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Playing With / Girly Bruiser

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Basic Trope: A Girly Girl who happens to also be the Action Girl.

  • Straight: Bella loves floral dresses, has a large collection of jewelry and is never seen without one of her expensive designer handbags. Her hobbies include ballet, hair-dressing and spending time at the nail salon, and she adores the colour pink. She's also skilled at combat and competent in several martial arts forms, as well as being able to seriously hold her own in a fight. Nobody crosses her.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Bella likes a few feminine things, like earrings and lip-gloss, but also doesn't mind dressing down if necessary. She attends a amateur weekly Karate class for beginners, and is fairly good at it.
  • Justified:
    • Bella is a spy or assassin, trained specifically to be an Action Girl, but has to keep her identity secret, so she dresses girly as a cover.
    • Bella is naturally strong, but just so happens to like girly things.
    • Bella dresses girly to conform to beauty standards and to avoid getting bullied for being too tomboyish.
    • A woman's dress conceals small weapons like daggers or small handguns better than pants, especially if custom made for that purpose. And many items can be custom made to look like jewelry, from lock pick hairpins to a Cyanide Pill hidden in a jeweled ring. And, in a fantasy setting where magic is uncommon (or uncommonly understood) enough, don't get Bella started on miscellaneous magical jewelry...
    • Bella appears like this so as to deliberately screw with her opponents, as it makes them think she's less willing to kick or be capable of kicking their ass, as well being more willing to stick to their Wouldn't Hit a Girl values.
    • She learned those battle skills for her children.
    • Bella is a Magical Girl Warrior, and so her powerful skills go together with her legendary pretty clothes and her Elemental Power is also a stereotypically feminine element like Heart or Water.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Agent Peacock
  • Subverted:
    • Bella is a Girly Girl and a member of a team of ninjas, but when there's a fight, she'll run off weeping as soon as she breaks a nail.
    • Bella is often assumed to be the Action Girl in the group. However, she's actually The Medic.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Only to come back once she fixes her fake nails to kick some serious ass. Alternatively, her nails are weapons and she's running back to get something else.
    • She's also a Combat Medic.
  • Parodied: Bella attacks mooks with her hairbrush, stabs them with a tube of lipstick and blinds them with a spritz of her hairspray.
  • Zig Zagged: Bella's girliness and fighting ability vary from episode to episode.
  • Averted: Bella is girly but not actiony or actiony but not girly or neither.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "I think Bella just taught us all a little something about the dangers of gender stereotyping. Remind me never to piss her off."
  • Invoked:
    • People tells Bella that anything feminine is inherently weak, and that she's too girly to be a good fighter. Bella starts training in fencing and kickboxing just to prove them wrong.
    • Bella was in danger due to her lacks of athleticism and fighting skills that easily put her into Damsel in Distress status, since nobody can saves her everywhere and every time when she was in danger, the thing that she can do is improving her fighting skills, and breaking out from the distress.
  • Exploited:
    • Bella's crush is an Amazon Chaser so she merges her fashion sense with combat ability so as to become irresistible to him. They soon become a Battle Couple.
    • Bella uses her Girly Girl appearance and reputation to her advantage as it throws off or confuses her enemies, as per the Justified example.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Man, is Count Evil in for a rude awakening when his minions get their ass kicked by Bella."
  • Implied: Someone with a pistol stalks Bella into the basement. A few moments later, Bella emerges from the basement....with some blood stains on her clothes and carrying the same pistol.
  • Deconstructed: No matter how well trained, strong or quick-witted Bella is in combat, it simply isn't practical to fight in high-heels and a long gown, so her impractical wardrobe means she is often defeated by her enemies, and nobody takes her seriously. To make matters worse, she often ruins her beautiful clothing by fighting in it.
  • Reconstructed: Bella wears fashionable flats and a Mini Dress Of Power in battle so she can kick ass unencumbered while still looking fabulous. Her better dresses are saved for non-combat situations so they don't get ruined. The fact that her combat dress doesn't get ruined is a mark of skill.
  • Played For Laughs: Bella is a Fighting Clown with Campy Combat superpower.
  • Played For Drama: Bella's destructive nature comes from her hysterical anger issue, which started when her power went wrong. She became a living disaster that destroyed everyone around her. This affects her relationships with everyone else, including her fighter teammates, who are constantly aware that the pleasant and fashionably dressed woman can turn into a Screaming Warrior if her power goes wrong again.
  • Played For Horror: Nothing Nice About Sugar and Spice: Dark Action Girl Bella is a Psychopathic Womanchild who dresses and acts like a stereotypical little girl. She is also a Yandere Serial Killer who brutally tortures and kills female close friends of her crush, and kidnaps him for her personal pleasure.

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