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Nightmare Fuel / Contra

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The Contra games are full of terrifying stuff. There are Womb Levels, cities being blown up (and/or overrun with horrors), and very creepy looking aliens. Here are some standout examples.

  • One of the more disturbing bosses in the series is Shadow Beast Kimkoh, the final boss of Super C and one of the mini-bosses in the final stage of Contra III: The Alien Wars that has a woman's face for its mouth.
  • The final stage of Contra 4 is one of the most grotesque things to come out of the series. Starting off with hundreds, possibly thousands of human corpses in the background, you inevitably end up inside Black Viper. Whose (initial) innards are composed of human flesh and still-moving people. The rest of the stage's blood and traditional Womb Level designs don't help either. The music is also easily the most frightening of the series' Final Stage themes. The worst thing is that just like most things in Contra (or classic Konami games in general), there is no context behind this whatsoever. One possible explanation for the body collecting facility is that the corpses were likely reanimated and modified into generic Mooks, but the reason behind the alien grossly enlarging, becoming a Womb Level of its own and going to space while having its body drastically altered by absorbing corpses is anyone's guess.
  • Most of the bosses in Contra: Shattered Soldier, but the ones that stand out are the bosses of Stage 1 and 4. For the first boss, at first it looks like you're going to fight the helicopter robot that attacks you throughout the stage, but as it charges its attack, the real boss, which was also the first boss in Contra III: The Alien Wars, drops from above and promptly crushes the robot. note  Do enough damage to it, the boss will turn around and reveal a hideous, distorted melting human face that attacks by throwing up acid on you and snorting out bugs and worms. The fourth stage boss is a fish that has a zombie-like human face, and it's ugly.
  • In Shattered Soldier, you have to fight a mutated Lance Bean, who uses the forms of the previous final bosses from the other Contra series, such as Shadow Beast Kimkoh and Emperor Devil Gava, as well as some original forms.
    Bill: (absolutely horrified) He fused... with an alien?!
  • The bad ending of Shattered Soldier, where after a Kill Sat destroys the Galuga Archipelago, has this message over a black screen:
    "The target, Galuga Archipelago, has been destroyed. No signs of life in a 60 mile radius. And so I say we have closure. Or should I say we have a new beginning. A new beginning of a world that we hold in the palm of our hand. Muahahahaha..."
    • After said message, we hear a creepy sounding Evil Laugh.
  • One of the first mini bosses you fight in Neo Contra is Gegebonne the Saprophagous Head, a huge plant-like monster with a distorted human head/face inside its mouth. It appears when a helicopter is about to attack you, only for that monster to come out and eat the chopper before attacking you with acid, puke, and bugs.
  • Getting a good enough rank in Neo Contra will have you see Mystery G getting slashed open by Master Contra while trying to save the players, falling over, and leaking a pool of blood.
