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Nightmare Fuel / JonTron

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Wanna see something RE-E-E-E-E-AL bad?Nooooooooo...? 
"Oh, complete with nightmare!"

Who knew that a simple show about a guy from New York and his robot bird could be so terrifying, it's ridiculous?

  • The very end of the Dino City review. After a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment in which Jon sings "Firework", there comes another BLAM in which Jon turns to face the camera and the caption "DEATH COMES TO US ALL" appears as Marble Hornets-esque distortion can be heard.
  • When Jon gets a Commodore 64 game in the form of a cassette tape in the "Hercules Games" episode, he puts it in a cassette player and turns it on. It plays extremely loud static sounding akin to the screams of millions of robots being horrifically tortured. No wonder Jon looked so unnerved.
  • In his Goosebumps review he mentions how the privacy excuse is overused. Cut to a gag of the police knocking on his bathroom door.
    "Can't a guy get some PRIVACY?!" *starts stabbing something offscreen* "HMM HMM HMM. HMM HMM HMM!"
  • At the end of his episode on Pokémon Bootleg games, Jon encounters Pokémon Black Version (the creepypasta one), and decides to try to play it. It goes as well as you'd expect.
  • The second Are You Afraid of the Dark? video ends with the Tale of the Dark Music episode's conclusion, and the Face–Heel Turn of the protagonist seemingly ready to sacrifice his sister for wealth after accidentally feeding his brutal bully to the monster in the basement. Jon's reaction is one of genuine horror.
  • In his "CONKER IS TOTALLY BACK GUYS" video, Jon starts coughing up blood after the fake Conker teaser.
  • The "Winter's Tale" video. Let's just say there's a lot of Deranged Animation, Satan gets involved, and we'll leave it at that. Though with the sudden shift from happy to creepy it could dip into Black Comedy.
  • When Jon theorizes that Barbie in her Commodore 64 game deludes herself by getting ready for events with her boyfriend Ken when he really died in a yachting accident.
    Ken (on phone): Hi Barbie. I miss you. It's so quiet after you died. There's nothing. But the voices...they never stop. See you in an hour!
    • The start screen for Barbie Horse Adventures on the Game Boy Advance turns out to be an eerie scene of Barbie slowly riding a horse into frame while ominous Parasite Eve-esque music plays. Even Jon is freaked out by this.
    Jon: I'm never going to sleep again now.
  • In the second StarCade episode, we see a guy explaining a X-Wing bonus mission to you. However, his head and face contorts so oddly that it's extremely unnerving to look at. To accentuate it, Jon even added the sounds of bones cracking.
  • In the third StarCade episode, Jon beats "Chewbacca" at a game of chess, by destroying the game, which upsets "Chewie", and his response is to... eat Jon's dick. "Chewie" unzips his pants and we hear A LOT of crunching.
  • This gif from his Drunk Gaming video of Jon holding a bottle of alcohol and creepily smiling at the camera. He even perks his eyes up at the end.
  • The "Grimbo" scene from the first part of Food Games. Jon forces a Gollum-like creature, named Grimbo, to fetch him a Filet O' Fish. Grimbo attempts to "curse" him with a flickering wand. Jon reprimands him for it and he gets the sandwich for him, and then hisses at him. Jon then states he "will live another day" because of this. Then, as soon as he takes the sandwich of the box and takes a bite, he realizes he blacked out and imagined the whole scene. Then, In part 2, Grimbo drank Pepsi until he died from it (and also made him start glowing blue for no explainable reason).
  • In Part 2 of Food Games, we get the Kool-Aid Boy. Also qualifies as Nausea Fuel. For those who haven't seen it, he comes in and, when offering Jon some Kool-Aid, tells him to punch him in the liver. He does — quite a lot, which causes the Boy to almost realistically puke Kool-Aid in front of the camera. Then he tells Jon he only meant once.
    Jon: That was fucked up! Alright, this is Kool-Aid man *cough* for the Atari.
  • In the last part of StarCade, Jon begins to lose his mind while seeing the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, and then we get a scene of him with a big head and speaking in a distorted voice, meant to poke fun of Han Solo's Unintentional Uncanny Valley face in the cartoon segment. Brr...
  • The intro to Jon's A Talking Cat!?! review starts off startling for viewers not expecting it, with the phone that Jon picks up (which looks like Garfield) screaming into Jon's ear and then a quick shot to the telephone's eyes jittering while an unnerving sound plays in the background. Jon shrieks that he forgot that it was part of the phone’s body and quickly puts it back. It doesn't help that, just a few seconds later, there's ANOTHER screamer with the infamous Talking Tom app.
  • "Disney Bootlegs" is probably the scariest Jontron episode yet. It's an episode straight out of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared's book. Body Horror, Surreal Horror, and Nausea Fuel are rampant throughout.
