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Playing With / Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind

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Basic Trope: A character's personality is at odds with their wild appearance.

  • Straight: Sherry looks like a wild biker chick, what with her love for black leather, hip-hugging shorts/skirts, long mane of hair, and so on. Despite her appearance, however, she's actually quite calm and friendly.
  • Exaggerated:
    • People take one look and give Sherry a wide berth, since she looks like an absolute hellion who'd gleefully kill anyone who looked at her sideways. Truthfully, however, she's actually a painfully shy and Prone to Tears.
    • Sherry is always completely nude and doesn't care who sees her thus, covered from head to toe in bright red-and-blue tattoos, and puts her own blood in her hair. She's also incredibly civic-minded and needs no invitation to pick up trash/plant trees/read to small children/what have you. For free.
    • Sherry looks like a cross between a wild biker chick turned up to eleven with her black leather jacket with huge spikes on the shoulders, a black mohawk, scary-looking jewelry, leather skirt, combat booth, and facial piercings. Yet she suffers from crippling social anxiety to the point her hands are always shaking and she speaks nervously and quietly, with a stutter to top it all off. Alcohol brings out her true personality, so sickeningly sweet that it makes Stephanie from LazyTown seem like a Straw Nihilist by comparison.
    • Sherry looks Obviously Evil, the viewers' first impression is that she's almost assuredly the Big Bad, her outfit is a cross between wild biker chick, dominatrix, and horror movie villain, plus her shaved head gives off Bald of Evil vibes. However, within seconds she smiles sweetly and we find out she's The Ingenue and The Pollyanna all rolled into one, she's so impossibly nice to the point she can't understand why someone would even be mean, let alone evil, because she can't imagine not feeling bad about even accidental Jerkass behavior. She even gives a groveling apology after her outfit scares Claire. Sherry is actually such a Nice Girl that Alice, Bob, Claire, Dave, and Ellie see her as a shining beacon of pureness and innocence and vow to protect her from all Break the Cutie trials and tribulations.
  • Downplayed: Sherry merely wears black but fairly normal clothes and is cheerful.
  • Justified:
    • Sherry is incredibly shy, so she puts on a deliberately scary appearance so she will be left alone.
    • Sherry is naturally shy but wants to be more outgoing, so dresses the part in an attempt to become more expressive.
    • Sherry dresses the way she does because she thinks it looks cool.
    • Sherry dresses the way she does because it makes her feel pretty and feminine, even if she's the only one who perceives it that way.
    • Sherry is a musician who joined a rock band that dresses in that fashion when performing and discovered she REALLY likes dressing in that style so she decided to dress like that all the time.
  • Inverted: Sherry's wardrobe is nondescript, but her fashion choice belies a wild, downright dangerous personality.
  • Subverted: Sherry wears crazy clothes and pretends to be nice. But she's really nutty.
  • Double Subverted: Sherry's crazy clothes and mild manner make her the perfect victim to be framed for something. She really is just a nice girl with a wild fashion sense.
  • Parodied: Sherry's outfit of choice is a prison jumpsuit. She's an Evangelical minister.
  • Zig Zagged: Sherry wears black, heavy makeup, and spikes, but she's quiet and rarely talks. But it turns out that you caught her when she had the flu. Usually, she's cranky, loud, and obnoxious. Except it's all an act...or is it? Also, her choice in clothes varies. When she's around her family, she's ridiculously conservative. When she's with her friends, she's back to her old goth/punk fashion.
  • Averted:
    • A person's clothes can empower you to make a well-educated guess regarding their personality.
    • The moment she was cranky, loud, and obnoxious was a Beware the Nice Ones moment where a bunch of things were going wrong and she just wasn't herself.
  • Enforced: Sherry was introduced to teach viewers An Aesop about not judging a book by its cover.
  • Lampshaded: "Seriously? There is no way that she is as wild as she looks. Probably really just a bookworm or something."
  • Invoked: Sherry deliberately dresses wildly in order to repel others, not wanting to deal with people who would shallowly judge her based on her appearance.
  • Exploited: Sherry uses her wild way of dressing to intimidate people who mistreat her friends and family.
  • Defied: Sherry dresses in a muted way to suit her calm and friendly personality.
  • Discussed: "In this Bizarro World, I'd bet absolutely anything she's really a good person underneath that sneer and tight black leather and nylon."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played for Drama: Sherry is a very friendly, outgoing, sweet woman but people avoid her because of her fashion choices. She has to choose between being true to herself and being as approachable as she wants to be.
  • Played for Laughs: ???
  • Deconstructed: People's judgmentalism about Sherry's clothes cause her to forget who she really is so she can live up to their expectations...
  • Reconstructed: ...but she realizes what's happening to her and figures she can have whatever personality she wants to regardless of what people think.
  • Implied: Sherry dresses intimidatingly, yet no one seems to be intimidated by her.

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