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Nightmare Fuel / Slender Fortress

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The mod is based off a horror game, after all. Despite taking place in the cartoony world of Team Fortress 2, Slender Fortress is surprisingly scary.

  • It's not just the bosses that are scary. Granted, the more you play Slender Fortress, the less scary it gets, but the first time you walk through certain maps, especially alone, you can't help but get an eerie sense of paranoia even without a boss hunting you down. Prime examples include the original version of Atomics and The Abyss.
  • Billy's cackle when he's searching for you is fucking terrifying.
  • The no-intro bosses are scary in their own right. There's over 130 of them so you never know who's it gonna be until it's too late. Better pray it's not Woody.
  • Hearing the shaking stomps of Shrek behind you as you run through a night-sunken swamp is scarier than you think.
  • Paranoia's jumpscare. Check it out here at 2:43.
  • The Underground map when you play it for the first time. While the ambience music is already scary, this map also has background noises like screaming.
    • The map is also really dark. If you get a "No Lights" round in the roulette, you won't survive.
    • There are random scripted events in this map. One of them consists on the lights flickering and giving messages.
    • Music gets worse the more cables you have.
  • Timorous, one of the many Paranoia type bosses or Chargers:
    • If you're wondering how he looks, see it for yourself.
    • Not to mention the disturbing sounds he makes. Has 8 look sounds, which are really creepy... the worse one for sure would be look3.wav which sounds like some distorted moaning.
    • His jumpscare. Here, at 5:43.
  • Shadow Miku, a totally black version of Hatsune Miku with glowing white lines in her body. There are two Mikus, one real and one fake. The fake one is only black with white eyes and the real one is the former one with white lines. Once the real one detects you, you will have to sacrifice a teammate if you want to survive. The sounds they make are the most disturbing thing about them. The theme that plays when the real one chases you is especially creepy. If you look at the game's files, you will see that it's a reversed version of the song "Triple Baka".