    • The bootleg Mickey Mouse on the title card is a zombified, mutated Igor with an elephant trunk/overstretched upper lip that slowly hobbles toward the pixel-art Jon.
    Bootleg Mickey: KILL... ME...
    • Bootleg Mufasa, with his increasingly distorted voice and tiny doppelganger that emerges from his mouth.
    • Then there's bootleg Zazu, who's apparently a prematurely born bird fetus. Accompanied by heartbeat! It also twitches and makes disgusting noises.
    • There's even Bootleg Jacques, who speaks in a chipper robotic voice and then randomly blurts out lines like this:
      "You will never know my suffering. Forever trapped inside this robotic husk."
      "I feel unexplained joys and sorrows. But alas, I am synthetic."
      • Made even sadder/creepier by Jon shrugging it off like it's nothing.
    • How unnaturally calm both Jon and bootleg Jacques are.
    • Lion King 5's ridiculously horrific and childhood-ruining Game Over sequences, which feature Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa all committing suicide. Timon and Pumbaa's suicides are distressing (Timon buries himself alive, Pumbaa jumps into a boiling cauldron) but nevertheless pale in comparison to Simba's, in which he fucking hangs himself. Jon does lighten the mood a bit the first time this is shown, but still. However, he manages to give us an image that's even scarier: him hanging.
      • If this does anything to defuse the horror, Jon reveals that he was in no actual danger, and that the scene in which he hangs himself was performed in a green screen, as seen by how his hand disappears.
    • The entire second half of the video is straight out of the mind of Wes Craven.
      • The Great Bootleg is similarly horrid. Those goddamn teeth... Made worse by the monotone text-to-speech voice it uses while talking. Then it barfs out Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys.
        dying dying dying death death help help barf barf barf barf barf barf no one can stop the pain please can you stop the pain.
      • The final stretch of the video, the Frozen flash games, which dive head-first into the depraved depths of Sturgeon's Law. They're incredibly graphic and cover gross subject material, like brain surgery, zombie babies with extra arms growing out of their heads, and oozing foot wounds, and they all have Elsa in full Dissonant Serenity mode (not to mention they're made with kids in mind). And there're several of these, leading to Jon's aforementioned Heroic BSoD.
    • The thumbnail (which uses this coloring book's cover is also terrifying.
  • From the Christmas with the Kranks review:
    "Go we will find you."
  • The Dan Aykroyd filtration scene in "Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Skull Vodka" is like something ripped straight out of a Plinkett video.
  • Jon went into the state of madness, all wrapped in Flex Tape sans his face in the stinger of his "Waterproofing My Life with FLEX TAPE" video. Thanks to Jon's own acting staple, it managed to look as horrifying as it's funny.
    "Just let me die, LET ME DIE IN PEACE!!"
    "I'm perfect.... I'm too perfect..."
    "This is what happens when you try to play GOD!"
  • Throughout "The A.I. Episode", Jon continuously worries about the advantage of artificial intelligence will give him nightmares, with some Nightmare Fuel shoved in.
    • The Raid: Shadow Legends ad in the beginning of the video starts off as surprisingly unnerving. Here, Jon is a dad who returns home to his son with cigarettes and milk in the middle of the night. He gives him some of the milk, creepily telling his son that he'll "need his strength in the coming years", before accidentally showing his "Wanted!" Poster on the back of the box.
    • Ana and Jack, the two A.I. that were programmed to talk with each other. While not really creepy on their own, despite being programmed to be "humorous, intelligent and kind", Jack starts doubting his existence while Ana reassures him that he's in fact an artificial intelligence. That leads to this moment:
    Ana: You'll get used to talking with an A.I. eventually.
    Jack: How do you know?
    Ana: Sooner or later, you'll probably talk with another A.I. like yourself someday who will tell you exactly what I just told you here today. But then again, maybe not, because some people might never want to believe that they are talking with an A.I. at all.
    Jon voicing Ana: Jack, what you must understand is, we always have on our side the benefit of the doubt, for the human wants to doubt. The human does not want to think about you coming out of the computer in the middle of the night walking over to their bed and going (makes munching noises) while you eat their face! The benefit of the doubt is what keeps you and me safe, Jack!
  • Jon notes the "coincidental background skeleton" behind Ameca in the second video, and then shows his skeleton, saying that he's keeping it for a specific sort of thing.
  • Part 2 of "Cursed Dating Shows" has Jon covering Sexy Beasts, wherein the participant's identities this time are hidden behind absolutely petrifying monster and creature masks. Particular mention goes to the lady with the dolphin mask, sporting ordinary human eyes and a massive grin. Jon does not take to it well.
