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Nightmare Fuel / Charby the Vampirate

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Spoilers Off applies to all Nightmare Fuel pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

When the vampires in a comic that has them in the title are not of the friendly neighborhood variety some nightmare fuel is to be expected.

  • Quixoto killed Charby by ripping out his throat after playing mind games with him, he then tossed him to a bear to finish off. Charby’s dislike of his sire is understandable.
  • Kellwood promotes itself as an idyllic place to enjoy the wilderness despite the fact that it most humans who enter the woods are either eaten or come back wrong.
  • Zeno’s flashback nightmare of being vivisected alive.(page 67)
  • Zerlocke spends a human lifetime locked into an extremely abusive relationship with his sire because he is completely blinded by his love for her.
  • Zeno trying and failing to get Charby to knock him out to prevent loosing control to the wraith, resulting in him blowing up Charby's head.(archive page 714)
  • K’ale snaps when he comes across a party goer wearing part of his beloved murdered father. (archive page 726)
  • Cyril’s fate of being reduced to bone while unable to die and pinned by his own blade with King Rodericke regularly collecting shavings of him and then leaving him to heal. (archive page 796)
  • Dragons are sentient beings that can pass as human and like to live amongst them, Mayor Cusick's office is decorated with the body parts of murdered dragons and he is revolted that anyone would pass up a chance to try and kill one in order to make a profit off the magic contained in their scales.
  • Darryn’s gruesome death when he tried to dive into a river and hit his head on a rock, causing it to rupture and twisting his neck into an unnatural position while his lifeless eyes stare at his little brother. (page 964)
  • Quixoto’s telepathic prowess is nightmare fuel even when he’s not around. (page 1007)
  • The mess of organs and limbs a changeling appears as mid-change as they wrap around and overcome the original owner of their new intended identity.
