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Nightmare Fuel / SCP Foundation: SCPs 3000 to 3999

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Keep in mind that every SCP-3199 instance is always pregnant.

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    SCPs 3000 to 3099 
  • SCP-3000 Anantashesha:
    • Right away, you're faced with author DJ-Kaktus' Creator Thumbprint: a warning screen for a very important anomaly. But what is it? It's a moray eel - an absolutely humongous one at that - that does nothing but sit in one spot... and eat people. When it consumes people, it produces a compound that can induce memory loss and Loss of Identity. The same symptoms are induced by viewing it. So, the Foundation devised the Atzak Protocol to exploit it, which became modern amnestics. That's not the scary part. The real horror is in a note from the Ethics Committee admitting that the Atzak Protocol is a huge mistake, that they're incessantly throwing D-classes in have their minds sucked out so that the Foundation has their amnestics, and that they're too far dug in to stop producing the compound that they need. This effectively turns the story into a grim reminder that what's done is done. On a more personal note, there's a log of a staff member stationed deep underwater to oversee SCP-3000. He loses his memories and identity just like the others, but it comes to a head when he breaks a picture of his family and discovers that his memories of his wife and child were actually his friend's memories. In reality, he's single and doesn't have any children. This is enough to make him overdose on the raw compound, killing himself.
    • Another unsettling detail is that the eel is implied by many to be Anantashesha. He is the king of all Nagas, an enormous thousand-headed serpent upon which Vishnu rests, so big that it can hold entire planets. While depicted as non-malicious, he is stated to be one of the only beings that will survive the end of the universe—"Ananta" is Sanskrit for "endless", and "Shesha" means "that which remains". It's heavily implied that looking at SCP-3000 causes viewers to see how truly insignificant they are, that everyone and everything will inevitably be forgotten and return to inert pieces of the universe, while the eel will continue to exist forever. The worst part? No one is certain if it really is a primordial deity or just another anomalous organism.
  • SCP-3001 Red Reality: Imagine you're testing a device that will soon revolutionize Foundation containment technology by researching ways to alter reality. Then, just as you perform another round of tests, an earthquake strikes, damaging some of the prototype devices. And soon, you're locked in an endless black void, with your only source of contact with the world one of the devices, and your only form of company is a red light on said device. That's the ultimate fate of Dr. Robert Scranton, the developer of the Lang-Scranton Stabilizer (LSS) Reality Anchors. Initially struggling to find some sort of excuse, anything to be complacent with his situation, he starts going insane, believing the LSS's red light to be sentient. And then his body begins to break down due to the void leeching away his Hume levels. Said in layman's terms, the "leeching of Hume levels" means his very existence is becoming a less and less "stable" thing, and he's slowly fading away entirely. When the LSS rematerializes years later, his wife Anna Lang is heartbroken to see nothing left but a few horribly disfigured parts of what was once Scranton, including a massive pool of blood and vomit. This was the first time that she had seen any trace of her husband in six years. The worst part is that, after all this time, they don't know if Scranton is dead. According to the article's author, not all of him made it back; part of his head and torso are still in the void. And he may or may not still be alive.
  • SCP-3002 Attempts to Assassinate Thought:
    • It's similar to SCP-2998 in its presentation; it starts off as something very simple, weak, and pathetic, and then as you advance in the iterations it is slowly revealed to be more and more. At first, it's just described as a shared memory experienced by 85% of the prison population in South Rock Penitentiary in Lafayette, Indiana of the person affected getting into an argument with a friend. Next iteration, it turns out to be a Euclid-class SCP; it's contagious, and the argument was about a new child at the school, a Slovakian immigrant named Lily Veselka who is described as appearing anemic and also has pale blonde hair. We also get something about "Project Lethe". The third iteration, it’s Keter and turns out to be a highly protean Mind Virus capable of altering and manipulating almost all memories in its hosts, allowing it to exert a high degree of control over them. "Project Lethe" turns out to have been a typical inhumane Foundation experiment in which a girl, the real "Lily Veselka" was Mind Raped using highly invasive equipment as part of a project to research better ways to manipulate memories. She was somehow turned into the aforementioned Mind Virus, a living idea, which cannot die and is almost impossible to contain or quarantine. And she is angry. By the final iteration, she has taken over 78% of all human beings alive. Even the Foundation members aren't immune; the number of O5s left gradually dwindles until there are only two left, voting against each other about whether to cryptically "restart". In other words, most people alive are under control of a barely-sane little girl, and it's all the Foundation's fault! Pretty much the only saving grace is that it is classified as Keter instead of Apollyon, implying that there is at least some chance of somehow reversing it.
    • Worse yet, there's a very good reason why the final two O5s are still debating whether to "restart": Project LETHE, the results of the mentioned experiments, has already been used... to stop the even more cataclysmic consequences of SCP-1425, the Star Signals book. The Foundation is torn between allowing the "living idea" to overrun them or unleashing countless insane Reality Warpers.
  • SCP-3003, The End of History, is scary because it's the worst type of Utopia imaginable.
    • SCP-3003 is a planet several hundred light-years away from Earth. It's inhabited mainly by Human Aliens and a type of beetle known as Marce, or SCP-3003-1 to the Foundation. These beetles, once infested by the microorganism known as SCP-3003-2, develop a new pattern of behavior of crawling into humans. Humans with a marce inside of them develop an obsession with the marce, ranging from obsessing over them like an Earth human would obsess over a good book, to doing everything they can to cultivate them, including implanting them into their skin. That alone could make a good Body Horror SCP, but we're not done yet.
    • The inevitable fate of all members of SCP-3003's society once they get too old or sick to provide for society is to have their organs and body tissue extracted for transplants or medical experiments. This inevitably results in the victim dying in extreme pain. The really horrible part is that this is common knowledge among the infected; they just don't care that it's happening or that they will one day have to go through it because it increases productivity and reduces strain on tissue-growing facilities.
    • Humans infected by the marce work more harmoniously together, and every human on SCP-3003 is affected. Their technology is advanced enough to contact and travel to Earth, which is how the Foundation knows of them. 3003 humans are so obsessed with the marce that they don't realize Earth humans aren't really interested in having beetles implanted into their skin. The Foundation has convinced 3003 that Earth is inhospitable to the marce, but it's only buying them time. Sooner or later the beetle people will realize the Foundation is bluffing, and they have the advantage in numbers, organization, and technology. The Foundation cannot win this war.
    • Even worse, the addendum reveals that SCP-3003-2 is sentient. It is actively trying to Take Over the World in order to become what it calls "the end of history", the last civilization there ever will be. And it knows the Foundation is bluffing it.
  • SCP-3004 Imago:
    • The primary instances of SCP-3004 consist of disorganized but similar events involving Christian communities. Said events differ, but all involve intense suffering; believers will partake in horrific rituals including everything from child murder to mass castration of all male attendees to a pregnant woman giving birth to a stillborn baby that was then eaten. After these are complete, instances of SCP-3004-2- creatures that resemble Cicadas but are made of wood and glass- will emerge from the wounds and bodies of those involved and fly off before disappearing. To see where they were going, the Foundation implemented Project SIGHTSEE-LUX, sending Agent Timothy Luttermann, a member of MTF-Sigma-25, to follow an instance of SCP-3004-2 as an Astral Projection. He wound up in another reality where the main entity, SCP-3004-1, lived. He described it as a realm of nothing- no dark, no light, no heat, no cold; all that existed was him, the entity, and a maelstrom of colors from the SCP-3004-2's. Lucky for him, he managed to make it back. No more attempts to make contact with it will be made.
    • Luttermann's description of SCP-3004-1 is beyond disturbing. Not only is it huge and physically hurts to look at and listen to, even as a disembodied soul, but it appears as many things at once: a giant bug, an old man, a cicada on a cross, stained glass and wood stretching into infinity, all seeming to overlap. It also tried to speak with him, opening its mouth and showing him a hideous rainbow of colors he'd never seen before before going directly into his mind. Not only did it begin prodding around his very memories with its teeth and feelers, but he learned its motives: SCP-3004-1 believes itself to be God. Not a God, but Jehovah Himself. And it was happy to see him, hoping Lutterman was pleased with everything SCP-3004-1 had provided it. It thinks it's giving us what we want, but it has a weak connection to our reality and also doesn't understand similes or metaphors; it focuses on the pain and sacrifice aspects of Christianity without knowing what any of it means. It assumes humans love suffering and doesn't realize we don't come back to life. And Luttermann is terrified of how much more information it has now thanks to him, and that if it's not God, it may very well become soon.
