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Nightmare Fuel / Rainbow Brite

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It might seem like this show is sweet, but that just isn’t the case- even here there’s some scares to be found.

  • In the movie, Rainbow Brite and Krys, young children, are chased by monsters that look as if they were designed from a horror anime.
  • The Dark Princess and the lengths she'll go to to get what she wants can be pretty scary. When the source of her power is finally destroyed, she tries to ram into Spectra with her spaceship in the hopes of destroying it and any hope of the universe's recovery.
    • The movie opens with her being told that stealing Spectra could destroy the universe. She doesn't care, and we see the consequences of the Princess’s actions. While the blizzard conditions are worsening on Earth, a news anchor explains that the accident rates are up and birth rates are down. Patients in hospitals have stopped asking when they’ll get better. The man laments about being the only one who hasn’t given up, then leaves.
  • One episode of the show called "Rainbow Night" has Murky capturing and torturing Moonglo with bright lights. In the same episode, he tries to kill Rainbow Brite by pushing her into a pit.
  • When she returns in the series, the Dark Princess plans to turn Rainbow Brite into a diamond and wear her around her neck.
  • The King of Shadows was the one responsible for making Rainbow Land the dark frozen wasteland of monsters and wild beasts seen in "The Beginning of Rainbow Land". It was the Pits in its most terrifying incarnation. One of the King's most heinous acts was attempting to use Baby Brite as a hostage in order to get the Rainbow / Color Belt.
  • Perhaps more of Adult Fear, the way in which the decidedly adult 2009 incarnation of the Dark Princess is able to alienate the unpopular, ostracized Stormy from her friends and thoroughly manipulate her into dangerous activity is far more concerning than her fictitiously evil plan. This dark princess is very different from her Large Ham, more silly than anything plans from previous incarnations.
  • The Monstromurk, a kind of evil genie sealed in a bottle, is so powerful Murky doesn't dare to touch it. When it inevitably gets loose, the lesser villain has one of his more competent moments, offering it a mind-control device shaped like a crown to put it under his control. Then he uses its power to kidnap Rainbow by night and seal her in the same bottle.
