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Ironic Echo / Live-Action TV

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  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:
    • In "Nothing Personal'', outed HYDRA mole Ward defends himself against Skye by claiming it was nothing personal, he was Just Following Orders when he betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D. and Coulson's team. A few minutes later, after nearly being killed by Deathlok in order to force Skye to give up information, his outrage is met with Deathlok's calm, "It was nothing personal. I was just following orders."
    • In Season 4's "The Man Behind the Shield", when the Superior explains why he holds Coulson responsible for his Start of Darkness, Coulson responds that But for Me, It Was Tuesday and says "Cool origin story, bro, but this means nothing to me." When the Superior returns in the following season's "The Devil Complex", he explains to Coulson how he came to be working for General Hale's HYDRA splinter and adds "How's that for a cool origin story ... bro?"
  • Angel:
    • In "Reunion", Holland tells Angel he "just can't seem to care" that people die because of Wolfram & Hart's Special Projects Division's schemes. Later, when Darla and Drusilla are about to kill everyone in the Special Projects Division, Holland pleads for help, but Angel replies, "And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care" before leaving, locking the door on his way out.
    • Doyle's line in "Hero": "Is that it? Am I done?"
    • Less notable, but in "First Impressions", Gunn threatens his snitch, saying among other things, "Survival of the fittest, bro. And right now you're not lookin' too fit." Said snitch later turns out the Monster of the Week. Ouch.
    • At the start of "A Hole in the World", Spike and Angel are having a vicious, violent argument...over who'd win in a fight between cavemen and astronauts. The episode's climax has the team's scientist, Fred, dying so her body can be used as a shell for a primordial entity. "The cavemen win. Of course the cavemen win."
    • In one episode Lindsey and Angel both shoot biting remarks at one another on how the situation is all a matter of "how you look at the glass".
  • Babylon 5:
    • Season 2, "The Fall of Night": Sheridan is ordered to apologize for opening fire on (and destroying) a Centauri cruiser, despite the fact that the cruiser was first to fire and that the retaliation was in self-defense. When Sheridan asks if the apology would be written for him, he's told it isn't; "as with everything else, it's the thought that counts." Later, Sheridan's practicing an epic Backhanded Apology in front of his mirror, capping it off with those same words.
    • Season 4, "Moments of Transition": In a private moment, Shakiri notes to Neroon that, to a warrior, death is neither good nor bad: simply a release from one's obligations. Later, when Shakiri is reluctant to undergo a Trial by Ordeal, Neroon calls out Shakiri's cowardice by throwing his own words right back at him.
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003): In the miniseries, the newly sworn-in President Roslin tries to convince Adama to leave the fight and run away, taking the fleet with him, saying that if the human race is to survive at all, they have to escape and "we have to start having babies!" Adama doesn't reply and simply leaves the room, but later on he apparently realises the sense in the plan while watching Billy and Dee flirting, causing him to comment under his breath "They'd better start having babies." to the confusion of the people around him.
    Saul Tigh: Is that an order?
  • Being Human: In the first season finale, Herrick's line, repeated later by George: "You shouldn't have come for Mitchell. It caught my attention."
  • The Big Bang Theory: In the episode "The Bus Pants Utilization", Sheldon is explaining to Leonard why telling Penny about his idea for a smart phone app puts it at risk of being stolen:
    Sheldon: Consider this unlikely, but very plausible scenario: A young woman alone in the big city, her ridiculous dream of becoming an actress lies shattered about her.
    Penny: Hey, wait a minute!
    Howard: Hang on, let's see where he's going.
    Sheldon: Then it hits her — how is she going to survive? She has no prospects, no marketable skills. And then one day, she meets a group of geniuses, and their friend Howard.
    Howard: Hey, I—
    Penny: Hang on, let's see where he's going.
  • The Black Donnellys: The finale has Jimmy trying to get somewhere after being stranded. He finds a car and hot-wires it. Joey explains how he knew how to do this by telling about the time their father tried to hot-wire a van to take the family on vacation. He fails and they have to cancel their vacation. Joey laughs "That's the Donnellys. They never could make it more than a block outside their neighborhood." At the end, they gather up their closest allies and friends and try to make a run for it, only to be ambushed by Dokey. In their effort to escape, their mother is shot and seemingly killed. Joey repeats his previous comment, only more grimly.
  • Black Mirror: In the sixth episode of Series 4, Black Museum, Rolo tells Nish about how he made the museum's main attraction, the uploaded conscience of a wrongfully convicted and executed man, named Clayton Leigh, who turns out to be Nish's father, get there. He made Clayton believe that Rolo would financially help the former's family after the conscience upload. For, by that, being the first person to survive their execution, Rolo dubs Clayton "a pioneer". When Nish gets her revenge for the existence of that attraction, by putting Rolo's conscience in her father's body, she says "Congratulations, you're a pioneer."
  • Boy Meets World: "This... is... the most beautiful dress... I have ever seen!" First Topanga says it regarding the wedding dresses she hand-picks for the bridesmaids despite Morgan's blatant hatred towards them, and then Morgan utters the same sentence upon seeing Topanga wearing the wedding dress Amy has in mind for Topanga later in the same episode. Topanga takes Morgan's opinion surprisingly well.
  • Breaking Bad has a heart-breaking one with Junior in regards to Walt: "Why don't you just die already?"
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine: When Sophia mocks Jake for using a glasses case as a wallet, he says "things can be two things." Later, she uses it in the courtroom to try to discredit the fact that Jake found her client's thief tools.
    Jake: You can't say that, that's my saying! [to the judge] That's my thing!
    Judge: People don't own sayings.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    • In "Earshot", Jonathan yells "We're not friends!" at Buffy in a rather dramatic discussion about how most students barely even notice anyone outside their clique. In "The Prom", Jonathan's speech when presenting Buffy with the Class Protector award begins with "We're not good friends," then continues with how pretty much everyone at the school has been saved by Buffy at some point, whether she was friends with them or not.