    • An archived document confirms that not only is SCP-3004-1 is a Pistiphage, or a faith-eater, but that is a full-blown deity. It sends SCP-3004-2 to our world to gather faith to feed on as a replacement for its original source, the now-extinct Cicadetta luculenta or Stained Glass Cicada. In the British Isles, there once existed a Druidic sect called the Cétlaidí, or the Singers, who worshipped SCP-3004-2. Not much is left about them, but it's clear weren't a fringe cult; they were respected members of society and members of a nationwide religion. They revered the luculenta as a sacred animal and their beliefs focused on death and rebirth. However, factors such as the arrival of Roman Catholicism, the deforestation of Ireland, the persecution of the Irish and even the usage of anomalous artifacts to erase them from history led to the end of the cicada, the Cétlaidí and their rituals. In turn, it's speculated that SCP-3004-1 adapted by attaching itself to Christianity, a religion it had only known through blood, wood, glass, and sacrifice, coupled with the brutality experienced by the people afterward, and came to regard it as part of their faith, sending out SCP-3004-2 to help it feed from that point on. Some members of the Foundation even speculate SCP-3004-1 may have devoured God himself in the process.
    • There's also a very high probability that, if SCP-3004-1 gains enough faith, it'll be able to manifest into our reality. While it's Above Good and Evil, its horrible misunderstanding of Christianity will undoubtedly lead to an XK-Class Scenario. The Foundation's solution? Protocol Damnatio ad Bestias. This will involve twelve lion-shaped eschatology machines, to which a Roman Catholic reality bender will be sacrificed. The machines will open his mind and destroy everything he knows and believes, which will be combined with mass deployment of amnestics to erase Christianity from history. Judaism and Islam will be largely unaffected, but everything Christianity did or has been responsible for across the last 2,000 years will all be eradicated. All in the hope that, without its source of faith, SCP-3004-1 will starve.
      Bridget Callaghan: The Lord God sent Jesus Christ, his only son, to suffer and die on the cross. And we, the Foundation, will throw one of our own to the Lions for all eternity to undo all Christ died for. An eternity of suffering to erase a sacrifice. It isn't a fair price, but nothing is.
  • SCP-3005, A Light That Died, is much like SCP-579, in that so much of the scare factor lies in being told so little about it. However, where SCP-3005 goes beyond this is the fact that the information wasn't expunged, it was lost. We don't even know its object class. About all we have to go by is a test log whose entries become progressively screwed up, hinting at all manner of madness and things getting worse, from staff member's identities being displaced to things apparently happening before they start. It's clear that whatever this thing is, it's horribly breaking not only people's sanity (and sometimes bodies), but the fabric of reality. It's implied that this is the work of the Fifth Church, and the object is some sort of conduit for the "Fifth World"—and that the pink light exposes whatever it touches to this dimension. The result distorted reality to the point that even the Scranton Reality Anchors glitched out, culminating in a catastrophic containment breach, in which not only the object itself but the data around it went missing.
  • SCP-3006 Twice The Number One:
    • At first, you think "Well, this is a surprise. An SCP based on a widely known and dearly beloved meme? Shouldn't this be a joke SCP?" Then you start reading it and see the effects. At this point, you're probably thinking "Hm, this is weird, but not really scary." Then you get to the section that documents the effects it has on videos by the Game Grumps, and then everything hits you. And then there's the interview with JonTron. Turns out that Foundation video footage is being affected.
    • The Game Grumps example mentioned above almost reads like an Apocalyptic Log as the Grumps and their duplicates try to deal with their situation and think of ways to escape...every attempt fails. At a certain point, their video ends up consisting of nothing but screaming and by the end, they're dead.
    • Even without factoring the horrifying twist at the end, JonTron's entire demeanor during the interview is pretty unsettling, as he's clearly on edge and nervous about the whole thing. It's somehow even more disturbing when you factor in the fact that, as opposed to a fictional character made for the page, this is a popular, well-liked internet celebrity being interrogated by the Foundation before possibly being torn apart by clones of himself.
  • SCP-3007 World of Two Artists: It's an occurrence that causes Astral Projection to people into another world. A horrible dead world. Most of them lose their minds due to the horrible stench of the place on top of the horrifically mutated corpses if they don't just die due to accidentally falling off one of the bridges. When the Foundation finally finds an artist to volunteer an expedition, he finds six-winged vessels with their pilots cleaved in half and a black pillar with thousands of corpses gathered around it. As he climbs the pillar he sees paintings of the origins of the world created by a lonely but kind deity who created their Children. It prospered for thousands of years until an info-hazard Eldritch Abomination invaded and started to take control of many of the people. Unable to hold it and the mutated Children off, the Deity gathered the remaining Children and gave them gifts to send off to another world while it holds off the horror. The last painting horrifies the explorer: It's a painting of Earth. The last thing the Deity did was to make the black pillar to warn us that it has found us and the Astral Projections are its attempts to find us. Something that has killed a God is coming for us and the Foundation is scared shitless. The abomination is red in all of the paintings depicting it. Who else in the Foundation-verse has killed deities and is associated with the color red (or rather, scarlet)?
  • SCP-3008 A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA: Imagine your bad luck - you drove to a local IKEA to buy some flat-pack furniture, and now you're lost and confused in a Pocket Dimension that seems to stretch on forever. At first, it seems like a paradise - well, as close to paradise as an IKEA can get. The cafes are always stocked with food, and there's plenty of assembled furniture or boxes to rest on. If you're lucky, you might find "tribes" of other people who ended up inside 3008, having banded together to form rudimentary civilizations. Everything changes when the lights go out. The previously docile race of SCP-3008-2, humanoids dressed in IKEA uniforms, become vicious shambling horrors that seek to attack any other life-forms within 3008, all while uttering phrases such as "The store is now closed, please exit the building" over and over again. You'd better hope you, and any friends you might have made during the 'day', can survive each horrifying night. There's also the fact that the exit always bounces around. And to make matters worse, the Infinite IKEA connects to other universes. Your odds of escaping are extremely slim, and even if you do escape, there's no guarantee you'll end up where you came from. If the Foundation happens to pick you up to debrief you and administer amnestics, you’re in the original universe, but you could show up just about anywhere instead.
  • SCP-3033 A Human Weapon: Getting kidnapped and becoming one of the Chaos Insurgency's Hollywood Cyborg People Puppets (or a puppeteer if you're lucky) is bad enough and then you learn the person who did this to you is a VIP prisoner and gets to live in a comfy cottage. You're able to escape only to find out she put so many fail-safes in her design that every time you try to attack you're frozen in place. And then she gets out the surgical tools. And after she kills you she gets a new cottage to boot! What makes it worse is that a non-anomalous version of this happened in real life; war criminal scientists getting off easy because their captors thought they were too useful to be punished.
  • SCP-3034: The counting station, is a prime example of Nothing Is Scarier. A broadcast, emanating from seemingly nowhere, counting down from 200 in Russian, that's only received by one station. As the broadcast goes on, an audio distortion is heard in the background, growing in volume. After analysis, its identity becomes clear: it's thousands of children screaming. After a researcher attempts to communicate with the voice on the other end, it unleashes a deafening screech, and there's a sharp uptick in missing child cases, all of which are unsolved to this day. In the final addendum, the first broadcast since the screech begins, with two differences: the screaming is louder, and the countdown starts at 199.
  • SCP-3041, The Red Knife. A corroded knife that smells of rotting meat and, upon being held, causes recurring dreams of ritualistically mutilating and eating the hearts of unrecognizable people. All as a smell of rotting meat with no observable source permeates the air. As the article goes on, seasoned SCP readers will easily have figured out what the knife does. And yet, the ending will scare even them:
    The nightmare began a year ago, and it still won't stop. In it, my arm is wet with blood, the knife in hand — glittering like a brilliant, shining ruby. My heart beats like a drum; before me, I see the faces of strangers, contorted in agony, screaming for mercy. A woman. A man. Children… three girls, and a little baby boy. I do not know them. I cut them open. I cut them open, and then I eat their hearts.

