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Nightmare Fuel / Sabrina the Teenage Witch

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  • Sabrina was telling a bedtime story about a kid who was teased. The teacher wasn't too pleased about this, so she gives him a book to translate, which turns out to be a spell. The bully's skin melts off his body while he crawls helplessly along the floor. And then he is never seen again. It was one of the most beautifully drawn (and therefore, horribly detailed) Sabrina comics ever made.
    • The ending to "The Boy Who Cried Vampire", is also terrifying. Cassandra Truth Stanley was right all along, except he finds this out when he's by himself WITH HIS UNCLE. The last actual story panel shows the poor kid about to have his blood sucked offscreen, but what seals the terror is the really-well drawn look of fear on his face. Not to mention the Does This Remind You of Anything?? going around. To quote this reviewer (who also reviewed the above story):
    "And here we have it, probably the creepiest thing ever published in an Archie comic, and that includes the time Archie's dad wrote love letters to Betty and Veronica. Holy jeez, this is creepy."
  • An early episode of the 90s series had Zelda and Hilda create a boyfriend for Sabrina to date, he was created out of 'Man Dough.' At the end of the episode, he rapidly expires, coughs out flour and then explodes into globs of dough off-screen. After the other characters leave, his human mouth suddenly reappears on a random blob and excitedly says 'Man, what a great night!' (An ingredient mix-up made him overly enthusiastic).
  • In general, the complete disregard (or outright Fantastic Racism) witches have for the well-being of mortals - they might be close to someone that is practically a Jerkass God to them without even knowing. Mortals sometimes being hostile to finding out that Sabrina, Zelda or Hilda are witches does feel unfair, but given how other witches treat them, it's not unjustified. Mr. Kraft is a particularly good example of that, having an aversion to displays of magic after having been married to an abusive witch.
    • Even Zelda and Hilda aren't fully exempt of this despite them being some of the nicest of the full-blooded witches. Hilda once mentions off-handedly about an ex-boyfriend whom she gave a potion to make him a better listener. Cut to the guy in question waking up to discover that his entire head is covered with ears, and screaming in absolute terror. Neither aunt seemed to have any concern about the consequences.
  • Zelda mentions last time she taught a class, she wound up storming out. She wonders what happened to them. Cut to the classroom, where all the students are still there, most of them deceased, apart from two elderly survivors who are only now beginning to wonder if the professor forgot about them.
  • The possibilities of what would happen to Sabrina if she was exposed as a witch to mortals are thankfully left (mostly) to the imagination...
  • The lengths the Witches Council goes through to stop mortals and witches from marrying involves a curse that forbids half-mortal witches like Sabrina from ever seeing their mortal parents. The one time Sabrina was able to see her mom without worrying about it was after her powers were temporarily revoked. When the two did see each other, Sabrina's mom was turned into a ball of wax. And she was almost melted and killed before she was turned back to normal, only now she could never see Sabrina face to face again. It's honestly rather terrifying how far the head witches would go to stop inter-species marriages from happening.
