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Playing With / Changeling Fantasy

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Basic Trope: Your real parents are much more exciting than your other-ones.

  • Straight: 10-year-old Alice discovers she is a part of a royal family in a fantasy world.
  • Exaggerated: 10-year-old Alice discovers she is a demigod.
  • Downplayed: 10-year-old Alice discovers she is part of a family of billionaires rather than just a family of millionaires.
  • Justified: Alice was sent to a Muggle family in our world to protect her from a powerful enemy.
  • Inverted: Alice, who was raised in a fantasy world, disappointingly discovers she is a daughter from a Muggle family in a modern world.
  • Subverted: Alice thinks that she is part of a royal family in a fantasy world, but then it turns out her parents are her real parents.
  • Parodied: Alice is the next coming of Jesus.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice thinks that she is part of a royal family in a fantasy world, but then it turns out her parents are her real parents. But, they are actually part of a royal family in a fantasy world, and have been keeping it a secret from Alice until she got old enough.
  • Averted: Alice is just a normal girl from a normal family.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Upon returning to her true birthplace, she has no clue how anything works.
  • Defied: Alice talks about how stupid it would be to be from a fantasy world, and affirms her parents are her true ones.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "I dunno, I just always dreamed of being some kind of fairy princess, or something."
  • Deconstructed: Alice is caught off guard by the revelation her whole life might be a lie, is completely out of her depth when she meets her true parents and ends up developing emotional insecurities because she feels she doesn't belong with her biological parents, wanting to know why they had abandoned her and what took them so long to make contact with her.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice thinks that she is part of a royal family in a fantasy world because she watched a movie about it.
  • Played For Drama: Being raised in the muggle world where she's seen this trope about a hundred times, Alice probably won't believe any messengers coming to tell her that she's part of a royal family in a fantasy world, leaving whatever Big Bad happily secure in their evil plans.

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