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Nightmare Fuel / Cats Don't Dance

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Here, kitty!
  • The Dark Reprise of "Big and Loud," and Darla in general. What makes her scary is just how disturbingly straight her sociopathy is played.
  • The fact that Danny was nearly murdered by Max. What makes this moment even more terrifying is that the animals are made to symbolize the minorities who were unable to get the work they wanted because of their race, and were also denied their rights, such as a murder not being taken seriously enough. In other words, had Max succeeded, then no one, except Danny's friends, would really care about his death. Even if anyone else did care, there's nothing they can do about it out of fear of Max, let alone getting on Darla's bad side.
    • Max's intimidating nature was Played for Laughs throughout the movie, but in the climax he actually seems genuinely terrifying, especially when he's about to go in for the kill, laughing and giving a Slasher Smile.
  • Never during any point in the film does the audience learn exactly what Max is and why he possesses superhuman abilities. It's highly likely that's what the creators intended, as it makes Max all the more frightening.