    I know it's just a nightmare. But it feels so real, so vivid… and there are times when I swear I can taste raw meat on the back of my tongue. When I can feel it slide down my throat, into my belly.

    I've lived a long, lonely life. I have never known friends or family… so why do I live in a house with so many rooms? Why does each room fill me with guilt and dread? Why can't I bring myself to go down to my basement — why does it smell like rotting flesh?

    And why do I own a crib?

    My nightmare took place under the house. I've never gone down to look. I'm too afraid. If you're reading this, then you'll have to look for me. Maybe you'll find nothing. I pray you find nothing.

    Either I'm crazy or I'm the Devil.

    Please, God, let me be crazy.
  • SCP-3045, bzzip.exe, is an anomalous program that "simplifies" text and video media files. Said files get shorter and shorter while the content becomes more simplistic with each use. Text files are eventually reduced to one word: "bzzz". Video content has characters and events progressively edited out with the story changing to match before being reduced to a black screen with a slight buzzing noise. Harmless, right? This leads to some amount of silliness along the way, with the Hamlet example in particular having some rather funny changes. Unless the media directly references bees, that is. Apiphobes will want to avoid the fourth testing log. The fourth test was performed with Bee Movie, with the first use of the program causing no change. The second and third uses instead creating longer videos that have the character Ken getting stung to death in increasingly violent ways with some other oddities such as the bees respawning or being human-sized. The fourth, though... dear god. It's live-action, with Ken being portrayed by his voice actor, Patrick Warburton. "Ken" is floating in an endless sea of bees, slowly being stung to death, with the document summarizing the whole thing. Final length? Over four and a half hours. Then the poor researcher who watched all of this activates the program again and his computer fills with actual bees. On top of that, the word "bees" in the note links to the tale "Bees." You know, the one with the journal that turns everything into bees.
  • SCP-3060 Sleep Paralysis:
    • It's a CPAP machine that if worn by a sleeping human causes a mysterious entity (dubbed SCP-3060-A) to appear during REM sleep and stand by them for the duration of their slumber. After the first exposure, the human will become "infected" and continue receiving visits from an instance of SCP-3060-A, regardless if the device is worn or not. This results in long-term negative effects such as fatigue, memory problems, mood changes and constant nightmares after the first three days. In a month's time, infected people start to experience hallucinations and the belief that their mind has been "stolen", subsequently leading into psychosis when they fail to distinguish dreams from reality. The worst cases can include hair loss, blindness, cataplexy and even alien limb syndrome after two months of infection. Even worse, any other humans that enter within 50 meters of an infected subject will become catatonic, creating another instance SCP-3060-A that will make them fall asleep and become infected too. If that wasn't bad enough, if nobody enters an infected person's proximity during REM sleep within a week or the infected person expires during that time, another instance of SCP-3060-A will appear and search for the nearest sleeping human to infect.
    • In an addendum, a pharmaceutical company advertised SCP-3060 to numerous publications across North America and Europe and 3000 instances were shipped from a single warehouse. While the foundation managed to stop the majority of shipments from reaching their destinations, 30 instances of SCP-3060 still got out. This resulted in a number of outbreaks in major cities from an unknown number of uncontained infected humans and SCP-3060's object class being upgraded to Keter class as it may potentially bring about an AK-class End of World Scenario.
  • SCP-3069 "To Force the Hand of God" is an article set in the 2020s that describes an utterly massive construct situated 6000 kilometers along the North Atlantic Ocean. The special containment procedures detail a massive three-stage plan that the Foundation plans to enact over a period of years to decades. This plan includes such things as teaming up with the GOC and the UN to migrate the populace away from coastal cities, mass education programs teaching citizens about diseases, and the activation of SCP-2000 after the death of 60% of the population of the United States, the activation of which will last from 250-500 years. All of this is to be done after SCP-3069 undergoes an "Innova-Exonera" event, which includes the release of foreign organisms and chemicals. The article then goes into an expedition into the structure where the team finds oddities such as a baby whale being blended into a fan, which is then followed by one of the agents getting trapped and lost in a current inside the structure, which then is followed by the last two members getting cornered by an almost invisible entity before it does something to one of them which causes that team member to die shortly after the expedition. Then four days later a hull breach occurred where the response team leader who investigated described that right before they left he could see for a split second the preserved corpse of the lost team member and what looked like strings of light going through her like stitching. Then we get a warning that says only O5 members and Site Directors handling SCP-3069 can look at it. And this reveals what the skip really does. The organisms it deploys are heavily mutated versions of organisms native to Earth that are extremely toxic to all native life on Earth. This seems to imply that the structure traps sea life that flows towards it, processes them, and then makes the toxic clones. And worse yet, the Foundation has started to see copies of missing humans. This leads to a couple of horrifying realizations. One, whatever SCP-3069 exactly is doing, it is going to result in a complete ecological collapse. And two, whatever is behind SCP-3069 deliberately wants this result.
  • SCP-3088, Law Of The Land, is the small town of Cullen, Nebraska. It seems perfectly normal, except that after the previous mayor, Thomas Ronson, won his office, he discovered that he'd been inexplicably granted Reality Warper powers: any law he passed became an immutable fact that couldn't be broken or opposed no matter what. Though at first Ronson was content to simply pass laws banning things like littering or restoring damaged portions of the town, he soon became Drunk on the Dark Side and began taking control of people's lives. When he passed an ordinance declaring that the town's textile mills would always have enough workers, countless citizens felt compelled to go there and stand around all day despite the fact that the mills didn't have any supplies. Ronson then declared martial law to give himself even more power and made it illegal to leave town, use cell phones or the Internet, or try to resist his rule in any way. When the Foundation moved in to help, Ronson decreed that no military personnel were allowed in town...but since this contradicted his previous rule about no one being allowed to leave, everyone and everything in Cullen disappeared permanently. The only exception is Ronson's house and diary, which were left behind for unknown reasons—perhaps a warning that Reality Warping Is Not a Toy. The Foundation itself has given up on ever bringing anyone back and has dedicated themselves to simply erasing all references to Cullen ever existing from public knowledge. The scariest part is that everyone in town—even the Foundation agents—knows that something is horribly wrong, but can't do anything to fight back; the agent reporting on the case remarks that over time, everyone is being brainwashed to accept whatever laws Ronson created as the truth. In short, it's a dictatorship unfolding in real time, and by the end you have to wonder if being totally erased from existence was a blessing in disguise for the trapped citizens.

