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Nightmare Fuel / Rest In Pieces

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In a story about a group of vigilantes saving the galaxy from threats, there is a possibility of Nightmare Fuel. Rest in Pieces is far from an exception.

  • Part 2:
    • Master in general. While later villains would be more dangerous due to the scope of their plans or their connections to the heroes, none could match the shear intimidation factor provided by this monster: an eight-foot cybernetic turian, indoctrinated to commit rape, conquest and mass murder For the Evulz, capable of firing a thanix beam from his mouth (for those who never read the Mass Effect Codex, thanixes function by projecting a stream of molten metal at a fraction of lightspeed), and strong enought to keep up with the entire Crew in a fight. It's almost Black Comedy that Sera and Val each tried to take him on alone.

  • Part 4:
    • The fate of Ka'trina, after the Mandate determined she had outlived her usefulness. Rahvid was the one to eliminate her, and... "Ka'trina died screaming. And not just from pain."
    • The team's talk with Jubilation. While he had communicated with the group before, this time he chose a different method...speaking through coerced civilians.
    • After the team's fight against the "Knights", Victairn hearing the laughter of Rahvid, one of said Knights. It's still not clear whether Rahvid was still alive, or if Victairn was hallucinating, but either possibility is quite concerning.