    • In "Who Are You", Faith and Buffy switch bodies; practicing for the impersonation of her rival, Faith acts how she believe Buffy does — prissily announcing to herself in the mirror that you can't do that "Because it's wrong". Much later, after living a day in Buffy's life, Faith is about to skip town and escape entirely when she hears of a vampire attack upon a church and, not quite knowing why, heads out to confront them. Battling the vampires, she stops their plan to slaughter the congregation "because it's wrong" — now entirely sincere. (Sarah Michelle Gellar acts the hell out of the latter scene, too, playing beautifully against how much she camped it up in the beginning of the episode where she is prancing about in front of the mirror as Faith doing her Buffy impression.)
    • Another example is Doppelganger!Willow's "Bored now" line, which is echoed by Willow in "Villains" when she undergoes a Face–Heel Turn after Tara's death — the line is spoken to Warren, Tara's killer, right before she flays him alive.
      • And then, in comics, Willow is captured and a resurrected Warren asks her: "Are you bored now?"
      • Another one in same episode: earlier Faith killed Deputy Major despite Buffy's warning "Faith, no!" Here Willow has to cry "Buffy, no!", so Vamp Willow is spared she dies anyway.
    • In "What's My Line, Part 2", Willy manages to pull off the quickest version of this ever: telling Buffy "Here you go. Don't ever say your friend Willy don't come through in a pinch" as he leads her to the church where Spike's crew is about to sacrifice Angel, and then repeating the line about five seconds later to Spike's bounty hunters, indicating that he's selling her out.
    • And then there's Xander and the zombie bomber in "The Zeppo": who has the most fear?
    • In "Becoming, Part 1", Darla tells Angel to "close your eyes" right before turning him into a vampire. In "Becoming, Part 2", Buffy tells Angel to "close your eyes" right before sending him to Hell.
    • In "The Gift", Spike mockingly refers to Xander as a glorified bricklayer. He uses this in a Bond One-Liner after nailing Glory with a wrecking ball:
      Xander: And the glorified bricklayer picks up a spare.
    • Drusilla repeats Spike's "I'll see that you get strong again" line when she gets her strength back, and effortlessly carries him to safety.
    • In "The Witch", Xander is asking for Willow's help trying to ask Buffy out, telling her "you're like a guy! You're my guy-friend who knows about girl stuff!" Willow mutters "Oh, great." Later, Buffy, loopy while under a spell, tells Xander she loves him because he's "totally and completely one of the girls!" Xander mutters "That's great." Willow smiles.
    • In "The Gift", Buffy's last words to Dawn before her Heroic Sacrifice are "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it," begging Dawn to be brave and live. In "Once More, With Feeling", Buffy reveals that the other Scoobies actually pulled her out of Heaven when they resurrected her and openly attempts to dance to the point where Sweet's powers begin to incinerate her, only for Spike to step in and stop her just in time; upon which, Dawn throws that very same line back at Buffy.
  • Burn Notice:
    • In the episode "No Good Deed", quoth Eve, the villain of the episode, "Remember that part about me letting you live if you helped me rip off my buyer? I Lied." Quoth Westen back at her a minute later, after Fiona's rescue is a success and Eve is on the ground and disarmed, "You remember the part about me helping you getting away with the money and the drive? I lied."
    • Simon, the psychopath whose history was given to Michael in order to burn him repeats the mantra we've heard from Michael since the show started: I want my life back.
  • Castle:
    • In following a lead in the case, Richard Castle has gotten himself involved in an illegal high-stakes 'no limits' poker game with a group of Russian mobsters. During the climactic hand, the lead mobster goes all in and taunts Castle by saying 'what's money to a millionaire, huh?'. Unfortunately for him, Castle wins the hand; as he collects his winnings he cheerfully comments 'what's money to a mobster, huh?' Not surprisingly, the mobster is less amused when his words are thrown back in his face.
    • Towards the end of the series, Castle happens to catch Beckett's new boyfriend asking her out on a date and is obviously unhappy about it; Beckett taunts him about it slightly, confirming that she's going out with him "unless you have a problem with that." Later, Beckett is reconnecting with an old friend, who remarks that she could use some moral support at a dinner she's attending that night — Castle leaps in and asks her out, but not before stopping to say to Beckett "unless you have a problem with that." Beckett, obviously unhappy with the situation, is less amused this time.
    • "You got that ass-backwards. You can't hide from me." Said by Lockwood to Beckett just before he breaks out of custody in "Knockout", and later that episode, said by Montgomery to Lockwood just before he takes Lockwood and his cronies out in a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Charmed (1998): When the sisters confront a Darklighter in one episode:
    Alec: [pointing crossbow at Phoebe] Never used this on a witch before.
    [Alec gets thrown into a bathroom stall, dropping his crossbow]
    Prue: [picks up crossbow] Never used this on a Darklighter before.
  • Chuck:
    • "Chuck Versus The First Fight"
      Volkoff: I am Alexei Volkoff. I believe you were looking for me.
    • "Chuck Versus The Push Mix"
      Chuck: Hello Alexei. I believe you were looking for me.
  • Played for Laughs in Cobra Kai, when Johnny and Daniel are teaching each other their respective karate styles. Daniel explains Mr. Miyagi's concept that the best way to win a fight is "no be there", to which Johnny pokes fun at. Then when Johnny is teaching Daniel he takes him to a hockey game, instigates a fight between Daniel and a few players, and then flees to leave Daniel to fight them all alone. His excuse for leaving when he returns munching a pretzel?
    Johnny: No be there.