    SCPs 3100 to 3199 
  • SCP-3100 The Reliquary:
    • It's a South African cave system that has approx. 5km of natural tunnels, and is filled with niches used to inter bodies. Bodies that are less than 20 hours old, when placed in one of these niches, immediately stop decomposing. In addition, the memories of the deceased can be accessed by anyone who enters SCP-3100; the Foundation immediately takes advantage of this to preserve useful and/or important information, with Task Force 707 formed to do so. Naturally, there are complications.
    • When SCP-3100 was discovered, there were already bodies filling the niches, with bodies found throughout most of the cave system. Those bodies are suggested to be an undiscovered ancestor of Homo erectus, but with small frames and unusually developed hands. As Foundation surveyors explore the caves, they come across bodies in increasingly poor condition, with many showing bent fingers, open fractures, and unspecified neck wounds. When two members of Task Force 707 go further down to figure out what put the other members of their team in comatose-like states, they find something incredibly distressing.
      707-09: Oh lord. That's your face. Marsh, It's got your face.
    • Any individual that enters SCP-3100 - trained or not - experiences visions after prolonged exposure; in these cases, they are disassociating and experiencing the memories of previously interred individuals. These experiences are described in similar terms to other SCPs which cause identity erasure. It gets better; Foundation personnel that spent even longer in SCP-3100 started to have episodes, during which they muttered and made indistinct sounds while bending their fingers the same way the Erectus precursor bodies were. After containment was breached, all but one member of Task Force 707 was found in this state.
    • During the containment breach, a member of Task Force 707 ruminates on their mission while exploring the deepest depths of SCP-3100. Eventually, they notice that the precursor bodies buried there were waking up, just before contact is lost. While the site is evacuated, heat in the caves dramatically increases, then dissipates in a column above the local area. Afterwards, something inside the Earth is stated to have woken up, with an attached image showing an enormous, shadowy figure. It is never explained what that thing is, or how it relates to SCP-3100. And for the final cherry on top? The coordinates of this "awakening" are linked to the article for SCP-3000. Yes, that very same SCP-3000.
  • SCP-3117 "A Monster-Shaped Hole" begins with quite a disturbing picture of what appears to be a decayed mutilated corpse. The worst part of that picture is that there is no context for it. It was just a picture that GOC gave the Foundation when they revealed the existence of SCP-3117. As for the object itself, it is a phenomenon where some people who are exposed to certain images (which could possibly include the disturbing "no context" picture above) or videos have a dream where they become aware of SCP-3117's existence but refuse to talk about it and are later taken. The interviews later imply that the -3117 by itself has no form, it literally doesn't even exist, but by having to talk about or remember it, by filling in the "hole", they give SCP-3117 a form, which comes and takes them. When the GOC found this out they gave all the information they had on the thing when they looked into it and gave it to the Foundation. So in short it is a monster that is given form the more you look into it, which is exactly what the Foundation is currently doing.
  • SCP-3125 "The Escapee" is described as "an extremely large, highly aggressive anomalous metastasized meme complex." In layman's terms, it is a massive collection of sentient, interconnected ideas, all of which are so alien to humanity that comprehending them will destroy your mind. And not just your mind, but the minds of everyone sharing your "headspace" e.g: your family, friends, co-workers, and anyone who thinks the same way you do. Knowing this, the containment cell doesn't seem that impressive until you realize that SCP-3125 isn't in the cell, the cell is the only place SCP-3125 isn't present. That's right, this thing has infiltrated every corner of our reality except for a single room. The Foundation reckons that was SCP-3125 to fully manifest, it would overrun humanity in less than a day, and in the Anti-Memetics Division canon, it does.
  • SCP-3127 "Nineteen-Year-Old Jessica Lambert and a Female Pig of Abnormal Size, Forever" takes its sweet time letting the horror creep up on you. It starts out with the profile of a young woman named Jessica Lambert who can make others feel her emotions. The Foundation decides to test what happens when she's put in the presence of other anomalies and finds nothing…until she ends up dying while giving birth to a piglet who claims to be a British aristocrat and turns anyone who touches it into a copy of itself. Pretty dark, but in a funny way. Then the piglet dies of a tumor that turns into a copy of Jessica Lambert with a bunch of pigs living inside of her, who kill anyone who touches her by turning their internal organs into pigs. Then the pigs explode out of the copy and combine into a giant pig with miniature screaming Jessica Lamberts inside of her, with anyone who hears them believing themselves to be corpses in need of a burial. The next part is where the real bad shit kicks in, with the human-pig hybrid that survived the death of its host revealing that Jessica Lambert's consciousness is still in there and understandably wants the transformations to stop. Her identity crisis has gotten so bad that she sometimes forgets that she used to be human. The Foundation tries to grant her wish, but this simply results in the entirety of Research Installation 33 turning into an absolutely massive pig that turns any living organisms that hear it into pigmen every time it screams in the voice of Jessica Lambert. It's a spellbinding blend of body horror and existential fear...
  • SCP-3199 "Humans, Refuted" is... to say the least, hard to describe. Besides the utterly unearthly photograph accompanying the page, these are humanoid chicken-like creatures with corrosive spit, but the real kicker is their reproductive process - they regurgitate massive eggs along with a blood-like substance (a highly corrosive substance, meaning each time one of these creatures spawns an egg it's basically vomiting acid). Each egg is virtually indestructible since they're composed of nacre, enamel, and an unknown crystalline carbon compound, and every individual is guaranteed to carry one egg at a time, this making these creatures difficult to eradicate; the only way to so much as scratch one of the eggs is to freeze it in liquid nitrogen before subjecting it to a hydraulic press, and even then it nearly breaks the press in the process. The other kicker is the fact that SCP-3199 instances also scream in agony whenever they lay their eggs. And there's the very real possibility that the beasts might overrun the human population if they're to ever breach containment due to their eternal pregnancies and the fact they can also reproduce asexually.

