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Nightmare Fuel / Frequency

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  • Our introduction to the antagonist: because Frank didn't die, Julia was able to save a dying patient. But the ominous music and the way he opens one eye gives the very strong implication that something evil has awoken...
  • With John's dream (as the timeline changes again), the audience is led to believe that it's a remnant memory of his father's funeral before the changes in the past. Then we find out it was his mother's funeral instead.
  • In a rather frightening case of What Might Have Been, Frank gets caught by Shepard (the Nightingale killer) while trying to protect the nurses and almost becomes a victim himself. It's only by the grace of two hippies interrupting Shepard that he was spared.
    • The broken record playing Phil Phillips' "Sea of Love" when Frank walks through the murder scene of one of the nurses: "Do you remember wheeennnn w-Do you remember wheeennnn w-Do you remember wheeennnn w-".
  • In the altered timeline, the implication that Shepard murdered his own mother.
  • When Shepard finds his way to Frank and Julia's room...while Julia thinks he's Frank.
  • Shepard's hand getting shot off in the past and thus necrotizing and withering away to nothing in the present.
  • While we know what's really going on the whole time, the first contact through the radio is quite disturbing from Frank's point of view, as a strange man suddenly contacts him, is unusually knowledgeable about his family, and finally states that he can see how Frank just burned his desk.
