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Nightmare Fuel / The Legend of Zelda CD-i Games

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These games can be quite unnerving in unorthodox ways as they can be Narm Charm.

  • Occasionally, the bizarre animation crosses into this.
  • A lot of monsters are frequently shown in Faces of Evil to be made by transforming ordinary Koridians. One woman even mentions her husband was turned into a monster. There's no way to save them in the game, and the ending never even discusses what happened to them.
  • When Zelda kills Hektan, he screams "YOU'VE KILLED ME!" before melting into a puddle. Her reaction? "Good.", with a smug grin on her face as if not even remotely giving a damn. While the Comedic Sociopathy is hilarious, the way that Zelda kills Hektan is still kinda unsettling in that the heart container inside of him is still beating after his death. Gives us some pretty interesting ideas involving what Zelda possibly might do to anybody, once someone pisses her off and pushes her buttons around for far too long. Not that Hektan isn't a tad unnerving in his own right, with his odd inflections.
  • The cyclops Glutko in Faces of Evil straight up eats a guy, on screen. While it isn't terribly graphic, it's still pretty evident that the person he ate is dead. Besides that, he's a horrible green mound of wriggling flesh with huge lips, fangs, clawed fingers, a single huge eye, and extra nipples on his chin.
  • The sadistic pig-headed Harlequin dies by deflating like a balloon, and is only just able to gasp out his last words. Even Link is unnerved (though it doesn't stop him from going up to and lifting up Harlequin's corpse).
    Harlequin: "AAAAARRRRGGGHHH, lucky shot..."
    Link: "Golly!"
  • The wolf-lion-giant-pair-of-lips... thing Omfak is so frightfully bizarre it's hard to believe it wasn't spawned from some animator's nightmarish fever dream.
    (He kills a mid-air bird with an eye laser before roasting and eating it in three bites)
    • Given that the games were animated by Russian animators, it's quite possible that it was inspired by Armenfilm's cartoon "Wow, a talking fish!", specifically by this scene.
  • CD-i Ganon sure is goofy-looking, eh? Zelda's Adventure was developed by a different studio, but that game's incarnation of Ganon should look pretty silly, too (what with the questionable production values), right? Imagine the reaction of the poor sap who went through the game expecting a variation on the pig man only to go face-to-face with Satan himself.
    • And it's not just his design. The whole battle with him is nightmare fuel. First, his disembodied head sends his generals after you in a row, then you reach a black background with lava, which is unnerving, especially in combination with the scary theme. And, above all else, if you fight him expecting a pushover like in the other two CD-I games, he will wreck you, as he can back up all the scary atmosphere with being actually difficult, even cheap.
  • Zelda's Adventure has a rather unnerving and loud Scare Chord (possibly a slowed-down version of the death sound from The Legend of Zelda) play when you run out of health.

The Nightmare Fuel! NO! You haven't seen the last of me!
