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Nightmare Fuel / The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

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"Ursula's crazy sister" indeed...

  • Morgana trying to feed baby Melody to her huge shark minion. Then, as she and her minions escape in a cloud of ink, Morgana bellows "You'll never find me, but I'll find you! And your PRECIOUS granddaughter! HA HA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
  • Triton's reaction to her escape. It's understandable, but he just sounds so incredibly furious.
    Triton: We shall not rest until that madwoman is vanquished! Find her! (sends bolts of lightning into the sky) FIND HER!!
  • How about when Melody almost drowned? She even beat on the ice wall with her bare hands and earlier said it was too thick to try and break through. Seeing a twelve-year-old girl trying to save herself from drowning by frantically beating on an thick ice wall... it's terrifying. There's also Morgana mockingly telling Melody that "her time as a mermaid has expired" and sealing her in that cave to ensure she doesn't escape. Say what you will about Morgana, but there are times when she comes off as even more evil than her sister!
  • After Morgana gains the trident, she glowers skyward towards a sickly green and black swirling void of clouds and cries "See that, ma? Who's your favorite now?!" It's equal parts disturbing and sad. If there had been a chance for Morgana to reconcile with her family, it's too late now. Ties in with the below point noting how Morgana was fearfully calling out for her mother.
  • Morgana's ultimate fate of being completely immobilized in a chunk of ice, sinking to the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean for eternity...and she's still aware, yet only able to move her eyes.
    Morgana: Mommy...
