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Nightmare Fuel / Misao

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The little ghost that trails Aki if she goes into a certain room and will murder her if she turns round to face it.
  • The ghost girl hidden behind the bloody "YOU'RE DEAD!!" flyer the player can pick up.
  • Misao's backstory, which involves her suffering really, really horrific bullying, rape, and brutal murder.
  • In the Bad End, Aki learns that Sohta killed Misao and is alone on the rooftop with him. When Sohta realizes Aki knows what he did, he kills his student even when they make a pitiful plea to be spared. The game cuts to a classroom at night where a girl is crying over an argument she had with her friend. Sohta offers some comfort to her and walks her home as sinister music plays.
  • In the free versions of the game, a lot of the creepier deaths are dulled down thanks to the limited sprites and effects. Not so in the Definitive Edition. It has more sprites and animations, more deaths, more sound effects, and is ultimately more harrowing than ever before. The fact that Aki still only has that one dragged out, dramatic scream may tone it down a little, but it doesn't stop this from being the creepiest rendition of Misao yet. Hell, in this version you're granted the opportunity to dig up Misao's rotting corpse since you aren't looking for it this time around!
