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Nightmare Fuel / Heathers

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

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    The Movie 
  • Heather Chandler's death via Deadly Prank. After drinking what J.D and Veronica led her to believe was "a hangover cure" but was actually liquid drain cleaner. All she could do was clutch her throat, gagging and choking, her tongue turning blue, and let out "Corn Nuts!" before collapsing dead on the broken glass coffee table. J.D and Veronica's expressions say it all.
    Veronica: I killed my best friend.
    J.D.: And your worst enemy.
    Veronica: Same difference.
  • J.D., of course, but his dad has a surprising amount of this considering his limited screentime. The implication that he drove J.D.'s mother to suicide probably doesn't hurt.
  • J.D.'s constant Forceful Kisses on Veronica come off as rape-ish after a while, especially just after she breaks up with him.
  • Veronica shooting off J.D.'s middle finger in the boiler room.
  • Upon rewatching, the scene where J.D. watches footage of a building being blown up is incredibly creepy. You can see him deciding to blow up the school, just from the look in his eyes and expression on his face, and you can tell he loves this plan. Bravo to Christian Slater for making an already unsettling scene downright horrifying on a second viewing, all thanks to his subtle acting.
  • Not so much watching it as a teen, but as an adult with some experience of death, how awful that must have been for Veronica's mom, finding Veronica hanging from the ceiling. And how infuriating that Veronica would joke about it.
  • On a first viewing, seeing JD pull a gun out at school is terrifying because it seems to come out of nowhere.
  • After J.D. shoots Ram and the camera slowly zooms in on Veronica's face as she realizes what has happened and she investigates his body, intercut with scenes of J.D. chasing after a desperate Kurt through the woods.

    The Series 
  • The promotional posters for the series are rather creepy and make notable use of the Uncanny Valley, depicting the characters with unnaturally blue-tinted skin and eating dangerous-looking "sweets": a Slurpee dripping with red syrup, a lollipop with a razor blade inside, a popsicle with a knife for a handle, and a cupcake with prescription pills for sprinkles.
  • Episode 2: Heather McNamara’s suicide and everything leading to it.
    • After Heather Duke makes it public that Heather M. had been faking her sexuality and had been sleeping with a teacher and she ends her friendship with Heather D., everyone ostracizes her for it, beginning with newly popular Betty Finn. Then, she’s called to the office about the affair and constantly told to shut up when she tries to explain her side. Then she finds out from said teacher that she wasn’t the only student, but she’s still to blame somehow. That night, her parents come to speak to her and see if she’s okay but everytime she speaks, they chide her for interrupting them and they leave without Heather putting in any input or speaking her mind to her parents. The next day, Heather D. invites her to their mourning party, but Betty invites her to one up Heather D. and no one still wants to associate with her. As she’s about to leave Betty’s party, Heather Chandler returns and everything looks as if it’ll be okay, with Heather C. claiming to be there for everyone who needs someone. Then Heather gets promptly shut down and torn apart for trying to sit with Betty Finn and “being a traitor” by Heather C. and skates away, crying in the bathroom. In there, she drops her compact mirror and it shatters, giving her the idea to slit her wrists with a shard and it cuts away to Heather bleeding out on the roller rink floor to Wilson Phillips’s “Hold On”. As she leaves the rink and asks Betty and her friends for help, they scold her for being selfish and not noticing that Betty’s upset and she apologizes as she smears blood messily on the railing and skates home woozily, dying of blood loss between her parents who smile and speak casually and don’t notice their daughter’s blood seeping into the couch.
  • The ending of the show (also arguably doubling as a Tear Jerker). Veronica and JD being stuck in an eternal hell, unable to speak to anybody ever again, including each other.
