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Nightmare Fuel / The 3rd Birthday

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  • So, you have to fight a giant Eldritch Abomination inside... another Eldritch Abomination, while floating around in what seems to be rather beautiful sphere. You shoot at it... a LOT, and this thing slowly approaches you without twitching. When near you, it paralyzes you with its Frickin' Laser Beams, catches you with its tentacles and eats you whole. Your only hope of survival is to transfer to another body. From there the whole pattern begins anew, all while you have to witness how the monster eats your former body, gallons of blood and the sound of bones being crunched included. Well, that's The 3rd Birthday. Oh, the horror.
  • The Twisted's invasion of the concert in the game's second mission. Everything seems normal, the concert is in full swing, and everyone is having a good time - and then the power cuts out. Some portals appear, from which the Twisted's tentacles emerge and drag people in...after which litres of blood spew forth from the portals, right onto the remaining concertgoers. In the ensuing chaos, some of the people in there explode into red fluid due to something the Helix did to them.
