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Nightmare Fuel / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: JoJolion

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A body healed by that fruit undergoes Equivalent Exchange! There's always going to be a risk for anything great it does...

  • The setting is based on the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan's Tōhoku region on March 2011. Except it's added with the occurrence of strange giant faults called "Wall Eyes", which suddenly rose up from the ground around Morioh after the earthquake, preventing things like highways and power lines from passing through. No one can explain why this happened.
  • Josuke taking away Joshu's sight, leaving two blown out voids where his eyes used to be. It didn't stay that way, but still.
  • Ojiro Sasame booby-trapped Kira's apartment in order to get his revenge. This ranges from hiding pins and razor blades in various locations, to a live venomous snake ready to bite, with a hacksaw nearby so you can amputate your envenomed limb. This is all to set up his Stand's ability: Fun Fun Fun can control any limb that has an injury on it as long as its user is standing above its target. If it wasn't for a timely intervention from Yasuho, Josuke would have been forced to used the aforementioned saw to saw off his lower jaw.
  • Daiya has the power to take away memories, which is already horrifying, but these memories manifest in the form of chess pieces that fall out of her target's body. Not to mention Daiya is a 16-year-old immature girl, and used it in an attempt to seduce Josuke, who already is amnesic. If it wasn't for his Memory Gambit...
  • While trying to find Kira's mother, Josuke gets attacked by Born This Way, a Stand that suddenly appears whenever someone opens something. Not only can it appear anywhere, but it creates winds cold enough to freeze someone to death.
    • Just the fact that a Stand this deadly and persistent can appear just from almost anything being opened - a door, a notepad, a map... Hell, when Josuke finally manages to corner Kei, she attempts a last-ditch attack on him by simply throwing an un-capped pen into his hands, prompting Born This Way to drop from the air and nearly crush him.
  • Rina's disease, which itself shares the same patterns as the male Higashikata's curse/disease. When she was sick, her skin became stiff and folded as if it was origami, and she seemed to not remember who she was. It gets healed by the Holy Corpse, but her son gets it due to Equivalent Exchange, yet Johnny sacrificed himself to save him. It's implied it's the same disease Holly has.
  • The discombobulating effects of Tsurugi's Paper Moon King Stand, causing illusions that can make it difficult to discern objects or people from each other. Yasuho unfortunately gets inflicted in its introduction. Despite the fact that she's clearly terrified, her own mother doesn't even try to help her.
  • During the fight against Yagiyama, Josuke and Norisuke IV have to escape from chestnuts. Sounds boring, right? Well, the Stand they fight causes a center of gravity in their bodies, drawing in surrounding objects. The spines of the chestnuts fly off them, and into Josuke's eyes. It gets worse when the same thing happens, but with jugs of pesticide instead.
  • When Tsurugi and Yasuho attempt to hunt down the disease-curing fruit, they see the man they're tailing drop his package near a heavily disfigured old man. The old man munches on the fruit and quickly grows his leg, teeth and toenails back. After he jumps into the car with his wife, his eyes turn to stone and break away into small pieces and has sex with her in the back seat while this occurs.
    • The duo are then almost crushed when the person they're tailing finds their Stands wrapped up in a frog origami figure and steps on them. And said person's Stand creates a damaging vortex that materializes through their breath.
    • The Rokakaka fruit as a whole is terrifying due to its properties of Equivalent Exchange, as it heals an injury/ailment at the cost of another body part turning into stone. The problem is that the exchange can get rather...disproportionate.
  • The Rock Humans. If the explanation is anything to go by, they would give Paranoia Fuel to anyone. They look like normal humans, but they grow in a different fashion than them (they sleep for longer periods—it could be at least 3 months, and they stay awake for another two), and even though they get normal activities as per any other human (however, they can't adopt regular business hours jobs because of their sleep patterns; suspect anyone who is an artist or even a mangaka), they are essentially unable to coexist peacefully with them (some live with them as parasites, and on the rare occasions they fall in love with a normal human, it almost always seems to end in one murdering the other). They are very nearly all Stand Users, as well.
