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Nightmare Fuel / The Incredible Melting Man

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  • Just imagine a man who is slowly melting chasing you.
  • Imagine being the man slowly melting, with your face disintegrating and skin gradually sloughing off. And apparently you keep a little bit of your humanity right up to the moment of complete liquefaction.
  • Oh, and the reason why the man's melting is pretty much Truth in Television. While it doesn't happen as dramatically as in the film, if you get exposed to excessive amounts of radiation, your body will literally melt into slush over time.
  • The short version of the trailer. Basically, ominous narration while we see occasional glimpses of a nurse fleeing in absolute fear before shattering through a window. The last shot focuses on the famous death of the title character...the especially GRUESOME one. "Come Prepared" indeed.
    Crow: Eww, he just threw himself up!
    • The poster on the main screen... Facial Horror is too mild a term for it.
