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Playing With / Almost Famous Name

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Basic Trope: Someone has a name that's almost a celebrity's name, but not quite.

  • Straight: There's a guy named Thomas Eddison, with two "d"s.
  • Exaggerated: Everybody has an almost-famous name (Thomas Eddison, Riley Cyrus, Gerda Garbo, Abraham Linker etc).
  • Downplayed: A person has the real name of a celebrity that uses a Stage Name (Ex. Destiny Cyrus)
  • Justified:
    • "Eddison" is a real surname, and his parents named him "Thomas" because they liked the inventor.
    • Bob's parents are massive trolls who think they are really funny and creative...
    • Plain luck and hindsight, Eddison predated Edison.
  • Inverted: A character is named after a celebrity with Two First Names, but the "First names" are transposed.
  • Subverted: Thomas Eddison is actually an alias.
  • Double Subverted: But his real name is Tom Curry.
  • Parodied: There's a guy named Insat Femos Pasonem.
  • Averted: Nobody's name resembles a celebrity's, or the ones that do are exactly the same as the celebrity's name.
  • Zigzagged: He never actually spells out his last name, though it's seen written down as "Eddison" once, as "Edison" once, as "Eddison" in the credits, but as "Edison" in the subtitles.
  • Lampshaded: "The second 'd' is what separates me from the famous inventor".
  • Enforced: The writers want to have some jokes based on having a famous-sounding name, but they thought that it'd be too ludicrous having a character who's specifically called Thomas Edison.
    • The writers want to reference a celebrity, but the celebrity's name is an unusual pseudonym that he copyrighted, so they can't legally use the name.
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob Eddison name their baby Thomas so that he'll be almost named after the inventor.
  • Exploited: He can dress up all ghostly and pretend to be the ghost of Thomas Edison to scare people, without having to lie about what his name is.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob Eddison, for whatever reason, hate the inventor and avoid naming their son Thomas.
  • Discussed:
    Alice Eddison: "I'm pregnant"
    Bob Eddison: "How about 'Thomas' for a name, if it's a boy? Then, he'll almost have the name of a famous inventor!"
  • Conversed: "Isn't it funny how that guy on T.V. is almost Named After Somebody Famous?"
  • Deconstructed: Thomas gets bored of being compared to the inventor.
  • Reconstructed: He grows to find the jokes funny.
  • Implied: ???
  • Played for Laughs: There's a Running Gag of Thomas correcting people "It's spelt with two "d"s. The second "d" is what separates me from the inventor, so it makes all the difference".
  • Played for Drama: He is mistaken for Thomas Edison's ghost and freaks out everyone.
  • Played For Horror: Thomas Edison is the great inventor and Founding Father of the United States of America. Thomas Eddison is the mass shooter who murdered 957 people in a bloody rampage that lasted 12 hours and had him screaming "IT'S 'EDDISON'! EDDISON!!! WITH TWO "D"s, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"

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