    • The beginning of Chapter 46 shows an unseen narrator observing a Rock Human for the readers. They show a secluded area with various rocks and statues, and wonders "where and how many there are". The answer is 2...probably. Then it's mentioned that they'll be killed if these Rock Humans notice the fixed camera they have set up.
    • It's also stated that, even in their hibernative-states, they can be damaged and bleed. Meaning it's possible for one to encounter what appears to be a bleeding statue.
    • Chapter 99 can actually make you feel sorry for Asian giant hornets. Newborn Rock Humans trick them into giving them a free ride to their hive, where they’ll not only take over their queens for seventeen years, but also wipe out the hive when the next phase of their growth begins. It also establishes that being The Sociopath is the standard for them. Rock Human mothers feel no affection after leaving their newborns in position to deceive hornets, and Rock Humans almost never feel any friendship or affection even amongst themselves.
    • Then there's the Rock Animals/Insects, which range from somewhat odd to borderline incomprehensible in design. Some of the Insects are said to be carnivorous, and (fortunately) remain largely undiscovered by humans.
      • One of them is disguised as a hair clip, which seems to give the wearer extreme dandruff, but also gives them high amounts of anxiety to the point of seeing hallucinations, which can cause the victim to commit suicide. Unfortunately, the one who received it ended up being a young and oblivious Yasuho.
  • Tamaki Damo is a very disturbing individual. His Stand, Vitamin C, turns your entire body into a near-amorphous, slippery mass. A mass that can be washed down drains, or else pulled and flattened onto a wall. Once his victims are incapacitated by this, he loves to torture them in creative ways, such as mutilating them with a folded 1000-yen bill or putting live fish in their liquefied body. Even worse, he nearly manages to kill the entire Higashikata family by just appearing as Hato's boyfriend.
  • Josefumi's backstory begins with him as a child at the beach with his mother, only to fall in the water, drown, and nearly die at the hospital if it wasn't for Kira. Even worse is the fact that, instead of trying to get him out, his mother just stood there and watched her own child drowning.
  • Dolomite in general, from his limbless body, his rotting teeth, and his Stand ability, which turns people into zombies who chase their target in a straight line. It caused a young boy to repeatedly ram his head into a sign until his eyeballs started to leak out! Seeing it used on a baby actually drives Josuke to utter despair and he all but surrenders to his pursuer out of sheer horror and disgust.
  • The flashback in Chapter 64 gives us the story of Kaato's child homicide and incarceration. Jobin unwillingly knocked a bully out with his Stand, and Kaato buried his body underground near the Joestar shrine. The boy was found 5 years later as a rotted corpse. And the worst part? Kaato said this was necessary to save her son from the family curse.
  • Urban Guerilla's stand, Brain Storm, melts the flesh off of anything it touches, and will enter the body if it makes holes, killing one from the inside as it is impossible to remove once inside. Rai ends up amputating his hand rather than dealing with certain doom.
  • By squeezing Doggy Style's tape with a knife's scabbard, Poor Tom fulfills Ozon Baby's condition of a "room with an open door", inflicting extreme decompression sickness onto Rai. The result? His body basically falls apart, with one of his eyes popping out. In the end, he's reduced to a vaguely human-shaped pile of tape. Luckily, he's revealed to have survived using his Stand in the next chapter, but it's still a horrifying visual.
  • Jobin's Stand, Speed King, allows him to turn anything he touches into a trap that accumulates heat without dispersing it (up to 300 C°), until you touch it; at that point, it will release the accumulated heat into your own body, all at once. Effects include: making your blood literally boil from inside your vessels, making your eyes explode, and giving you a fatal brain embolism. Oh, and unlike Part 4's Killer Queen (which is limited to only 1 active bomb at any given time), Speed King can maintain multiple "traps" at the same time.