    SCPs 3200 to 3299 
  • SCP-3200, Chronos, is the Boötes Void. The Foundation isn't exactly sure what it is, but one of their theories is that it's a huge hole in space-time through which you can encounter other parts of reality. It's expanding, fast, and it threatens to consume the entire Universe eventually. So, the Foundation devises the Peregrine Expedition, which involves utilizing temporal sinks to speed up the flow of time for a spaceship so it can make the bajillion light-year journey within the lifetime of its crew. The mission is successful, and the three men arrive inside the anomaly. Out there, everything outside the spacecraft is a completely empty black void. Imagine, if you will, the idea that you are in an impossibly vast void of purest nothing, with no one but the other two men accompanying you in the endless silence. Then they realize that reality is possibly in constant flux inside the anomaly, screwing with their Kant Counters so they can't find accurate Hume levels. Then, they find the boxes. Boxes that contain mission logs for the Peregrine Expedition. At first, they only receive capsules full of mission logs, but then they find lookalike bodies, and scraps of destroyed spacecraft. Eventually, the lead astronaut goes outside the spacecraft and returns two days later with this message:
    Captain Kuznetsov: We were fools. The void isn't a region where spacetime is ruined; it's the source of the tear itself. Spacetime itself is rending itself apart and we're seeing echoes of every timeline in the past and future. Time is an ouroboros, devouring itself, again and again, only to be reborn. I saw all of it. All of the times we tried to stop it in the past. All the times that I tried to stop it in the past. And the future. This happens again and again until we get it right. Over and over again, we try and try to fix it. All times blend together until we reach singularity and all is lost. The tear opens more holes everywhere in reality, and the anomalies appear faster and faster, but containment is only delaying the inevitable. The inevitable cleansing of the slate. I saw all the timelines. And we haven't stopped it in any of them. Bogoroditsa. We have seen into the abyss, and by God, it hates us.
  • SCP-3240, The Bones Of What You Believe. The author has stated that the inspiration for the work came from her recurring desire to chew off her own hands as a result of her anxiety. It goes downhill from there. SCP-3240 is a phenomenon wherein predators from sparse, less forgiving climates resort to ritualistic autocannibalism instead of hunting prey normally. The consumed flesh regenerates each day, and the resulting prey boom is doing strange things to the surrounding ecosystems. Then it turns out that the behavior can be spread to humans. The practitioners of SCP-3240 refer to themselves as the Veldt. Their reputation spreads quickly as they preach about doomsday at the hands of their rival group the Verdant and the deity Pan, and hold gruesome public displays for attention. When the Foundation manages to suppress this behavior, however, they trigger uncontrollable plant growth along the equator and the development of mutated plants and prey animals at an exponential rate. They learn too late that there had a careful balance between the two forces that had been maintained for centuries so that our current version of reality could be maintained - and the Foundation has just destroyed it.
  • SCP-3280 "After the Storm" is another article written from first perspective. Specifically, a clearance level 0 Foundation employee making his way through a site after something very bad happened. Corpses are lying everywhere in puddles of water and a storm going on outside, and the employee only knows that this was caused by 3280. They make it to a terminal and, after stealing security clearance from a corpse, they learn about 3280: It's essentially sapient water with an intense hatred of humans and the ability to move independently. What's worse, it converts normal water into more of itself by contact. That's right, it's the Flood. The Foundation has predicted that it getting out and entering the water cycle would be an XK scenario! Just as the article ends, the employee feels immense pain in their insides, and notices water running upwards along their cheek. And it's raining...
  • SCP-3288 "The Aristocrats" are the descendants of the House of Habsburg that survived to the present day by living underground in various sects. Initially made so the bloodline would "last forever", literal centuries of inbreeding have mutated them horribly, with lovely features such as extra rows of teeth (an average of sixty teeth per individual organized into six rows, all of which are about six times larger than an average human's), ungodly muscle strength despite apparently appearing extremely emaciated and a tendency towards cannibalism. In fact, the Foundation does not even consider them to be baseline humans anymore and has classified them as their own species, Homo anthropophagus. That's not the scariest part—some communities are so mutated that their "blood" is dominant over all other humans. In other words, they can breed with humans and all results will be other instances of SCP-3288. This is explored in horrifying detail at the end via one captured instance, a serial rapist whose seed essentially produces mutant cannibal babies in the wombs of his victims, which then eat their way out of their mothers. None of the women have ever survived, and the captured instance proudly claims they will rape and eat all of humanity until only instances of SCP-3288 remain. This is implied to be what got them reclassified to Keter - the Foundation fears that SCP-3288 has the potential to cause a dominance shift scenario, meaning that humans will be replaced as the dominant species, within the next century, if not sooner. Worse, the Foundation only knows where about half of the sects are, meaning the others will likely only be found when they start causing enough trouble.

    SCPs 3300 to 3399 
  • SCP-3333, Tower, is a fire lookout containing a ladder; the ladder leads to an almost identical version of the lookout, except built the appropriate amount taller and in an environment that apparently contains no life. With its descriptions of fleeting figures and its four explorations logs, it almost reads like a modern version of SCP-087, except that instead of descending downwards infinitely, the explorers ascend towards a definite destination. Specifically, the top floor of the "tower" is a vast complex of chaotically arranged rooms, inhabited by something which killed the D-class subject from the first expedition and the specialist from the third, and both killed and impersonated the MTF team from the second. But there's one notable exception from 087: this time, you actually get to read the fourth exploration log. The inhabitants of the tower kill and impersonate everyone at the research station, fooling the Foundation into believing that nothing has happened for over a month. At one point, Doctor Williams manages to escape into the tower and eventually arrives at the top floor, where she finds one of the entities possessing the body of Specialist 0, with whom Williams was heavily implied to be romantically involved. We're treated to a sequence as the creature tears its way out of Annette's skin, drinks Williams' organs, and then uses her skin as a disguise before turning off the camera.

    SCPs 3400 to 3499 
  • SCP-3426, Reckoner, is a pretty horrifying answer to the Fermi Paradox:
    • It describes a phenomenon that renders any sufficiently advanced species extinct. In short, the phenomenon triggers whenever a species becomes a Class-1 species, aka being able to harness the entirety of their planet's power, create a proven theory of everything, the formation of a group that catalogs anomalies, or similar scientific advancements... and you can probably tell just how well things would end for the Foundation based on this definition.
    • The phenomenon manifests in different ways but it always manifests in a way to destroy the species, even going so far as to degrade the laws of physics and reality. A common trait in some of the later logs, however, are people and objects being phased out of existence but still being perceptible and made of static, and an incomprehensible screaming filling the thoughts of the populace. Even exploration logs are subject to this, with the audiovisual data clearly meant to be static but which can always be seen as a legible expedition. Just what in the universe is happening here?
    • Because of this, the Foundation is purposefully holding the technological progress of humanity back until they can figure out a way to avoid this fate. Which may very well never come to pass, because...
    • Remember that part about victims of SCP-3426 being turned to non-existent masses resembling static? Now check the article's tags: one "pattern-screamer" is among them. SCP-3426 isn't a natural law of the universe, it's an artificial dominion held in place by a hostile group of Pattern Screamers, and the supplementary tale "Unbidden" implies that every planet they destroy and place in this void-like state simply adds another civilization to their intergalactic empire. And with more Pattern Screamers emerging on Earth, it's entirely probable the Foundation is next in line for conquest.
  • SCP-3456, The Orcadian Horsemen, are giant quadrupeds resembling skinless equines with either a single or multiple human torsos with elongated arms attached to their backs. They tend to manifest in situations of mass death such as wars, man-made, or natural disasters and start capturing humans with intelligent hunting tactics. Even worse is that they are impervious to nearly all forms of damage and can always know where a human is if the human looks at them. Due to this, the Foundation has no way of containing the Horsemen, so they simply write off their actions as man-made atrocities, like the bloodshed at the Somme during WWI or myths such as the Nuckelavee, an Orcadian demon that is listed as having no redeeming qualities. Their only weakness seems to be that they can't pass over bodies of fresh water for some reason. Despite that limitation however, they will continue to hound a potential victim far beyond their initial manifestation as shown during an incident log taking place right after the 2011 Fukushima Earthquake where an instance of SCP-3456, who pursued Commander Bryans 64 hours after the other instances demanifested, despite Bryans never seeing one of them directly and was only told that they exist. Needless to say, it doesn't go well for her team. And the final thing Bryans sees before she is taken, implies something even scarier; the humans captured by SCP-3456 are turned into more of them.

