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Nightmare Fuel / The Exorcist III

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  • The Dream Sequence; it has a very eerie, tranquil while sounding off key feel to it at first and then gets frantic and more overtly horrifying right before Kinderman wakes up.
  • Nurse Keating's death, one of the best Jump Scares ever.
  • In one scene, a statue transforms somehow with lighting into a Monster Clown with a dagger.
  • The Gemini Killer knows how to Hannibal Lecture better than the Trope Namer. Listen to how he's able to cut someone's head off without a single drop of blood being spilled. His description is worse than seeing it. The part where he randomly starts singing in a high falsetto voice, and then abruptly stops. Both him and Kinderman act like nothing happened.
    • The speech itself disgusts and horrifies Kinderman so much that he actually punches the Gemini Killer to silence him. It's that bad.
  • The other Hannibal Lecture Speech, again using Nothing Is Scarier, with Fr. Kanavan speaking to an unseen old woman in a confessional:
    Old Lady: I have a… a scrupulous conscience, Father, this need to confess so many things. If I step on two straws in the shape of a cross, I feel that I have to confess it. It torments me.
    Fr. Kanavan: We’ll try to make a good confession, and remember, Christ forgives us all our sins.
    Old lady: Only little things. Nothing. Seventeen of them, Father. The first was that waitress near Candlestick Park, I cut her throat and watched her bleed. She bled a great deal. It’s a problem that I’m working on, Father... All this bleeding.
    (She gives a supremely Evil Laugh as Kanavan is frozen in fear.)
  • The exorcism scene; it may only be there due to Executive Meddling, but at least the crew had the decency to make it downright unsettling. Particularly horrifying is the Call-Back to Thomas' death, with the head of a Jesus Christ statue in Black Face put atop his body, which was nailed to two rowing oars in the shape of a cross.
  • The ceiling crawl shot is unnerving.
  • The delivery and moment of this line is just chilling.
    I've been waiting for you, Lieutenant. I wanted you to see this. *cue big-ass garden shears*