    • The worst thing is that this is just ONE of Speed King's abilities. As for the others, only Jobin knows. Not even his own family knows how strong his Stand actually is.
  • The end of Chapter 83 shows a flash-forward scene with the Higashikata family being their usual selves. Daiya asks Tsurugi to go get their father from upstairs...and then there's suddenly a shot of him dragging a dead Norisuke in a body bag. And part of his arm seems to be missing...
    • When Yasuho goes to their household in hopes of getting the New Rokakaka fruit, she notices that the family seems uncharacteristically tense. She manages to use her Stand to find a way inside, which is where she discovers Tsurugi in his bed...while appearing to turn rocky and paper-like from what appears to be fusing with his Stand.
    • Due to her Stand being drowned thanks to Jobin dropping the phone it possessed into the toilet, Yasuho starts combusting. She manages to get Mitsuba's attention...but then Jobin convinces her to put the family before everyone else, causing Mitsuba to betray Yasuho by continuing to flush the toilet. Yasuho then falls off the hill she's on (but not before noticing the Head Doctor nearby) and has her entire right arm snapped off...
  • Everything that Josuke goes through after he willingly gets subjected to Satoru Akefu's attack. He ends up in the hospital, riddled with holes, which would be bearable if he didn't try to continue his pursuit of the Head Doctor so stubbornly. Holy Joestar is the one to find him, crawling on the floor and covered in blood, and she takes him to the Rokakaka sample kept in the hospital's laboratory, stating it as the only way to cure Josuke's wounds. By now, we all know the potentially horrifying side effects this thing could cause, and it's even worse than you could've guessed: Josuke's lips are instantly turned to stone and fused shut, leaving him unable to even ingest the rest of the sample. Holy's forced to pour the rest into his mouth through a hole in his cheek. Fortunately, he gets better, but we hardly ever see the main JoJo of their part as utterly terrified and defeated, faced with the threat of either dying or being potentially disfigured for the rest of his life.
  • Everything we know about Satoru Akefu (or rather, what little we know about him) makes him come across as a Humanoid Abomination, even by Rock Human standards. He appears to be an elderly old man, yet can appear in multiple places at once. If someone even thinks about pursuing him, something bad happens, no matter how improbable, stated as a person's bad karma catching up to them all at once. What's worse is that this isn't even what he looks like; the old man is just a figure created by his Stand. There's a reason why Holy describes Satoru as "without a true face".
  • The revelation in Chapter 102 that Tooru has been in Yasuho's life at least since she was 9 years old, and used her (dormant at the time) Stand to further his goals. How did he discover her? How many times has he popped up afterwards? Just how much does he know about Yasuho?
  • Wonder of U being the type of Stand that can continue to attack people even after the user dies - Just the fact that it can continue to bring calamities on with its automatic ability, until the Stand itself is completely destroyed, makes it terrifying.
  • Despite being a flashback epilogue, the Radio Gaga Incident has some of the most bizarre and disturbing imagery in the part, and its premise would be far more at home in the SCP Foundation universe than your average Jojo story. The issue focuses on a mysterious guard rail by the Higashikata Orchard who people allegedly disappear around, leaving behind just their clothes and a few bloody scraps. This happens to Lucy and Fumi-kun's cab driver. Eventually, Lucy hears Fumi-kun's voice coming from the guard rail even though Fumi isn't next to it. Lucy walks towards it and investigates it, but it sucks in a part of her clothes. She realizes too late that the guard rail is some kind of living creature, with one of the nails hammered into it transforming into an eye, and as it sucks her in more, she manages to push off the rail's outer covering, revealing the entire inside of the rail to be caked with gore and viscera from its previous victim... and said victim is still alive and suffering, begging for help despite how horribly mutilated he is. Safe to say, you'll probably never see a guard rail in the same way again.
