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Nightmare Fuel / Scrooge (1970)

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  • Scrooge in the bowels of Hell.
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is suddenly revealed to be a robed, rotted skeleton, from which Scrooge backs away, and falls through his now-open grave down a seemingly endless shaft. He wakes to find himself in a huge cavern of glowing red-hot rock, many of whose boulders form the outline of huge, tormented faces. Marley then arrives with a mocking welcome. Finally, in a frozen replica of Scrooge's office, four burly, hooded Devils bring forth his ponderous chain and wind it about him, pinning him to a pillar.
    Marley: That's... quite a chain, isn't it.
    Scrooge: Help me! ...Help me!
    Marley: Baah, humbug! Merry Christmas...
  • Jacob Marley's scream in the film is rather chilling, and when they see the wandering phantoms he forcefully wraps his chains around Scrooge's arm as they float outside. The phantoms look like goblins, zombies, and living skeletons, and in this version they reside in Hell.
  • In the film the door knocker changing into Marley's head is understated and creepy, with Marley matter-of-factly eyeing Scrooge and saying his name softly, then returning to normal.
  • The way Marley walks when he first enters the room. Encumbered by his chains, he is floating and limping at the same time.
  • In a way, "Thank You Very Much" (the first time). There's something so twisted about seeing Scrooge merrily singing along to a song that's mocking his memory and celebrating his death.
