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Playing With / I Want Them Alive!

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Basic Trope: The villain asks for his enemies to be captured alive.

  • Straight: When Emperor Evulz commands his Legions of Terror to invade the heroes' base, he makes the order, "Bring me Alice and Bob alive!"
  • Exaggerated:
    • Evulz forbids his Legions of Terror from going in guns-blazing; he's most likely going to use diplomacy instead.
    • Evulz demands that an entire army be captured alive.
  • Downplayed:
    • Evulz would prefer that Alice and Bob are brought to him alive, but if that's not possible, then he'll accept their termination.
    • Evulz gives the command "Cripple them, but don't kill them - yet."
    • Evulz wants both Alice and Bob alive, but he'll settle for just one of them alive if it comes to that.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Evulz gives the order to Leave No Survivors, even the noncombatants.
  • Subverted: "If possible, try and bring them alive. If not, well, accidents happen."
  • Double Subverted: "Just make sure Bob stays alive; I still need him to carry out the plan."
  • Parodied: Evulz is doing this because he is a Harmless Villain who's not very good at being a villain.
  • Zig Zagged: Evulz says "Do as you will to the passengers, but I need Bob alive." When a minion kills Bob, he explains exactly why he did, and Evulz understands his reasoning, tempered with a "Just don't do it again."
  • Averted: Evulz does not take prisoners; he orders Alice and Bob to be killed on sight.
  • Enforced: If Alice or Bob died, the story would be over, so the writer keeps them alive for as long as possible.
  • Lampshaded: "Damnit... and here I wanted to test out my new Death Ray..."
  • Invoked: A minion asks Evulz if he wants him to capture Alice and Bob alive.
  • Exploited: Alice and Bob know Evulz will want them alive, so they use the capture operation to gain access to his hidden fortress.
  • Defied: "They're too dangerous to be kept alive. If you find them, kill them."
  • Discussed: "Sir, is there any particular reason you want them alive?"
  • Conversed: "Of course he keeps them alive. I wonder how they're gonna get out of it..."
  • Implied: The Legions of Terror capture Alice and Bob and bring him to Evulz. Evulz seems pleased of their capture.
  • Deconstructed: Evulz shouldn't have left Alice and Bob alive. The danger they represent means their capture put them in a position to defeat Evulz. He would've been better off killing them.
  • Reconstructed: Evulz' plan revolves around leaving Alice and Bob alive, by way of a Batman Gambit or else bringing him to his base to torture them, leading at least one of them to break and join his side.
  • Played For Laughs: After Evulz gives the order, a minion kills a passer-by and says "My finger slipped."

Bring the main article to me. I want it alive!
