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Playing With / Medical Rape and Impregnate

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Basic Trope: The forceful impregnation of a woman through artificial means.

  • Straight: Alice is kidnapped and forcibly impregnated to produce a Tyke Bomb.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice is forced into becoming a Baby Factory for a Super Breeding Program.
    • Multiple women are medically impregnated against their will.
    • Alice is forcibly impregnated with multi-child births each time.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice's fertilization doctor uses his own sperm instead of the designated sample.
    • Alice merely has an embryo implanted into her instead of actual impregnation.
  • Justified:
    • Alice, prophesied to bear The Chosen One, would never willingly get pregnant to do so.
    • Alice, member of a Slave Race, is forcibly impregnated whenever her master needs new servants.
    • Alice is cursed, making this the only way she can ever conceive a child.
    • The doctor is being forced to impregnate Alice under threat of death. He doesn't want to rape her, so he chooses to artificially impregnate her.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice, a doctor, gets Questionable Consent from her patient Bob.
    • Bob has his semen unwillingly stolen by ex-girlfriend Alice.
    • Alice receives an abortion against her will.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice seems to be getting forcibly impregnated, but Professor Drachenstein explains it is not "ze semen".
    • Alice consents to getting impregnated.
  • Double Subverted: ..."It is ze nanomachines!", which fuse with some of Alice's eggs and thus making her pregnant with techno-organic children.
  • Parodied: Bob and Alice, entering a fertility clinic, came so Alice could be artificially inseminated. Yet the doctor, missing her glasses, assumes Bob is Alice and thus orders in some security so "she" won't frail about in panic. Ultimately Bob and Alice leave with Bob somehow impregnated.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice is discovered in position in a breeding project- but she was there willingly. Except her memory was altered - only it turned out that it was done at her request. However a rare powered female would be far too much of a bottleneck so she was actually just an egg donor.
  • Averted: Science is either not abused this way, or women are consensually impregnated.
  • Enforced: "You all stated in-show last season that Alice is suppose to get pregnant, yet given she has no sexual relations with any of the encountered males... You're going to need someone to forcibly impregnate her to stay consistent with the audience."
  • Lampshaded: "So, if you could put in the effort to abduct, restrain, and forcibly impregnate a woman... Then why the hell didn't you just try romancing someone?"
  • Invoked: Professor Drachenstein, considering forced medical impregnation the more "ethical" option, does just that upon recapturing Alice.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz, knowing of Drachenstein's experiments, creates Alice as a "Trojan victim" to kill Drachenstein and steal all his research.
  • Defied: Professor Drachenstein, though needing to incubate his experimental supersoldiers somehow, refuses to resort to non-consensual means.
  • Discussed: "Hey, given all derivative classifications of rape, what would Medical be then?" "Most likely defined as the forceful impregnation or spermical extraction of someone using artificial means."
  • Conversed: "Oh great, as if rape isn't bad enough, there's also medically done rape too. Seriously, is there any way this could be worst?" "What, medical rape? Well if it happens too frequently and becomes too well-known it would certainly tank any reputation artificial insemination & fertility clinics have."
  • Implied: Alice, mother of Carol, is noted to have only been held by Professor Drachenstein for seven months- Yet wasn't pregnant prior and was already with infant Carol when she escaped.
  • Deconstructed: Given Drachenstein would need proof of his medical background to even acquire the materials necessary to perform artificial insemination, a set-up for a birthing mother to lay in, and have legal identification to buy restraints this alone makes Drachenstein look highly suspicious. Thus the moment one of his victims escape it isn't long until he's arrested.
  • Reconstructed: Unfortunately, Drachenstein lives in the women are cattle nation of Ruritania, where his work is considered normal.
  • Played For Laughs: Drachenstein accidentally winds up kidnapping Alice's baby-crazy grandmother Carrol instead who constantly badgers him to try to get her pregnant beyond her biological clock's capability.
  • Played For Drama: Alice, living in a culture believing in Mandatory Motherhood and even having parents demanding grandkids, is eventually forcibly impregnated because her parents demanded it.

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