  • Cold Case: From the episode Stand Up And Holler: "Don't move a muscle... bitch." First the killer says it to the victim as victim tries to leave, and then Lilly says this to the killer while the latter tries to walk away.
  • Community: Jeff at the beginning of the pilot episode says to Abed (rather condescendingly) "I see your value now." Later, after demonstrating a moment of vulnerability to the group, Abed repeats this phrase to Jeff, without the condescension.
  • Control Z:
    • SofĂ­a questions Quintanilla for allowing RaĂşl back into the school, but he blatantly refuses to answer saying that this doesn't concern her. SofĂ­a then throws those words back to his face when Quintanilla asks her about where she's heading upon noticing her angry over some family stuff that her mother intends to get rid of, also adding that he isn't her father.
    • When Susana takes over as the new principal of National School but, just like her predecessor (and ex-lover), is unable to expel RaĂşl either due to his blackmail. He solemnly apologizes to SofĂ­a for disappointing her. Then, SofĂ­a echoes back those words to RaĂşl when he asks her to give him another chance.
  • Corner Gas: In one episode, Hank's car is impounded and accidentally sold to Wanda. Wanda rubs it in by saying "There are no words to describe how pleased I am with myself." When, to get back at Wanda, Hank gets her car impounded and buys it, Hank attempts to perform an Ironic Echo but fails miserably, mangling the quote to a level of incomprehensibility: "I can't express happy words how I feel right." Which makes it all the more funny because he can't express how pleased with himself he is.
  • Coupling: During the finale of the second series, Steve and Susan's relationship is presented as becoming stale, with Steve always responding to Susan's questions with "It's up to you" and Susan always asking Steve "Where are you going?" At the end, after an argument, Susan storms out of the house. Steve asks "Where are you going?" Susan responds, "It's up to you."
  • Criminal Minds: In the episode "True Night", Johnny McHale is suffering from a psychotic break due to the trauma of being attacked by gang members. During that incident, the gang leader told him "You're not gonna wanna miss this" before killing his pregnant girlfriend. Eventually, Johnny McHale hunts down the gang leader and just before killing him says "You're not gonna wanna miss this."
  • Dark Angel: At the start of the episode "Pollo Loco", Max unconcernedly snaps the neck of a live chicken in order to eat it. At the end of the episode she is forced to kill a violently insane transgenic sibling and uses the same method. Naturally she finds these circumstances considerably more traumatic.
  • Degrassi:
    • In the Degrassi Junior High episode It's Late, Spike yells to her mother "You know nothing what it's like to be fourteen!" when trying to hide her pregnancy test. In the premiere of Degrassi: The Next Generation, when Spike is arguing with Emma after the latter was saved from being raped by an online predator, Emma yells back "You don't know what it's like being twelve!". Spike responds, "I do."
    • Also in Next Generation in an example where the original and ironic echo were uttered by the same person, in the Season 3 episode "Gangsta Gangsta", when Sean befriends Jay and his posse, he offers to install cold air intake in Jay's car and says, "The parts aren’t cheap, but if you want, I can do the labor for free.". He steals Mr. Simpson (Snake)'s laptop with Jay to fund this, and Simpson eventually finds out Sean stole it towards the end of the season and wants nothing to do with him. In the season finale at the school dance, Sean makes it up to Snake when he sees him having car troubles, and offers his help in fixing it by saying: "The parts aren’t cheap, but if you want, I can do the labor for free."
  • Desperate Housewives
    • The line Orson tells Bree about what people do who love each other is repeated by Bree to Karl as justification for cheating on Orson.
    • In Season 6 when Bree promotes Rex's illegitimate son Sam to Vice President of her company and her son Andrew doesn't approve:
      Bree: I know you don't understand this now, but I am doing what I think is best for both of us.
      Andrew: Remember that sentence. You'll be hearing it the day I put you in a nursing home.
  • Dinosaurs: A scene at the very end of the first episode has Earl telling the Baby while standing at the window that he and his brother and sister were born dinosaurs, "and dinosaurs rule the world... and we're gonna rule the world forever." In the final episode, he admits to Baby that he's screwed up the world to the point where there isn't much of a world left for his children. He also says desperately, "And hey, I'm sure it will all turn out OK. After all, dinosaurs have been on this earth for 150 million years. It's not like we're going to just... disappear." One of the final scenes is Earl at the same window, watching the encroaching Ice Age that will doom the dinosaurs.
  • Doctor Who:
    • "The Silurians": The Doctor and Liz overload a nuclear device in order to prevent the Silurians using it, which has the effect of sealing them all in the base to die. The Doctor, thinking his companions might die, warmly tells the Brigadier "Well done, Brigadier." Later in the story, the Doctor returns to the caves to revive the remaining Silurians and is attacked by one, who the Brigadier shoots. The Doctor looks down at the unconscious body and says, in a cold tone, "Well done, Brigadier."
    • "Warriors' Gate": The Tharils had enslaved people in the past — "The weak enslave themselves" — and now are slaves themselves. The Doctor gives them an Ironic Echo, and one concedes the justice, but they have suffered enough.
    • "The Happiness Patrol" has a famous scene where the Doctor talks a sniper out of shooting him by saying "Look me in the eye. Pull the trigger. End my life." This is repeated almost word for word in the later story "Battlefield", only this time it's the Doctor being spoken to.
    • "The End of the World":
      • As the Doctor and Rose talk about the people coming to visit Satellite One, Rose asks if he means people or aliens, to which he responds "depends how you mean people". Later, when Cassandra is caught by the Doctor, he angrily states people have died. Cassandra just blithely shoots back "that depends how you define people".
