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Nightmare Fuel / The Hateful Eight

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Warren's long, detailed account of how he forced Chester Smithers to walk through the cold before having him suck his dick in exchange for a blanket, which he never even received.
  • John Ruth's attack on Daisy when he shatters her teeth and vomits blood all over her as his dying act. Her face and mouth makes her look almost hypnotically bestial for the remainder of the film. She particularly resembles Carrie at the prom. See the page image above for the lovely result.
    Daisy: When you get to hell, John, tell them Daisy sent you.
  • Ennio Morricone's score is definitely unnerving, and Quentin Tarantino included unused themes from The Thing for good measure.
  • The opening, uncomfortably long close-up of a wooden crucifixion bust of Christ in the freezing snow sets the tone well.
  • Samuel L. Jackson draws on the same tortured wailing screams that he did for the part of Stephen in Django Unchained when his testicles are blown apart. They are truly haunting, and the camera lingers on him for several long moments. After this point, while he's still prone to sometimes sadistic laughter, it hurts him to laugh.
  • Daisy’s hanging is a pretty gruesome and disturbing image that will stick around in your head a while after the film has ended. Sucks to suck, Daisy.
  • The next person to visit Minnie's Haberdashery after the events of the film is going to be traumatized.
  • The idea that four strangers could walk into your workplace/place of residence and murder you and all your friends for reasons you are ultimately uninvolved in. The way Oswaldo murders Gemma like it's no big deal, and how Joe Gage seems to enjoy Judy and the horse groom's terror before murdering them with a completely neutral expression on his face will likely keep you up at night.