    SCPs 3500 to 3599 
  • SCP-3512 ("The More You Know") is a pickup artist's view of the world taken to a horrific extreme. It's a process that overwrites women's minds with the personality of a submissive automaton completely dedicated to pleasing the person that made them that way regardless of their former personality. The women in question are completely aware of this outside force taking them over, but can only express it in bouts of screaming that eventually fade away as it takes complete control. The process is detailed in a Star Signals-esque book written by a pickup artist, excerpts of which are in the report, and involves creating a sentient doll-like construct from human fat and bones to take control of the person one desires. The two agents sent to investigate find a series of caverns under the city Barcelona, Spain with a river of rotting fat running through it alongside several printing presses where the book is presumably printed. The agents are attacked by a giant doll construct and one of them is brainwashed and ultimately discarded by the doll's creator. The other agent is lost in the caverns and possibly dead. The horror imagery is one thing, but the fact that it's based off a very hideous conception of women that, as several commenters point out, some people actually believe in is the true horror of this SCP.
  • SCP-3513 "The Brain That Ate Itself" is a region of space in Rocky Crest, Windhoek, Namibia where when any organism with a brain enters it starts developing a beak-like nub on their brain that starts eating the brain matter which leads to some unknown place. Investigations into where the beak leads have been weird, to say the least and seem to lead to more hostile reactions from the beak. In the first, the recording camera leads to the brain of another infected individual, who promptly dies from a stroke. In the second the recording device gets interrupted by the animal the brain was a part of getting processed at a meat plant. And in the final one molten metal starts erupting from the beak, reported to be 4000 K in heat.
  • SCP-3519, These Quiet Days, is a contagious hardline belief that the world will end sometime in March 2019. Those infected firmly believe that an impending apocalypse is inbound (despite Foundation testing assuring that the possibility of such a thing happening is 0.015%), and are Driven to Suicide, believing that whatever truly is coming, it'd be better to die before that. Unfortunately, it gets worse for the Foundation and GOC. It starts spreading, and infecting large amounts of the Foundation and GoIs, all while the suicide rate climbs. The Foundation, too, gets affected, with Foundation staff dying to the point where a junior researcher is automatically promoted to O5note . In the end, the entire human population kills themselves off, with the said researcher being the lone survivor.note  Even worse, it's implied that, since the article is tagged "fifthist" and the first known instance of 3519 infection was highlighted by Operation Stargazer as containing heavy SCP-1425 influence, the infection was engineered by members of the Fifth Church, and spread using the Star Signals book. This means that the Fifth Church actually won for real with the book this time.
  • SCP-3520 (“Fourteen Orangutans”) A radio signal in Pennsylvania broadcasting ...something that is trying to get the Foundation to enforce a Big, Fat Future. Whatever it is, its broadcasts are incredibly nightmarish and it seems to have a furious vendetta against Western consumption habits — namely Mondelēz International's deforestation practices for the sake of its cocoa farms. Now it's trying to hypnotize its listeners into leading gluttonous, obesity-admiring lifestyles centered around Mondelēz food products. Because of this gambit, the entity doesn't seem interested in stopping deforestation. It's perpetuating the issue so it can delight in humanity suffering the consequences. Worse, the broadcasts seem to be working, at least on the Foundation, and they are counting down (by shooting one Orangutan per broadcast, hence the title) until an unknown event.

    SCPs 3600 to 3699 
  • SCP-3654, War Time, is a World War II-era American torpedo boat from an apparent Alternate History where the Allies commenced an invasion of mainland Japan...and then something went horribly wrong. All that the Foundation is able to determine as it phases between this reality and its original is that time in its original reality just doesn't seem to work anymore. The effects on the crew are obvious as they destroy any time-pieces they can find, and they seem to become more and more divided each time the Foundation recovers it, finally culminating with the boat being found scuttled and a large bloodstain on the deck. It is never adequately explained just what is happening to the hapless crew, so the true circumstances of events going on in this alternate universe is unknown - Even to the creator themselves.

    SCPs 3700 to 3799 
  • SCP-3739, Mind-Milk™ by Moosphere, Inc., is a bizarre SCP that might put you off dairy products for a while. Basically, it is a series of cognitohazardous hidden advertisements spread through a field of collective unconscious known as the Noosphere, by a gestalt company called Moosphere, Inc. The main effect of this is to produce Moosphere's trademark product Mind Milk by building milk curdles in victim's pineal glands and further makes the victims want to buy more Moosphere products. Strange enough but the dangerous part comes in how normal victims treat this as, and how widespread Moosphere starts to become as the article continues. Including the creation of various bovine and milk-based entities that become mascots and figureheads, the quick assimilation of dreams of several U.S. states, and leading to a Broken Masquerade scenario. As much as the Foundation is doing to contain SCP-3739, it is continuing to gain popularity to the point where its CEO M.M. is running for president. This is distressing because M.M. very much seems to be a Humanoid Abomination at best. We even get a picture of it at the end.
  • SCP-3799, A Short History of Snowfall. It's a 2-meter diameter impenetrable snowball floating 500 meters over Crozier Island with a deceased human inside wearing an unknown variation on the SCP uniform. But then you get to the documents recovered from the poor guy.
    • The first file is an SCP article describing a type of snow covering Crozier Island with cognitohazardous effects, causing people with consistent contact to develop an obsession with it.
    • The second file is a second iteration of the same file, now upped to Keter. The snow has expanded to 6 square kilometers around the island, and the Foundation is evacuating the site. The snow has started to "grow" by consuming human corpses, at a rate of 1 kilometer per corpse, before eventually expanding without the need for corpses. And the cognitohazard has only gotten worse, now causing people to actively want to sacrifice themselves to it. It's even started to affect history and/or memory.
    • By the third file, everyone at site 799 are affected, and the document is written by someone infected who won't shut up about how pure and free they are, in the process developing a hatred of biological elements, such as blood and flesh.
    • In the fourth file we get to witness just how much the snow has rewritten history. The World Island has now been a place of worship by all humanity for millennia. The Foundation has been rewritten into the Snow Containment Foundation, working in a futile attempt to contain the snow. The snow expands as you read the file, and whoever's writing it is submitting to the cognitohazard. By the end, they can no longer remember writing it and is convinced that humanity has always lived inside the Sites.
    • The final document is written by the same guy they recovered the documents from. He managed to overcome the snow's rewriting (or put the pieces together himself), and is preparing to sacrifice himself to stop it by flying straight to the world island and bleeding himself into its heart. And what's worse, the snow is at least semi-aware. It wants to rid the world of impurity, like life, art, and blood, and it damn near succeeded. And it was all created in an attempt to rid the world of anomalies.

