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Nightmare Fuel / Count Cain

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  • Rebecca's entire house and her dolls. Rooms filled with hundreds of dolls who all seem to constantly watch you... and then you learn that they used to be human! Rebecca has created dolls of their appearance, had the person killed and implanted their bones, hair and teeth into the doll to tie the soul to the doll. Those dolls are actually alive. And she's been doing this repeatedly, to her tutors, friends, little children playing down the street... because they were nice to her.
    • Even worse, what she did with her mother. After accidentally killing her mother, the corpse was put into a wheelchair and treated like a real doll, getting dressed every day and make up put onto her. And years later, Rebecca uses Mrs Feming as her "new mother"... while Mrs Feming is alive and paralyzed through injections!
