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Nightmare Fuel / Mortal Kombat 9

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She just wanted to say hi.

When Ed Boon said that Mortal Kombat 9 would be the bloodiest MK game of the series, he wasn't making stuff up. What he didn't tell us is that most of it would give us horrible nightmares.

  • The intro sequence of the Story Mode. Every single character that appeared in the series until Armageddon is dead and in bloody chunks save for Shao Kahn and Raiden, the former beating the ever-loving crap out of the latter while delivering a chilling "The Reason You Suck" Speech. To list a few of the more notable deaths:
    • Sonya was ripped in half, with vultures visibly pecking at her exposed guts. Just before that we get a gruesome close-up on Johnny Cage's severed head, lying in a puddle of blood with a look of horror still frozen on his face.
    • Baraka is cut in half by Kung Lao's razor hat, which is visibly wedged in the stone pillar behind him; he's also missing an arm, which can be seen in the background (specifically, with its blade extended and driven through Sub-Zero's back).
    • Kung Lao himself is shown as one of the first casualties, seemingly crushed to death by Quan Chi's skeleton hands spell. If the massive puddle of blood under him is any indication, it was not a quick way to go.
    • Scorpion is lying dead in the dirt with an ice spear driven through his back and the flesh partly torn away from his legs.
    • Raiden himself gets brutally beaten down by Shao Kahn as he delivers a vicious speech on the impotence of the Elder Gods and Raiden's failure to protect Earthrealm, before smashing the thunder god's skull apart like a ripe melon in a rare (and merciful) Gory Discretion Shot.
  • Kitana's perspective of Sindel's role in the story has to be this on a personal level. First the Princess sees her mother again for the first time since awakening to the truth about her past and her family. However, this is as far from a happy reunion as you can get. The first thing her mother does is unleash a terrible sonic scream while casually walking towards her and her allies and proceed to challenge them all to a fight to the death. In a terrifying display of power and brutality, Sindel proceeds to completely wipe the floor with ten of the 64 purportedly greatest fighters in all the realms, viciously killing six of them in the process, before subjecting Kitana to a merciless beating at the hands of her own gleefully grinning and laughing mother. As Kitana pleads for mother to remember Edenia, she is cruelly disowned as a traitor to Shao Kahn, leaving her heartbroken on top of being powerless to stop her mother from ripping out and absorbing her soul.
  • Shang Tsung's demise: Shao Kahn basically absorbs Shang into himself, much like when Shang steals a soul. Talk about Irony.
  • The fate of all but two of the members of the Forces of Light. Raiden's failure to successfully interpret the visions of his future self led him to make mistake after mistake, each one more costly than the last. Nine of the heroes died in the battle against Sindel, and all of them are now slaves of Quan Chi. Liu Kang, the most devout of the group, loses his faith in Raiden and is accidentally killed by him. And after everything's said and done, all that's left for the final fight are Johnny Cage and Sonya...
  • Reptile's arcade ending: after he kills Shao Kahn, he finally manages thanks to Shang Tsung to restore his race... then he leads them into a genocidal rampage against Tarkatans, Shokans and Centaurians, complete with the shot of Reptile burning a Tarkatan child's face off with acid puke. It's not just the sheer brutality of this ending, but the fact that in a series choke-full of Humanoid Abominations, Reptile was the closest thing to an Anti-Villain; discovering he could be capable of such gratuitous and ruthless cruelty makes everything worse. He gloriously jumped the slippery slope.
  • Kano's ending: he hacks into the global communications network with his mind. Jax tries to stop him, but ultimately fails. This gives Kano the opportunity to spread his mind like a virus, hacking various army vechicles like tanks and fighter jets. The last thing we see is a disturbing image of Kano's face.
  • Smoke's ending which reveals his origin. He was abducted and sacrificed to a demon by a cult and was resurrected as an enenra, a creature of smoke. After killing his murderers with his new powers, he lost all memory of his previous life. This is scary and tragic enough but remember that Smoke was only a BOY when this happened!

  • The X-Ray combos, showing bones snapping like twigs and organs pulsating.
