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Jerkass / Comic Books

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Other Comics

  • Amalgam Universe: Lobo the Duck, given that his DC Comics component is Lobo, shamelessly cheats on his love interest Bevarlene (a mash-up of Lobo's Darlene Spritzer and Howard the Duck's Beverly Switzler) and, after seeing that all the superheroes have been killed, gloats that he never liked them and is happy that they're dead.
  • Reggie from the beloved Archie Comics is an egotistical prick who has no problem making remarks at the expense of the other characters.
  • Jason, the protagonist of Long Ago And Far Away is a big fat jerk who used to be the "Child Knight" who saved Elvenwood many years ago.
  • The Eye of Mongombo: Both Adventurer turned Duck Cliff Carlson and his ex-boss Norbert Nuskle are this in spades.
  • Both title characters of Calvin and Hobbes occasionally delve into this, though Calvin is more of a Jerkass Woobie.
  • Toyota from Y: The Last Man makes a point of being as unpleasant as possible to everyone she comes into contact with, as if sticking swords through them (not to mention cutting Ampersand's tail) wasn't enough.
  • In Big Foot Bill, the titular character counts as one. Despite his mostly-friendly nature, he can be at times very harsh towards the other cryptos.
  • Gladstone Gander. He can get anything he wants just by wanting it, and yet keeps on tormenting his poor cousin Donald Duck with his insufferable jackassery and Smug Snake behavior.
  • While Lucy might have been the worst Jerk Ass in the Peanuts cartoons, Violet was the worst Jerk Ass in the comic. She constantly abused Charlie Brown both verbally and physically, and once firmly declared that he had no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
    • Lucy was, however, a bit of a brat. Once she even told everyone Charlie Brown was hitting her when he hadn't, for no reason whatsoever (in a Sunday strip from November '52). She also teases and bullies her little brother Linus without stopping, forces respect out of other kids through sheer intimidation, and uses Charlie Brown's "sessions" at her booth as an excuse to make him feel even worse about himself. And that's not even getting into the annual football gag, which seems meaner every time she does it. (most infamousy in the animated special It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown, where Lucy keeps that routine in an actual homecoming game, which predictably leads to the defeat of Charlie Brown's team... and worst of all, everyone blames Charlie Brown for it, Lucy most vocally, something that led to many angry letters complaining that even for how much Charlie Brown suffers, him being berated for something that was Lucy's fault was just too mean-spirited) Toward the end of the strip, she started taking on a surprisingly nurturing role toward Rerun, softening up some.
  • Garfield is notorious for being one of the worst examples of this trope, being infamous for his cruel antics towards both Jon and Odie, his arrogance and his extreme bouts of laziness, though he can be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold Depending on the Writer. Here is a big example of him at his worst.
    • Let's not forget Nermal either. He seems to visit Garfield purely to steal his food, rub it in Garfield's face that Nermal's cuter and younger than he is, use his cuteness to steal Jon's affection and con him into giving Nermal food, and after all that still seems to think that Garfield likes him. Thankfully, Garfield always makes him pay for it.
  • Stanley the Talking Fish in Nintendo Comics System and Mario to a lesser extent.
  • Mini Monsters has Victor Von Piro, although he's sometimes a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
    • Morty Vivente is a mix of this and Alpha Bitch, without the "popular" thing.
  • Kyle Bell from Hack/Slash, whose only real redeeming quality is pulling off a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Many of the superhomies from Empowered, especially Major Havoc.
  • Joseph Boulier from Gaston Lagaffe. Longtarin and Gaston himself had their moments as well.
  • Jason Fox from FoxTrot's strips (pre-Sunday Only)
  • Jokey Smurf of The Smurfs with his constant pranks.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog:
    • Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics):
      • King Max Acorn, with everything he's gone through, had devolved into this. A big part of his assholishness is because he was raised to follow royal traditions. That also includes using a mystical golden pool with a strange, undefined connection to make his decisions instead of, say, the guy you hired to be part of your Intelligence Agency. Thus, most of his decisions boil down to "because the pool told me to", including but not limited to disbanding your daughter's well-trained team of heroes over his just-recently formed Secret Service and forcing said daughter to marry someone she really didn't want to.
  • Sonic in Sonic the Comic is one, he picks on Tails for no reason,(constantly calling him an idiot),is a dick towards his friends, and once made Porker Lewis cry.
  • Kenton's father Praxton in White Sand. He constantly puts his son down, treats Kenton's new ideas with disdain, argues that brute force is the only way for a Sand Master to be successful, mocks the idea of using a sword, laughs at Kenton's inability to slatrify and states that even if Kenton accomplishes Mastell's Path, Praxton still won't promote him above the lowest rank, which is just blatantly unfair. Later, when Kenton is on the Path, he mocks him from above for not "gliding elegantly on the sand" like Sand Master should. That's not to mention that he's engaged in a shouting match with his son in front of all the Sand Masters in their order.
  • Plutona: Ray is a bully who insults everyone around him - except for his abusive father.
  • Dynamo5 : This series does not paint a good picture of Captain Dynamo/William Warner. It was revealed in the series that he was a habitual womanizer who cheated on his wife, Maddie Warner, and fathered numerous children, even when it compromised his crime-fighting duties. He used his shape shifting power to impersonate women's husbands in order to sleep with them. He had a relationship behind his wife's back with Chrysalis one of his Arch Enemies, and even fathered a daughter with her, Cynthia, who inherited all of Dynamo's powers, and goes by the code name Synergy. According to Chrysalis, Dynamo was a presence in Synergy's life, and led a second life behind Warner's back as he helped to raise her. Unknown to Chrysalis, he was cheating on her as well. Finally, we learn that he fathered a child with an alien woman that he had met in outer space, after coming to the aid of her malfunctioning starship. Because of the taboo of raising a half-breed on her world, she came to Earth to give custody of their son to Dynamo. Because he viewed the child as a threat to his marriage, he left the infant at a F.L.A.G. research facility, where the child grew up without parents. When he began to bond with Dr. Bridges, one of the scientists there, the two were separated, and Dynamo refused Bridges' pleas to free the boy from the facility.
  • The Transformers (IDW) and its successor series:
    Chromia: Millions of years of civil war and no one killed that guy?
  • Jupiter's Circle: Walter is shown to have always been a prick, calling Bluebolt a "homo" and brainwashing Sunny into loving him.
  • Star Wars: Invasion: Captain Ogden is presented mainly as a pompous, unhelpful and snide jerk who keeps getting in the way of the main characters' attempt to rescue refugees and fight the Vong.
  • Astro City has the Point Man, the obnoxious Guy Gardner-like 1980s anti-hero.
  • Laika:
    • Tatiana's landlady, who immediately demands that she get rid of the puppies that her dog gave birth to because "[she] won't have mongrels in this house!"
    • Mikhail, a mean kid with a short fuse who bullies his cousin Liliana, explodes at his friends, and rejects Kudryavka the dog when she tries to show affection to him. It runs in the family—both of his parents are short-tempered and his father is physically abusive.
