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