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Nightmare Fuel / Days of Wine and Roses

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Kirsten's father decides to get his daughter to the shower after a drunk night to appease her. What makes this scene terrifying is Kirsten's point of view. She starts to scream as soon as her father showers her and the camera shows from her POV how hellish this is to her. The music helps too. It's as horrifying as another classic shower scene.
  • What follows is another disturbing and heartbreaking moment. Joe is desperately struggling in an asylum cell until some personnel come in to sting him. Joe grunts and struggles in horror while he attempts to avoid being stinged.
  • The owner of the liquor shop mocking and spilling alcohol over Joe after his attempt to steal a bottle. Like with Kirsten's shower scene, it's seen from Joe's point of view in a very surreal and blurry way as the owner cruelly laughs at him.