      • When Rose tries to make sense of her culture shock by talking about how everyone on the platform is so alien, the Doctor makes a slightly snide and insensitive crack about how they're "lucky I didn't take you to the Deep South". After the conversation has progressed to the TARDIS's Translation Convention, Rose reacts poorly to learning that the Doctor's machine gets inside her head and changes how it works, and that the Doctor didn't mention this. When the Doctor admits that he hadn't really considered it, Rose angrily fires back that he was "too busy making cheap shots about the Deep South".
    • "Dalek":
      • When the Dalek makes the observation it and the Doctor are the same (that being the last of their kind), a nerve is struck and the Doctor turns it on the Dalek in a very malicious way.
        Dalek: We are the same.
        The Doctor: We're not the same! I'm not... no, wait. Maybe we are. You're right, yeah, okay. You've got a point. Because I know what to do. I know what should happen. I know what you deserve. [sadistic grin] Exterminate! [yanks down the shock lever]
      • The episode uses it to Tear Jerking effect, when the titular Dalek quotes the most famous catchphrase of the Doctor Who canon — only to be exterminating itself.
      • From that same episode, Goddard does this to van Statten. His standard procedure for dismissing someone is having their memory wiped and dumping them on the side of the road in a city starting with the first letter of their last name. Her exact words...
        Goddard: Take him, wipe his memory.
        Van Statten: You can't do this to me! I am Henry van Statten!
        Goddard: And by tonight, Henry Van Statten will be a homeless, brainless junkie on the side of the road in St. Louis, Seattle, Sacramento... someplace beginning with "S".
    • "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances": When conman Captain Jack Harkness explains how the con that he accidentally got the Doctor and Rose involved in was supposed to work, as a perfect "self-cleaning" con because the object he was trying to con them with would be destroyed by a bomb, he brings up Pompeii, describing it as "great for self-cleaners, but you'd have to set your alarm for Volcano Day." When the Doctor starts to show Jack just what the piece of "harmless space junk" he was using has started to do, namely unleashing The Virus, he says, "You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's Volcano Day."
    • "The Idiot's Lantern": "Tell me everything you know." First said by DI Bishop to the Doctor, and then vice versa, complete with them switching positions.
    • "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday": Yvonne whispers "I did my duty for Queen and country" when she is dragged off to be upgraded by Cybermen. The upgrade goes a bit wrong, and she appears later in Cyberman form killing other Cybermen in a You Shall Not Pass! moment.
      Cyber-Yvonne: I did my duty. For Queen. And country. I did my duty. For Queen and country...
    • "Blink": Billy, meeting Sally as a young man, tells her "life is short and you are hot". Later, bidding her farewell as an old man, he says "life is long and you are hot".
    • "The Poison Sky": Luke Rattigan, the Sontarans' former Unwitting Pawn, echoes the Sontaran chant with a contemptuous "Sontar? HA!" before blowing up their ship.
    • In several episodes across three series, the Tenth Doctor's companions attempt a regional accent, with the Doctor telling them "Don't. Don't do that. Don't." After a traumatic event involving a voice-stealer in "Midnight", the Doctor uses the phrase in a completely serious manner when Donna repeats one of his catchphrases.
    • "The Stolen Earth": Harriet Jones keeps introducing herself as "Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister." The listener always responds with "I know who you are." When the Daleks break in, the sequence is repeated, much less humorously.
      Harriet Jones: Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister.
      Dalek: Yes, we know who you are.
      Jones: Oh, you know nothing of any human, and that will be your downfall.
    • "Planet of the Dead": The Doctor and UNIT scientist Malcolm Taylor each say "He hung up on me" and "Not now, I'm busy!" at different points, each either about or to the other.
    • "The Waters of Mars": After the Doctor decides that he is the Time Lord Victorious and can do whatever he wants, he rescues the remaining Martian explorers from certain death by evacuating on the TARDIS. When they land back on Earth, the rescued astronauts stumble out of the TARDIS, one exclaiming in horror, "It's ... it's bigger on the inside!" This is a brilliant inversion of the usual exclamations of wonder and excitement given by companions on first seeing the TARDIS, and shows how much darker the Doctor has become.
    • "The End of Time":
      • Consider Rassilon's introductory scene after he vaporises a dissenting Time Lady. And then think back to the Dalek Emperor's final words to Rose and the Ninth Doctor...
        "I will NOT DIE!"
      • Also, "You never would... you coward!" echoes a previous episode, "The Doctor's Daughter", when the Doctor tells the man who shot and apparently killed Jenny "I. Never. Would."
      • "Get out of the way". First said by the Doctor to the Master before he destroys the link between Earth and Gallifrey, then the Master says it to the Doctor before he begins blasting Rassilon.
      • This in a way builds up to the Doctor's own echo. Remembering how his entire civilization had been destroyed centuries ago and how he became more callous in manipulating others, he mused "Sometimes I think Time Lords live too long." Later after seeing just how far the other Time Lords would go to live and faced with the choice of sacrificing himself to save Wilf he began to rage at the unfairness of it... only to remind himself "I've lived too long."
      • The line the Doctor delivers when trying to convince the Master to join him on his travels ("You don't need to own the universe, just see it!") echoes the reply the Doctor gave the Master when the latter asked the Doctor to join him and his megalomanic plans.
    • "The Pandorica Opens":
      • In a variation, the message relayed by various allies of the Doctor's at the beginning turns out to have been sent by the Legion of Doom, which then pretends to respond to it.
      • According to River, the Doctor usually turns out to be "the good wizard". Turns out that this time he's the "goblin, or a trickster, or warrior soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies". Like in the story, he's tricked.
    • "The Doctor Falls": The Doctor explains to a Cyberman that he is not "a doctor", he is "The Doctor". By the end of the episode, after prompting him for his identity, the First Doctor replies with "No, no, no! You might be 'a doctor', but I am 'The Doctor'. The original, you might say." (Itself echoing the Fourth Doctor's classic quip to Harry Sullivan "You might be a doctor, but I am The Doctor. The definite article, you might say.")
