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Nightmare Fuel / Sister Claire

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Sister Claire started out as hilarious, goofy fun. Years on, it's revealed it has a startling capacity for pants soiling scenes and characters.
  • Gabby's transformation into a siren. The process is not pleasant. Her skin essentially melts off, leaving a vicious, snarling husk in its wake.
  • Gabby and Clem's journey into an underground city. The thing they discover in the catacombs is straight out of Evangelion.
  • Abigail Abraham. In a comic full of supernatural beasts and monsters, one of its biggest scare factors is this Two-Faced Knight Templar of a nun.
  • The story of Sybal. A witch whose power to give good dreams went out of control. Trapping those she tried to help in an endless nightmare coma. The Sisters had to mercy kill many of her victims, lest they claw their own eyes out or choke on their own blood when they rupture their throats from endless screaming.
  • The missing moment "Distaffo" gives us the results of Marie and Rosie regressing into Shards. Marie grows sharp teeth akin to Mileena from Mortal Kombat. While Rosie becomes something far more terrifying.
  • Rami In Fiamme finally puts the reader in Eden during the fall. And the descriptions of the city falling apart are just as horrifying as one would expect.
  • A massive case of Fridge Horror: Later revelations about Claire and the twins make Oscar and Catharine's plan to remove Clementine's essence and powers from Claire not just ridiculously circuitous, but suicidal: Claire and the twins are former shards, and Claire's usage of Clementine's powers was the only thing that stopped the twins from regressing into slavering monsters. Removing Clementine's self and powers from Claire would've put the twins, and possibly Claire, at risk of transforming into abominations, with no hope of returning to their former selves.
  • Preludio 3 gives us a small, horrifying picture of what a Shard battle looks like.
  • The kaiju sized thing dwelling in Astra.