    • Sub-Zero's X-ray combo is especially horrifying: he plunges his hand into the victim's side, freezes their liver, and crushes it.
    • Goro's X-ray move deserves special mention. He lifts up his opponent and squeezes their head so hard that their skull cracks, exposing some of the brain. This is then followed by a one-handed toss to the ground, which breaks the skull and neck even further.
    • Quan Chi's X-ray takes People Puppets and refines it to a horrific extent. He controls them with his amulet and tosses them a skull, which they proceed to ram against their skull and crack it. After that, he forces them to snap their own neck.
    • Baraka, Kitana, Reptile, and Skarlet all give the opponent an Eye Scream.
      • Baraka uses one of his blades to lift the opponent and stab them through their neck and then one of their eyes.
      • Kitana warps behind the opponent and sticks her fans in the back of their skull, then warps in front of them and removes the fans only to put them through the eyes
      • Reptile sticks his claws through the eyes and snaps the neck before kicking them away.
      • Skarlet slams her palm into their face before sticking one of her high heels into an eye.
  • Many of the Fatalities easily qualify, which isn't surprising.
    • Noob Saibot's Fatalities are some of the most disturbing ones:
      • "Make a Wish" is one of the most disturbing ones. He summons his shadow clone on the opposite side of the opponent. Both he and the clone grab onto one of the opponent's legs and pull, slowly ripping the opponent in half vertically, with the opponent still alive and screaming throughout the entire thing until their body splits completely. Even Ed Boon by the time of Mortal Kombat 11 felt like it possibly crossed a line and felt like there was no topping this one.
      • And then there's his second Fatality, "As One". He summons his shadow clone, which drags his opponent down into a portal and then closes it shut on their waist, severing them in two. The character in question then agonizingly crawls to their death after Saibot, with blood spewing from where their legs used to be.
    • Shang Tsung's "Possession" Fatality: he turns himself into a mist form and flies inside the opponent, leaving them confused. It appears to do nothing until their eyes glow green and their hand starts moving on its own, reaching for their head. They try to push it away, but cannot. As their hand grabs onto their head, they let out a horrified "No!" before ripping it off themselves. Shang then flies out of the body and lets out an Evil Laugh.
    • Skarlet's second Fatality, "Make It Rain", is terrifying. She stabs herself and melts into a puddle of blood that slithers underneath the opponent. Then, four spikes made of hardened blood come out of the puddle, impaling the opponent through their arms and legs and lifting them above her, who emerges shortly after. She then proceeds to cut the opponent open and lets their blood and guts rain down on her as the opponent screams in agony.
    • Scorpion's "Nether-Gate" Fatality consists of him stabbing his opponent in the chest with his spear and wrapping the chain around them, then kicking them into a portal to the Netherrealm that flays them alive. Their skeleton drops out of another portal, still hanging from the chain.
    • The Klassic Skins DLC also includes Scorpion's classic "Toasty!" Fatality. This time, instead of instantly turning into a skeleton, the opponent screams in pain while slowly burning to death, leaving behind a horrifically charred corpse.
    • Sheeva's "Stripped Down" Fatality has her rip her opponent's skin off.
    • Smoke's "Smoked Out" involves Smoke plugging his fingers into his opponent's cranium and then removing them, where his smoke then melts his foe like acid from the inside out. The player is greeted by the hapless victim screaming in pain as their skin and most of their muscle tissue is burned away. And his second Fatality, "Tremor", involves him doing his smoke teleport through the opponent. The victim barely gets time to scream before they fall apart into a heap.
    • Nightwolf's "Ascension" Fatality consists of sending the skin of his defeated opponent to Heaven. Just the skin.
    • Kenshi's "Scatterbrained" Fatality gives the opponent a camera-breaking Eye Scream before he slices them in two with Sento.
    • Freddy Krueger's Fatalities are no slouches either: in "Welcome to my Nightmare", he summons a large furnace, then stabs the opponent in the chest and groin area, picking them up and throwing them into the furnace, where they scream in agony as they are immolated inside. Freddy chuckles ominously as he walks towards the opponent, burning alive in front of him, where he sadistically waves goodbye at them as they try to escape, before slamming the furnace door on them, cutting off the opponent's arm and locking them inside for them to burn to death.