    • "Spyfall":
      • The Master uses the alias "O" in anticipation of the Doctor's Oh, Crap! reaction to his identity. When she outwits him, he gets an "Oh..." of his own.
      • A visual one: when the Master is stranded in the Kasaavin's dimension, the camera pulling back to show him totally alone mirrors the Doctor's entrapment in the same dimension at the end of part 1.
    • "Fugitive of the Judoon": After Ruth receives a message from Lee that triggers a sudden display of martial defence against the Judoon that sends them away, she reacts with horror and denies that that was part of her, saying that she knows her own life. Later, when Ruth is revealed to be an incarnation of the Doctor, the Thirteenth Doctor denies that she could be a part of her past because she knows her own life.
  • Dollhouse:
    • Throughout the series, there is a system of nested passphrases set up between Dolls (people with implanted memories custom-built for any given situation anyone with a ton of money could want) and their handlers. One set of passphrases confirms that the Dolls are working properly after having their memories wiped and restored to a blank, passive, helpless state.
      "Did I fall asleep?"
      "For a little while."
      "Shall I go now?"
      "If you like."
    • For most of the past season, the protagonists have been realizing just how unethical their job is and learned that it may soon lead to The End of the World as We Know It. In the second-to-last episode of the series, the Doll's passphrase system is inverted between the protagonist and The Chessmaster responsible for it all, formerly her own handler, just before he is given an order to blow himself up.
    • The "Do you trust me?/With my life..." passphrase between Doll and handler gets inverted in the second episode, when the handler is wounded and it's up to the Active to save them both.
    • The first episode, "Ghost," has Echo imprinted with a rape victim named Eleanor Penn. She recites a mantra: "You can't fight a ghost," which is supposed to remind her that it's only her memories that are making her Defiled Forever. When she actually confronts her rapist again he smacks her in the face, only for Penn!Echo to defiantly tell him "You can't fight a ghost" — the irony being that the real Penn killed herself years ago, while Echo is her "ghost" getting posthumous revenge.
  • Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman:
    • In "The Campaign", Dr. Mike runs against Jake for Mayor. Because only men are eligible to vote, she seems to have little chance of victory. When Dr. Mike and Dorothy try to get Jake and Loren to consider a deal, Loren replies, "Why should we deal? We're winning."
    • Later, Sully finds a way to make all of the women in town eligible voters as well. Jake and Loren then ask Dr. Mike and Dorothy to consider a deal, and Dr. Mike replies, "Why should we deal? We're winning." Subverted in that Dr. Mike's echoing statement wasn't actually true. Jake tells her, "No, you're not. Even counting all the women's votes, you're still outnumbered." Dorothy reluctantly confirms that Jake is correct. However, Jake and Loren were still willing to make a deal, because it was now possible, however unlikely, that Dr. Mike might win the election.
  • Drop the Dead Donkey: In one episode, Pointy-Haired Boss Gus lambasts the security guard for not asking to see his identity card. The guard protests "But you're the guvner! I know your face!", to which Gus snarls "It doesn't say 'Identity cards must be shown, unless it's the guvner and I know his face'!" Inevitably, by the end of the episode, Gus has lost his card, and the guard won't let him in.
    Gus: But I'm the guvner! You know my face!
    Security Guard: It doesn't say "Identity cards must be shown, unless it's the guvner and I know his face".
  • The Dukes of Hazzard:
    • In "Cool Hands Luke and Bo", Bo and Luke, and later Boss Hogg and Rosco, make the mistake of entering Osage County, ruled by the feared Colonel Claiborne and Sheriff Cathcarte. All four are captured and sent to Claiborne's road prison, on trumped-up charges. When Rosco protests, "You can't arrest me, I'm an officer of the law!", Cathcarte smugly replies, "We can do anything we want! This is our county now!"
    • In the climax of the episode, the four escape and race toward Hazzard, with Claiborne and Cathcarte in pursuit. The chase ends in a car crash. As everyone tries to clear their heads, Bo and Luke grin and point out that they've crossed the county line, and are now in Hazzard. As Boss Hogg and Rosco gleefully arrest their former tormentors, Cathcarte protests, "You can't arrest me, I'm an officer of the law!" and Rosco smugly replies, "We can do anything we want! This is our county now!"
  • Earth: Final Conflict:
    William Boone: It was you. You killed my wife.
    Agent Ronald Sandoval: You don't have to thank me.
    • A few episodes later Sandoval's CVI is breaking down and the resistance needs to re-implant him with a new one to keep up Boone's cover.
      Agent Ronald Sandoval: Where's my wife?! Where's Dee Dee?!?
      William Boone: I can assure you that she felt no pain. (Beat) You don't have to thank me.
    • He's lying; she's still alive, but Boone wanted Sandoval to feel the pain that he felt before the CVI took hold.
  • Eureka: Another rather quick ironic echo comes from an episode, after Beverly is caught after accidentally murdering Kim while attempting to sabotage an experiment, in which Allison asks, "Why, Beverly? Why would you betray your own government? What could possibly be so important?" She then hints that if Beverly tells her everything she knows about the artifact, she'll consider using her influence to get her out of the rather deep trouble she's in. Beverly throws the exact same line back in Allison's face — only the name is changed. (The audience doesn't yet know why Beverly did it, but knows exactly why Allison is.)
  • Everybody Loves Raymond: In "The Contractor", when Debra complains to Ray about how she can't use the kitchen because Gianni is taking his sweet time installing a new stove for them, Ray remarks, "Well, okay, but... it's not like Van Gogh lost his paintbrush." Later, when Ray has thrown his back out and the two are cuddling after some serious talk, Ray coyly mentions that his condition means he'll be "out of commission" for a while... and Debra dryly responds, "Don't worry. It's not like Van Gogh lost his paintbrush."