    SCPs 3800 to 3899 
  • SCP-3867, ♡♡♡Sweet Cats & Perfect Dogs!♡♡♡, is harmless on its own, an anomalous website telling you what your pet is doing when you check it... But the account of a pet being Buried Alive by its owner For the Evulz, from the perspective of the said pet, is an effective reminder that yes, there is no limit to human cruelty, that manages to be chilling because, unlike the many, many anomalies the SCP Foundation handles, a human burying a loyal pet alive just For the Evulz has most likely happened many times before in real life

    SCPs 3900 to 3999 
  • SCP-3901, Rachel Parks, is the apparition of a woman who died in the '70s during a hiking trip. SCP-3901 will target lonely males, appear in their room while asleep, and lie next to them in the bedroom like a girlfriend. The only way to deter SCP-3901 is to have a photograph of her old roommate displayed somewhere in the room. Most of the time she will leave upon viewing it, but there is a chance she will be provoked and lash out at the target and teleport them to her gravesite.
  • SCP-3922, STOPRIGHTTHERECRIMINALSCUM!!!, is a cylindrical device where placed within one meter of either a computer or a television set, it'll alter the media that is playing and insert instances that acts as Moral Guardians within the realm of any media format, whether it be a TV Show, a long no-commentary video game playthrough, a film, or even in a cartoon entertainment clip. While most tests can be subject to a Rule of Funny, there are, however, specific tests that detail the ruthlessness and power of those 3922-A instances, and what they are capable of in order to send their message.
    • One specific test showed what happens if SCP-3922 influences the film Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Apparently it depicted 3922-A instances taking out the four masters via sniper fire before sending out squadrons to liberate the captives. It later shows the four 'masters' naked in a desert environment, disoriented and agitated where they are later picked up by the 3922-A instances and transported to their base of operations. Upon arrival the 'masters' are forcibly placed into semitransparent-gel filled "oubliettes" where the rest of the film (which lasted for eight hours) shows their intense pain on their faces as they apparently feel every sense of agony and suffering within those jars. Instead of the SCP-3922 influenced film ending with the usual "YOU ARE WATCHED - YOU ARE PROTECTED - YOU ARE LOVED" message, it was replaced with a caption saying YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED under a red colored triple-crescent logo. This also shows that this SCP has something to do with SCP-2922.
    • Putting SCP-3922-A inside A Clockwork Orange results in Alex and his Droogs being apprehended during the rape scene and taken out to an undisclosed location. The three Droogs are then executed and Alex is forced to eat their remains before he himself is executed.
    • The influenced version of The Human Centipede consists of "Ongeschikt", the Dutch word for "unsuitable" being displayed onscreen while the sounds of Dr. Heiter being tortured can be heard. After 300 seconds the voice of director Tom Six can be heard begging for mercy before two gunshots are heard...
    • Classic The Simpsons episode "Marge Vs The Monorail" isn't bad at first, with members of 3922-A arriving in Springfield during the last part of the "Monorail" song at the town hall meeting, arresting Lyle Lanley and explaining his crimes to the townspeople. They then arrest the criminal citizens of the town, such as Snake, Mr Burns, etc and has them perform manual labor to construct a safe and functional monorail... with its maiden voyage featuring Lanleys execution by tying him to the tracks and running him over with the monorail. And the people of Springfield are forced by armed guards to ride the rail and take part in it.
    • The Foundation quickly learns that despite the media 3922 enters being fictional, they can take things from those universes if it would help them. The event that causes the Foundation to realize this? They played Star Wars, and the 3922 entities KILLED DARTH VADER, CAPTURED THE DEATH STAR, AND TAKE IT WITH THEM. The Foundation severely punished the researchers responsible, since they just gave a space station capable of destroying planets to an unknown organization. Soon after, they pre-emptively ban media with powerful individuals in it when someone suggests playing Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, pointing out that even the weakest fighter there is capable of rending GALAXIES apart, and would LOVE to join a group that would give them powerful enemies.
  • SCP-3930 The Pattern Screamer:
    • It provides us with an explanation of what the Pattern Screamer truly is. The SCP itself, however, isn't one; in fact, the SCP is nothing in the Russian Wilderness. No, not a black hole or some sort of visible dark void. It is perfect, absolute nothingness. A section with no shape nor size, that emits and absorbs no heat or energy, with no matter, no movement, no anything. Anything and anyone that enters this stops existing, becoming nothing as well.
    • But the human brain, which already finds patterns where there's none on principle, simply refuses to understand any of this. The quirks that make us see shadows at the corners of our eyes and shapes in the clouds go into complete overdrive when presented with true nothingness like this, and overwrite it all with something it believes makes sense: Some more Russian wilderness, with a building within, something perfectly normal for the area it's in. Someone goes in and stops existing in plain sight while talking to you over a communicator? No problem, the brain will simply invent his entrance, make you seem like nothing's wrong and he's going in, speaking to you like nothing was wrong despite the fact the communicator has been telling you the whole time the other side's disconnected because it's not there; it doesn't exist anymore.
    • Even as the self-deception falls apart, with the mind's image of this person behaving increasingly different from what they really were and finding stranger and stranger things within this nonexistent landscape, it continues until something cuts the communication off for the briefest moment, or a distraction happens, and this invented person simply stops being imagined, just like losing track of a cloud's shape because you looked away a second.
    • And this is where the Pattern Screamer comes in: These inventions are, of course, not real, but they still tend to start piling up at the edge of this nothingness. Bits of thought from imposing something over nothing, contradictory as it may be and coming from any and all minds that are "perceiving" them. When enough minds are making these patterns up (ten being the known threshold), these inventions start merging, thoughts acquire complexity, and something that can think is born from these invented, nonexistent images. Something whose own existence is ambiguous, neither being nor not being, but with enough mental capacity to understand its own paradoxical nature. Something that utterly hates existing, knows exactly why it happened, and who made it happen, and hates them for it. And that is where the screaming starts. A Pattern Screamer is born and crawls out of this void to make itself known to those that forced it to exist, and through unknown methods will make sure they meet the void, for that's the only way to banish the invented patterns that brought it to be.
    • While danger only starts brewing once ten people know of this void, you can somewhat notice the proto-form of a Pattern Screamer start taking over the "reflection" of the D-class that went in; one can practically pinpoint where the log's words stop coming from the doctor's invented perception of the D-class, and start coming from something else entirely.
    D-124's "invented" form: Alright, yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. This is a response. Like a reaction. Nature doesn't abhor a vacuum, but people do. Your minds aren't made for this, right? You stare at the stars and see things, because that's what you do. Making sense of it. Order is a man-made concept.
    • Whatever the thing that comes crawling from the void is, the Soviet doctor refuses to describe it in any detail. In fact, he and his colleagues stayed at the site for decades without calling for help rather than endanger anyone else, and they all walked into the void after the Foundation, because the Pattern Screamer is just that terrible.
    • SCP-6930 offers an Alternative Character Interpretation of 3930: its behavior comes from its psyche being underdeveloped and is thus unable to handle a process that otherwise comes naturally for its species. 6930 is a fellow Pattern Screamer that was born in the same forest but somehow escaped Russia and went into hiding, and she's strongly implied to effectively be 3930's older "sister." As she masquerades as a young working adult in the year 2030 and mentions that beginning to exist sucked but was necessary, this implies 3930, whose article is set over a decade earlier in the present, is no more than an infant or a small child by comparison who is barely ready to start "growing up," so to speak. The poor thing is as afraid of the Foundation as they are of it, though it's no less horrifying by dint of how terrible of a web of Cosmic Horror it can start just by screaming for help.
  • SCP-3935, "This Thing a Quiet Madness Made."