    • Rain's "Bubble Burst": first he causes a bubble of water to appear on his opponent's head, which seems silly at first, but then as they are rapidly drowning in the orb, their bodies soon absorb all the water, causing it to swell before they explode. Also of note, it's the only Fatality in the game where your whole body gets destroyed instead of just being skinned alive, decapitated or otherwise multilated/dismembered.
    • Even bosses have their own Fatalities, such as Shao Kahn's "Double Down" Fatality; it involves him simply plunging his hands into the opponent's torso, and slowly rips through their entire body as said opponent lets out a final scream of agony, while Kahn yells out while doing so. The opponent's halves fall away from each other, as the emperor of Outworld faces the screen and presents himself to the player, coated in blood and his eyes glowing bright behind his mask.
  • While the Krypt is usually a disturbing place in most of the games, it generally isn't bad enough to warrant any scares. MK9 breaks this tradition by including a random screamer in it. Emphasis on random. The Krypt is also broken into different sections. Near the Necropolis, there's a field full of a bloody river and multiple men strapped into varying torture devices, screaming in agony. You kill them to unlock the space.
  • The stage Fatalities.
    • In the Street, you are thrown in front of a taxi and get decapitated on impact with its bumper. The twisted body you leave behind looks even worse. And even worse than that, the headless body still twitches a bit by impulse, like a dying cockroach.
    • In the Deadpool, your skin and all facial tissues are melted off by acid, and you watch this happen before your eyes before you finally go under with a blood-curdling scream.
    • In Scorpion's Lair, your face is burned off by lava, which pours out of your open mouth and eye sockets before your skull is kicked under again.
  • In the Living Forest, the background is filled with bodies hanging from trees and one man entangled by one of them, lying back against it in the foreground. Except some of these bodies don't appear to be quite dead, as they can be seen gasping for air or vomiting on the ground as you fight. To think that being eaten alive by one of the trees is bad...
  • As the battles wear on, characters experience more than Clothing Damage; The characters look like they're ready for a trip to the morgue. Many are missing chunks of skin, removed eyelids or lips, have loose bits of skin flapping freely about (Liu Kang's alt costume is particularly odious in this regard - two massive strips of skin are barely hanging onto his face), or have exposed bones - even spines and skulls. This can turn many of the fanservice-y costumes into incredibly disturbing appearances. For an extra layer of creepiness, the more cheery characters (think Johnny Cage) maintain their smiles and dances and whatever, no matter how battered they are.
    • The worst by far is Kabal, whose mask can be knocked off, (something which should kill him, but we can see the breathing hose is connected to his throat) revealing just how gruesome a toll the experience of being burned alive by Kintaro can take on your appearance.
    • Special mention goes to Cyber Sub-Zero, whose brain gets exposed. This also happens to the Retro Cyber-Ninjas and Sektor's default if you look closely.
    • Baraka, depending on the costume you pick, can either lose an ear or have a chunk of skin flapping off from his lower lip. Either way, he loses a lot of teeth.
    • Jax in his alt costume has exposed brain, loose skin hanging off his jaw, and no skin around one of his eyes. On a similar note, there's also Stryker, who after being damaged in a fight, has a more revealing version of a Glasgow Smile and has his brain showing right through his hat.
  • Even many of the mini-games don't spare the horror. In "Test Your Strike" for instance, if Smoke fails to properly break his objective, the Soul Box, it will lock his arm into place, take his soul and thus kill him. Also of note, he is the only kombatant in the game that will die if he fails his Strike test. After simply seeing the likes of Johnny Cage or Baraka simply cry out and hurt their hand, it becomes very jarring to see Smoke fatally suffer as a result of your imprecision.
  • Mileena's victory pose if she doesn't do a Fatality is a Jump Scare. She rips her mask off, leaps towards the camera (even if that's impossible given the arena she's in, like the Pit), and then makes a hideous laugh in the player's face, causing blood to appear on the screen.