  • Family Matters:
    • Done to applause in Season 3, Episode 19, "Woman of the People". Laura runs against Cassie Lynn Nubbles as class president, and the latter tries hard to find some dirt on her. When Laura falls into Steve's arms, she has her photographer friend Becky Sue snap pictures of them.
      Cassie Lynn: Look, Becky Sue. Poor Laura has worked so hard, and now she's gonna have to drop out of the race.
      Laura: What are you talking about?
      Cassie Lynn: Well, we just got some very hot photos of you being romanced by the prince of passion, here.
      Steve: What? But she just slipped and I caught her, that's all.
      Cassie Lynn: Becky Sue, we should put those pictures in the school paper!
      Becky Sue: (sarcastically) Oh, we couldn't do that. Everyone would think that Laura's in love with Steve Urkel, and no one would vote for her.
      (Cassie Lynn and Becky Sue gasp and giggle)
      Steve: But I told you, I just caught her, that's all!
      Cassie Lynn: That may be what happened, but that won't be what people believe. They just love juicy gossip.
      • Steve takes matters into his own hands following this, getting Cassie Lynn alone and then having Eddie snap pictures of them as he kisses her dramatically. This exchange follows:
        Steve: Why, I can see the headlines now! "Nubbles Sucks Face with Nerd!"
        Cassie Lynn: You wouldn't.
        Steve: Would.
        Cassie Lynn: You couldn't.
        Steve: Could.
        Cassie Lynn: But, it's a lie! You kissed me. I didn't kiss you.
        Steve: Well, that may be what happened, but it won't be what the people believe. People just love juicy gossip!
    • Three guesses as to who won the election after that.
  • Farscape:
    • "Vitas Mortis" has an Ironic Echo Type 1 exchange between Aeryn and Chiana: part one has Chiana doing the laundry in a knee-deep basin of Moya's amnexus fluids, refusing to wash Aeryn's clothes with the statement "Since when did I become your servant?" Part two has Chiana trapped in solidified amnexus fluid, and Aeryn gleefully refusing to help her, throwing "Since when did I become your servant?" back in her face.
    • Type 2 example: in "Unrealised Reality", the Time Master Einstein introduces himself to Crichton by saying "Time" five or six times. Crichton mockingly responds with a game of "finish the sentence" before trying and failing to kill him. When they next meet in "Peacekeeper Wars", Crichton's taken the advice Einstein gave him that episode to heart, and when they play the wordgame again, he acknowledges the possible wormhole-induced disaster that he was warned of:
      Einstein: Time.
      Crichton: Flies.
      Einstein: Time.
      Crichton: Bandits.
      Einstein: Time.
      Crichton: Wounds all heels.
      Einstein: Time.
      Crichton: (singing) Rosemary and—
      Einstein: Time?
      Crichton: (solemnly) Time ends.
    • In "Liars Guns And Money Part 1", Crichton leaves Scorpius to die in the Shadow Depository, while singing The Star-Spangled Banner as a form of Psychic Static. Two episodes later, Scorpius briefly hums a verse of the song before entering the Diagnosan's surgery, taking the neurochip and leaving Crichton paralyzed and incoherent.
  • Firefly:
    • In "War Stories", an early scene has Kaylee proclaiming "No power in the 'verse can stop me!" after playfully wrestling an apple from River. Much later in the episode, River says the same line to a shocked Kaylee after coldly killing three men that Kaylee was unable to shoot at. The same episode also has a much looser ironic echo, in that two separate characters (Book and Niska) ruminate over the works of Shan Yu.
    • "Jaynestown" comes with a subplot where the local magistrate hires Inara to sleep with his son, because he's 26 years old and "not yet a man!" During their time together, Inara convinces him that manhood is not about sex, but about the choices you make. In the end, he defies his father in order to let the crew escape capture. When his father confronts him, he says, "Well, father, you wanted to make a man of me. I guess it worked."
  • For the People sees this in "Flippity-Flop". When Jill demands Roger bring charges against a DEA Agent who locked an innocent man in solitary confinement and then forgot about him for four days:
    Roger: What the DEA did to Torres? Stupid, awful, tragic even. Not criminal.
    • Later in the episode, after Jill gets assigned to defend said DEA agent and Roger visits her with to make a deal:
      Jill: What the DEA did to Torres? Stupid, awful, tragic even. Not criminal.
  • Foyle's War: In "A Lesson In Murder", Judge Gascgoine is sent a threatening note that reads "You too shall receive justice." At the end of the episode, he drunkenly admits to his wife that the note and a later phone call were his own fabrications, a ploy to lure their eleven-year-old evacuee into a deadly trap because he'd seen Gascgoine taking bribes. (And it's all her fault because her family's stately home is expensive to maintain.) Mrs. Gascgoine grabs the gun hidden in his desk and shouts "You too shall receive justice!" as she shoots him.
  • Frasier: Possibly one of the quickest Ironic Echoes ever:
    Frasier: They spoke once and Dad said that she wasn't his type. So, it's over — done! He's completely cut her out of his life. I just don't understand what would make him do that.
    Niles: Oh, who knows why anybody does anything?
    Frasier: Remind me again what you do for a living? (Beat) You see the thing is, it was just one phone call. How can anyone make a sound judgment about another person on the basis of one phone call?
    Niles: Remind me again what it is you do for a living?
  • Full House:
    Jesse: (to Danny) "Swing to the left, then to the right, and ka-powie!" Bzzt!
