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Playing With / An Ass-Kicking Christmas

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Basic Trope: Christmas is the backdrop for scenes of good ol' asskicking action.

  • Straight: Bad guys rob a skyscraper during a Christmas party, and our Cowboy Cop has to stop them.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Action sequences are a Christmastime tradition in this world.
    • The Cowboy Cop must literally save Christmas by going to war against a terrorist cell that has taken Santa Claus hostage.
    • A Christmas Movie is simultaneously the most badass action movies that stars a Badass Santa who beats up bad guys left, right, and center, while also utilizing an EGREGIOUS amount of Gatling Good.
  • Downplayed: Christmas is a time of petty fights and minor squabbling.
  • Justified: Aliens think Earth will be too peaceful to fight back at this time of year, and are very mistaken.
  • Inverted: Christmastime is completely conflict free this year.
  • Subverted: It looks like bad guys are about to rob a bank on Christmas, but they're just shooting scenes for a movie, and couldn't reschedule.
  • Double Subverted: Then once the film crew's cover is established they show that they are actually a mercenary group hired to take over the town.
  • Parodied: A more regular "spiritual" Saving Christmas plot is ironically juxtaposed against advertisements for a cookie-cutter Testosterone Poisoning action film, Red Sleigh Down: The Night The Reindeer Died.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: It's an action movie taking place in the summer.
  • Enforced:
    • The show is action drama that needs a Christmas Episode for ratings.
    • Death on Bad Rock began production on late November and the production team decided that it was easier to just deal with all of the Christmas stuff on the background (even if it's not directly referenced by the characters) than try to get rid of it.
    • Desperate executives were looking for any script that 1) could be modified to be a Christmas film in a hurry to get that sweet holiday season box office cash, 2) was equally easy to film in a hurry and 3) not be the hundredth-billion romantic comedy studios shovel out this time of the year in the hopes that people would be attracted by the change of pace. Death on Bad Rock covered all of these points.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Both sides sign a truce that no hostilities will be made during Christmas, which is strongly enforced.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Having to endure being in the middle of a massive shootout in Christmas Eve is incredibly traumatizing.
  • Reconstructed: But never tell a Papa Wolf that he's not allowed to save his family in Christmas. As a matter of fact, the kind of man who doesn't thinks Christmas is the day when they should give their all, even getting in a fight, for the sake of their family is not A Real Man.
  • Played For Laughs:
    • The two punch clock villains trade blows while also trading Christmas presents.
    • The resident Blood Knight goes to town on the bad guys in glorious slo-mo with "It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" playing in the background, an exhilarated grin on his face.
    • "Bob" is revealed to be Santa Claus himself and he tears through all of the bad guys using extremely stereotypical Santa Claus powers, bulletproof fruitcake, and an awful lot of puns based on 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
  • Played For Drama: "Bob's Christmas" is a Crappy Holidays film, except for the fact that Bob had go to war and fight off a platoon of terrorists. Most probably the reason why it's a Crappy Holidays film is because of how Bob feels once the bullets stop flying.
  • Played For Horror: "Bob's Christmas" is the story of how Bob had to prevent his family from being slaughtered by The Chesapeake Machine-Gun Slayer. They made it. Another hundred people didn't.

Go back to the main page, and have An Ass-Kicking Christmas! Hohoho!
