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Nightmare Fuel / Chronicles of the Gods

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A collection of Nightmare Fuel from Chronicles of the Gods.

A Game Of Gods

  • The Collector. It's a massive, tentacled abomination that constructed itself out of dead bodies. Enough said.
  • Digamma's torture of Raz. The Nomad decapitates Raz with a scythe, Mind Rapes him, and forces his body to undergo a Painful Transformation into a malformed mass of flesh, keeping Raz alive and conscious throughout all of this. All the while the other Champions who were in the Common Room are telekinetically restrained and powerless to do anything to help.

Twilight Of The Gods

  • Harry murdering Norman in cold blood.

A Game Of Gods: Infinities

  • An unmasked Scorpion screaming "GIVE! ME! MY! FAAAAAAACE!"

A Game Of Gods: Taskforce Sifuri

  • The angels in the factory, which have killed and displayed dozens of Nomads over the years.
  • Commorragh. Their first view of the city involves the corpses (mostly corpses) of torture victims displayed on spikes. And then the Mandrakes attack...