    • When Jesse's attempt at trying to be a one-man band by playing all the instruments the Rippers used to play go badly wrong during the episode "Comet's Excellent Adventure", ending with the wires of an amplifier short-circuiting, he blames Joey for this, saying: "I should have known! The first rule of physics: Idiots and electronics don't mix!" Shortly thereafter, once Michelle notifies Joey of Comet, their family dog, going missing and Jesse's role in it, Jesse, upon realizing that he gave Michelle permission to walk Comet on her own that resulted in Comet going missing, he mutters: "I'm an idiot." Right at that moment, a spark flies out of said amplifier.
  • Game of Thrones:
    • In "Winter Is Coming", Ned Stark establishes what sort of man he is by sentencing and beheading an outlaw himself, eschewing an executioner, as Northern custom dictates. In "Baelor", he is beheaded by an executioner with his own sword.
    • In "The Wolf and the Lion", Robert raves to Ned that the only thing keeping the realm together is "Fear and blood!" which is dangerously close to the "Fire and Blood" motto of the Targaryens they fought so hard to overthrow.
    • In "Valar Morghulis", Pycelle tosses a coin to the now-powerless Tyrion and echoes his line, "For your trouble."
    • In "The Bear and the Maiden Fair", Jaime offers a sarcastic platitude to Roose Bolton: "Tell Robb Stark I'm sorry I couldn't make his uncle's wedding. The Lannisters send their regards." In "The Rains of Castamere", Roose uses this line as a Pre-Mortem One-Liner before sticking a knife in Robb's heart.
    • In "Second Sons", when his new wife asks what will happen if she never wants to bed him, Tyrion gives a bitter smile and says, "And so my watch begins," — a clear riff on the creed of the celibate Night's Watch.
    • In "Two Swords", Arya recites back to Polliver exactly what he said before killing Lommy Greenhands before killing him in the same way. "Something wrong with your leg, boy? Can you walk? Need me to carry you? Fine little blade, maybe I'll pick my teeth with it."
    • The Frey men-at-arms chant their victim's battle cry as they parade his desecrated body around.
    • Septa Unella greets her captives with an emotionless "Confess," uninterested in hearing any threats or pleas from them that don't involve confession, and chants "Shame, shame," during Cersei's "walk of punishment". In "The Winds of Winter", Cersei, now having Unella at her mercy, greets her with a mocking "Confess," while smugly recounting her own misdeeds and saying Unella should confess that she enjoyed torturing her prisoners. Before leaving Unella to be raped and killed by Gregor Clegane, Cersei repeats, "Shame, Shame."
    • Davos does this in "Garden of Bones", while smuggling Melisandre to the cliffs near Renly's camp:
      Davos: Someone once told me the night is dark and full of terrors.
    • Jaime calls Locke Roose Bolton's "pet rat" the last time they see each other. This is how Locke refers to Reek the next time he appears.
    • Cersei begins shrieking, "I am the Queen!", exactly the same way Margaery did when she was arrested by the Faith Militant. It's also not dissimilar to what her beloved son said previously, "I am the KING!"
    • In "The Climb", Littlefinger succinctly sums up his life philosophy to Varys while alone with him: "Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder." Later, in "The Spoils of War", while he is alone with Bran, he is giving a speech about his loyalty to the Stark family and makes a comment about coming home to chaos. Bran interrupts him to say "Chaos is a ladder", and it is clear from the look on his face that his blood just ran cold.
    • In the Season 7 finale, Littlefinger, while attempting to convince Sansa that Arya is a traitor, tells Sansa, "Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst." Later, when Sansa charges him with murder and treason, she throws those exact words back at him.
    • In the deleted scene where Irri is murdered, Doreah taunts her with her own catchphrase as she crushes her windpipe, after casually commenting on the strange dichotomy of pain and pleasure that people experience whilst being strangled. "It is known!"
  • Hannah Montana: In the beginning of "He's Not A Hottie, He's My Brother", Lily walks into Miley's bedroom in the morning and wakes her up by violentally screaming "MILEY!!!" making Miley fall out of the bed. Later in the episode, Miley goes back to the beach and finds Lily meditating. After failing to get her attention in the normal way, Miley eventually screams "LILY!!!" making Lily fall down just like how Lily woke her up earlier. Miley even lampshades this trope:
    Miley: Ommm... Now we're even for the bed thing.
  • Henry Danger: In "Captain Man: On Vacation", Piper chastises Jasper for failing her to win over more followers than Jana Tetrazini with her cold yoga videos and forces him to say, "I failed you, and now I'm gonna go home and sit by myself thinking about how and why I failed you!". After Jasper edits the video into a vendetta over Jana causing her channel to lose her followers, Piper is astounded and Jasper forced her to say, "Jasper's awesome, and now I'm gonna sit here and think about why Jasper's so awesome!".
  • Heroes: After Hiro's countless "Comes Great Responsibility" quotes, Ando repeats many of them back at him to enlist him to help Hope.
  • House:
    • The Season 3 premiere features an irate Cuddy denying one of House's odd treatments by ranting, "Twenty-four times a year you come in here telling me you can help someone, only you never put it that way. Instead you say, 'This guy's pancreas is going to explode because his brain is on fire!'" Later, when House thinks he's worked out what's wrong with the guy, he says, "See? His brain really is on fire," that being a colloquial but reasonably accurate summary of what the problem appears to be.
    • In another third season episode ("Informed Consent"), House tries to scare his patient from refusing tests by describing how he'll die. Later, the patient parrots House's words back to him arguing that he should be free to kill himself, because he'll die as House describes while being tested.
      House: Fine; you don't help us, we don't help you. Your lungs slowly fill with fluid. You gasp to catch every breath but never can. Every breath is petrifying. It'll be slow, painful, torturous.
      • 24 hours and many tests later...
        Patient: My lungs will slowly fill with fluid. I'll gasp to catch every breath but never can. Every breath will be petrifying. It'll be slow, painful, torturous. You really gonna let me die like that?
