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Nightmare Fuel / Lucid9

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  • It comes as a shock when Yama personally witnesses Shoji being killed by a train right in front of him.
  • In the bad endings, Yama goes crazy and murders the hostages and the culprit, and in some variations he even murders Rui because he's just that far gone due to what the culprit put him through.
  • There's a moment of nightmare fuel even in the good ending: everything seems to be fine, the culprit has been brought to justice, Yama and his friends have been having fun, and Yama has just had a heart-to-heart talk with the girl of your choice, and then you visit Rui's house and find Rui's corpse laying in a pool of her own blood, with her parents also dead and the house having been ransacked. Worst of all, you don't even know who killed Rui, because the culprit of the previous murders has already been arrested by this point.
