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Playing With / Crashing Through the Harem

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Basic Trope: The hero runs into a room full of pretty ladies in various states of undress.

  • Straight: Bob the Bold is running away from Emperor Evulz's goons. He finds himself in a room full of pretty ladies in various states of undress. They shriek and/or giggle at the sight of him.
  • Exaggerated
  • Downplayed: It's not a group of ladies, but just one, resulting in a Naked First Impression.
  • Justified: Alice has infiltrated Emperor Evulz's harem. She stole the MacGuffin from Emperor Evulz and has it hidden in Victoria's Secret Compartment. Bob's mission is to take her and the MacGuffin to safety.
  • Inverted: A group of pretty ladies barge into Bob the Bold's headquarters while he's taking a bath, much to his surprise.
  • Gender Inverted: Alice the Adventurer is running away from Empress Evulz's Amazon Brigade. Alice bursts into a gym filled with Empress Evulz's *Ahem* "personal bodyguards,” and is flustered by all the shirtless handsome men looking her way.
  • Subverted: Bob the Bold finds an unmarked door. He hears music and ladies chattering on the other side and opens the door... "Dang! Broom closet! Well, at least I can hide in here..."
  • Double Subverted: Bob finds a second door at the back of the broom closet that leads into a room full of pretty ladies in various states of undress. "I should've known...” he mutters to himself.
  • Parodied: Bob bursts in on a storage room full of lady mannequins, some modeling lingerie, some bare.
  • Zig Zagged: During the course of a chase through an entire city, Bob temporarily hides in an empty women's locker room, a storage room full of lady mannequins, a swimming pool during women-only nude swim, an occupied women's locker room, a porn studio, and another swimming pool during men-only nude swim – not necessarily in that order. At some point he stops to change out of his clothes and into a disguise. A bunch of ladies barge in on his hiding place while he's still in his undies.
  • Averted: There are no ladies for Bob to burst in on.
  • Enforced: Rule of Funny or Rule of Sexy, depending on what they're going for.
  • Lampshaded: Bob says, "Whoops! I'm sorry, ladies!” One of the ladies giggles, "No, you're not.”
  • Invoked:
    • The ladies keep trying to predict Bob the Bold's escape routes and meet within a room on the most likely escape route.
    • When making plans to steal the MacGuffin from Emperor Evulz, Alice suggests rendezvousing with Bob in Emperor Evulz's harem.
  • Exploited
    • Bob the Bold knows that Emperor Evulz's goons are too stupid to look for him in the ladies' locker room... plus he can flirt with the ladies while waiting for the goons to go away.
    • Emperor Evulz commands his harem to capture Bob the next time Bob walks in on them and threatens the ladies with a Fate Worse than Death if they don't comply.
    • Sammy Sidekick, being a woman herself, decided to disguise herself in the swimming pool by stripping down and joining in on the skinny dipping.
  • Defied:
    • Bob the Bold and Sammy Sidekick are running from Emperor Evulz's goons. Sammy is about to open the door to the ladies' locker room, but Bob pulls Sammy away and keeps running, much to Sammy's disappointment.
    • The ladies hear the approaching ruckus, so they get dressed and scatter to avoid a more embarrassing interruption.
  • Discussed: Continued from Implied: Bob the Bold makes a Suspiciously Specific Denial. Sammy Sidekick sniggers and teases Bob unmercifully.
  • Conversed: "What the heck was that scene for?!" "I'd say blatant fanservice."
  • Implied: Bob the Bold and Sammy Sidekick split up to escape Emperor Evulz's goons. The camera follows Sammy Sidekick. Five scenes later, Sammy finds Bob with lipstick kisses in various shades of pink and red on his face. Once the two are safely out of Emperor Evulz's evil lair, Sammy Sidekick asks about the marks. Bob refuses to talk about it.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob The Fundamentalist forgets that he's being chased as he chastises the ladies and tells them to Please Put Some Clothes On already. The guards listen to Bob rant and rave instead of grabbing him. The ladies stand around sheepishly with Hand-or-Object Underwear instead of following Bob's directions. Emperor Evulz arrives on the scene and laments that he's Surrounded by Idiots.
  • Played For Drama: Emperor Evulz commands his harem to capture Bob the next time Bob walks in on them and threatens the ladies with a Fate Worse than Death if they don't comply. Bob Wouldn't Hit a Girl, but finds himself needing to anyway. Will he fight his way out of the harem, apologizing all the while? Or will he let the ladies capture him so he doesn't break his vow? Either way, somebody is doomed...

Back to Crashing Through the Harem "EEK!" Whoops, sorry ladies...
