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Nightmare Fuel / Lost in Space (2018)

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  • June Harris, aka Dr. Smith, is a sociopathic Consummate Liar with no qualms about hurting or killing anyone in the way of surviving just a few moments longer. And the original version's famous closeness with Will is translated to her being The Corrupter trying to convince him to embrace his own self-preservation instincts above all moral concerns. Add in some killer Playing Against Type by the typically comedic actress Parker Posey and you have a terrifying and still compulsively watchable Big Bad.
  • In just the first minutes of being stranded, Judy is trapped in a frozen lake, completely unable to move for hours while the others desperately try to get her out. The poor girl is then stricken with PTSD and claustrophobia, including getting stuck in another tight space just a couple episodes later.
  • In the finale, Will accidentally loses his grip on the Jupiter 2's hull and starts drifting out into space. The look on his face and the Little "No" he utters serve to emphasize the sheer terror of the situation.
    • Even worse, he wasn't drifting into space, but towards the planet they just escaped from. In space, he'd at least have a largely painless death from slow oxygen loss, but if he got pulled into the planet's atmosphere he'd experience a faster but infinitely more painful fate as he burns up on reentry.
  • Season 2 ramps up the sci-fi horror by portraying hostile robots as silent hunters ala Xenomorph Xerox.
  • Penny, Vijay, Smith, and Mr. Jackson get stranded in the classroom after a lockdown initiated to prevent the rust contaminant from spreading. The rust spreads too fast for the rescue team to secure them, forcing Captain Kamal to sever the classroom to contain and eject the contaminant (even if it means ejecting the survivors inside). This leads to the only rescue option being launching the four into space inside a cramped airtight container (without any other form of protection) and hopefully grabbing them fast enough before they die. The show vividly portrays the characters almost freezing to death before being rescued.