    • It's a massive Mind Screw complete with The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You thrown in. It details a non-Eucledian space consisting of a high school in Salvation, Indiana. A Humanoid Abomination rules this space, which appears to be a small girl capable only of saying the word "hello," along with nine faceless black humanoid avatars. Beneath the school in this space are what appear to be ten copies of the school stacked on top of each other, and it appears to be subject to the whims of this black entity. The school suffers all sorts of terrible, unexplainable phenomena, like the school filling with water and people being pulled into walls. The school tries its best to Just Ignore It, but it just keeps getting more extreme. Finally, while reading the article, a woman's voice that says "hello" will pop up out of nowhere.
    • As the entrance to the non-Euclidean structure underneath the school would like to say:
      The way below winds deeper, longer,
      unspeakable its patterns laid
      The lost forever damned to wander
      this thing a quiet madness made.
  • SCP-3959, The End of All Knowledge, starts with an OS boot-up screen asking for an administrative password, followed by a dialogue between two people discussing why such a strange registry exists, with one of them posting a copy of the skip's article. SCP-3959 is a Euclid class uncontained autonomous cognitohazard that infects any form of communication media and begins to redact its information until it is completely blank. However, despite it being uncontained it keeps itself around Foundation servers and ends in a cryptic addendum of the fogginess of memory of those who work with SCP-3959. This is then followed by a testing log detailing numerous experiments ending in a test with a mirror whose results are redacted. This is then followed by dialogue by the same people saying that the skip doesn't even exist and contacting an Overseer to allow them to get past the password. Entering the hidden password at the end of the article reveals several documents containing SCP-3959's true nature. It was an algorithm the Foundation created as it's first attempt to create a weaponized anti-meme to use against anomalies, such as SCP-3002 above. However this is then followed by its true article, as a Keter class rogue cognitohazard that has the ability to not only redact media but also objects and concepts, which then redacts the information from the entirety of human memory. This is bad enough but after one of its containment breaches the Foundation found an Anomalous Item, later referred to as SCP-3959-1, an indestructible ever-growing book containing the entire history of the human race. SCP-3959 apparently came in contact with this book and was able to redact 248 pages of information. The Foundation theorizes if SCP-3959 comes in contact with this book again it would lead to a K-class scenario. In addition, SCP-3959 gained the ability to directly infect human hosts and can infect several hosts at once, making it still uncontainable and containment breach imminent.
  • SCP-3966, Falling Out, seems quite boring and chemical, but gets really terrifying. The SCP in question is a protein without a C-Terminus (which is a molecule at the end of every other protein) found in people that died in their sleep. When the foundation injects the chemical into a D-Class, they respond with a reflex resembling a hypnic jerk, which is when the body jerks awake after a sensation of falling. The real horror begins when the researchers investigating the SCP, Dr. Argent and Polly share strange nightmares. Polly's nightmare was her dying a scarf that had blood, guts and eyes as a design, and then swarms of spiders crawled out of the ceiling and lowering webs into the dying water, before trying to ensnare her. Dr. Argent's nightmare is about him being chased by a tall, skinny serial killer with a large head and puckering lips, who would kill people by sticking a straw up their nose and sucking out their brains. They then learn that their conversation is being monitored for possible memetic infection. To make things worse, Polly dies in her sleep, and Dr. Argent finds out the SCP-3966 proteins closely match the silk proteins of SCP-848. Eventually, it's revealed that the proteins come from 4th-dimensional spiders that kill you by, you guessed it, sucking out your brains in your sleep.
  • SCP-3984, Poking Death with a Stick, is a phenomenon that caused an ΩK scenario, and is the driving force behind the End of Death canon. As the canon's name suggests, the ΩK scenario created by 3984 has resulted in all animals, including humans, being unable to die by any means, but any serious injuries not typically recoverable will remain present, and organisms are also fully capable of reproducing and aging. While the implications of this are horrifying, what really drives it in is a sequence of logs of experiments conducted on D-classes by Dr. Emily Young, where it becomes clear that over the course of the experiments, her ethics completely disappeared, and she delved into ever-deepening psychopathy, with her madness only ending when she decided to experiment on herself, shooting a bullet through her head and severing her brain from her body. The experiments conducted on her helpless subjects include:
    • D-classes being forced to strangle another D-class, in one case by hand and in another with a belt.
    • A D-class being sealed in a vacuum chamber, suffocating while being left overnight, leaving them in a vegetative state and paralysis even after they awoke.
    • A D-class was decapitated by a guillotine, but remained conscious; after the D-class was taken to the medical ward, the injury was deemed irreparable, and so their head and body were placed in cold storage... but as they cannot die, they will remain alive and in horrendous pain, forever... Though in the article they managed to stich her head back on.
  • The implications of SCP-3985's, Focus of a Regulatory Dispute, containment procedures are rather unsettling, between the containment chamber that leaves it completely unable to move or be exposed to any stimuli, the apparent need for a continuous "null-personality state" and the explicitly very unpleasant protocol enacted without a second thought if 3985 so much as refers to itself in the first person or speaks for more than a few minutes every day.
    • The missing description might not seem scary anymore at first to a reader who's already seen it in 579, 3005 or 3942 but the expectation is turned on its head in the subsequent e-mail logs as it's made clear that the data isn't lost, subject to an antimemetic effect or expunged due to a dangerous info hazard; the 05 Council are censoring it for their own ends and refuse to let the Ethics Committee near 3985 or any information about it. The implications of a group as powerful as the Overseers deciding that they can behave like this are rather worrying regardless of how dangerous the SCP may be.
    • The list of notable static features of SCP-3985, the only part of the description not expunged, heavily imply that it is or was some sort of anomalously modified human. This simple fact becomes much more disturbing if you've read the author Pedantique's other SCPs which make it clear that 3985 is the Administrator, who was placed in confinement after being overthrown by the 05 Council. The victim of this horrifying treatment isn't something incomprehensible or monstrous, or dangerous to humanity, it's an in all likelihood innocent person who was betrayed and is now subject to endless torment at the behest of those they once trusted to lead the Foundation.
    • But the worst part is the cyclical nature of the SCP. To begin with, the Ethics Council asked for minimal information on the thing - which the O5s refused to give. The council and the O5s waged war, (and by war we mean actual active warfare by Foundation standards, with exchanged gunfire between MTFs, convoy ambushes, and aircraft shootdowns) which ended with the latter's capture, while the former rose to fill their spots and added the old O5s to the SCP itself. And then, the next Ethics council asked for minimal information on the SCP... only for the new Overseer, who was the old Ethics council leader, to curtly refuse.
  • SCP-3999 I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me:
    • A mysterious, unknown entity that destroys everything related to its page in a total insanity of errors and mixups as the mental sanity of anyone writing its entry succumbs to the entropy of its immeasurable power. Its class? Apollyon. But what is it exactly? It's the story of a researcher named Talloran grappling with an immensely powerful Reality Warper who recreated the world in a containment breach, rewrote the whole universe, and constantly shifted the terms of its containment to forever torture Talloran for all of eternity, all presumably For the Evulz. After a long sequence of many, many unfinished and constantly revised iterations of the same document, Talloran reaches full control, and goes up in a Heroic Sacrifice, once again recreating the world, but killing him and 3999. All that's left is the containment chamber. No one knows what SCP-3999 even was.
    • The symbolism isn't very pleasant, either. 3999 as an entity represents the writing process, as shown through the same document revised and rewritten over and over again, but never finished. And the ending line "and that's all I wrote" along with the general instability of the document is a reference to author LordStonefish's mental health, who has explicitly stated that he was not mentally sound during the production of SCP-3999 when it was a 3000 contest entry.
    • There's also a very... odd dream scene where Researcher Talloran appears by the author's bed while he hashes out actually writing SCP-3999. Talloran leers over the author's bed, slices off his own jaw, and summons every notable SCP monster to support his gruesome disembowelment of the author. This is what inspires him to finish the article. It's disturbing, to say the least.
    • Some of the containment procedures laid out are rather... unpleasant. One delightful example is a directive that Researcher Talloran's sister be brutally raped and mutilated, along with killing his parents and his pets in a specific order.