    • At one point during "Damned If You Do", Cuddy takes House off Sister Augustine's case because she thinks he gave her a higher dosage of epinephrine by mistake and that his attempts to diagnose her are because he can't admit his mistake. She tells him, "I am going to do you the biggest favor one doctor can do for another. I am going to stop you from killing your patient." When House later discovers that Augustine has been drinking figwort tea, which interacted with the epinephrine and caused the heart attack, he tells Cuddy the same thing, word-for-word.
    • In "Nobody's Fault" House comments that his patient suddenly coughing up blood was when the case became "interesting". The person evaluating his behavior points out the odd use of the word when his patient is in pain. House asks if that's bad, and receives the answer "It's interesting."
    • In the Season 1 episode "Babies And Bathwater", Wilson complains that the only parts of his life that don't suck are his job and his friendship with House. In the finale, the Kutner hallucination asks House if he thinks all he's worth is his friendship with Wilson and his job. House evades, which is pretty much saying yes.
  • How I Met Your Mother: It's a Running Gag that Barney may or may not have slept with Ted's mother. In one later episode, there's an additional Running Gag where he denies it, winks, and then denies having winked. When he later demands that Ted stop sleeping with his sister, Ted responds in exactly the same way. Trying to be clever, he asks Carly to stop instead, but she just follows Ted's lead.
    • Early on in Season 9 episode "Platonish", Barney says "I don't want to win, I want to keep playing!" in regards to continuing to accept silly challenges from Lily and Robin. Near the end, the Mother, after seeing through how Barney was upset and heartbroken over Robin, the former asked Barney, "Do you want to keep playing or do you want to win?". Barney then answers, "I want to win," in regards to winning Robin.
    • In “Mary the Paralegal”, Barney introduces Ted to Mary, a beautiful woman whom Barney has everyone believe is a prostitute. Barney later suggests that the two of them get a room that he already paid for. He then tells the others that Mary isn’t really a prostitute, which causes all of them to be shocked and him to say “Come on! If you don’t laugh, it just seems mean!”. When Ted finds out the truth (after embarrassing himself in front of Mary) he decides to take advantage of all the perks that come with the room Barney paid for (including massages and a very expensive bottle of champagne), shocking Barney and prompting Marshall to say: “Come on! If you don’t laugh, it just seems mean!”.
  • Human Target: In the finale, a rogue CIA agent who'd tried to have Chance and his team killed found out about Guerrero's son while searching for leverage. Later, after Guerrero's beaten him up and handcuffed him to the steering wheel of a car he's rigged to explode, the agent justifies his actions with "Look, it was nothing personal, it was just business." As Guerrero walks away from the car, he mutters "Nothing personal, dude. Just business." a moment before the agent starts the ignition and blows up.
  • Hustle: Quoth the mark, owner of a largescale nasty loan shark business, in the episode "Old Sparks Come New", "Only a moron lets hard-earned cash slip between their fingers. They deserve everything they got." And later on, "A contract's a contract; it's either legal or it isn't." After conning her out of 500 grand, the team comes back to gloat, and quotes both of those statements back at her.
  • iCarly: The "iStill Psycho" episode features Nora, and her mother, and her father, continuously repeating to the iCarly gang after making it clear that they were keeping them there for Nora's birthday party that they would be staying, "forever...and ever...and ever...and ever...and ever..." in a creepy, monotonic unison. Once the iCarlys have been rescued, Nora wakes up from her beating and asks what's going on. Carly, Sam, and Freddie savor saying that she and her parents are going to prison, "forever...and ever...and ever...and ever..."
  • Joe Pickett: In the pilot, after stealing Joe's gun as Joe writes him a ticket for poaching, Ote Keely gloats about how he could kill Joe, and if Joe were found dead with a gun next to him, people would just assume it was a suicide brought on by family and financial pressures. Joe grabs his gun back and throws Ote's words back at him threateningly while holding him at gunpoint before letting him go.
  • John Adams: In this HBO Mini Series, for most of the series Adams is told by members of the Continental Congress and the first Congress of the United States to "Sit Down" and stop talking. After he's elected the second President of the United States, his wife Abigail is sweeping up the debris in the executive residence and Adams is sitting in a chair. Abigail tells him, "Stand Up".
  • Just Shoot Me!: Subverted Trope in one episode. In an early scene in which Nina refers to something non-ironic as ironic, Maya says, "It's not ironic; it's just what happened." In a later scene, something truly ironic happens and when Maya calls it ironic, Nina replies, "It's not ironic; it's just what happened."
  • In Episode 2 of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Marvelous let a boy steal his Mobirates and Shinkenred Key and try fighting against the Monster of the Week. After the boy lost, Marvelous told him that since he had realized he couldn't protect the planet by fighting, he'd have to find another way to protect it. When the boy asked what he should do, Marvelous told him to figure it out for himself. Then, Marvelous asked the boy if Earth was worth protecting, and the boy said yes. When Marvelous asked which part of Earth was worth protecting, the boy said, "All of it. Figure it out for yourself."
  • Keeping Up Appearances: When Hyacinth is choosing a country residence to buy, as well as their town house, Richard pleads with her to think small, and is horrified when he sees her outside a country mansion; but in a Bait-and-Switch moment, she has only bought one apartment. However, in the next episode, Richard repeatedly moans that the attic apartment is too small, and that he feels boxed in.
  • The King's Woman: When Ying Zheng was a child, LĂĽ Bu Wei told him to be content with his lot. Years later Ying Zheng tells LĂĽ Bu Wei the exact same thing.
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit:
    • A suspect in a kidnapping-homicide flees to Ontario, is arrested, and during the extradition hearing the defense attorney argues that, because the death penalty is not off the table, and Canada is opposed to it, the judge should not allow the extradition. The judge questions whether that would make Canada a haven for criminals fleeing from capital crimes, and the attorney, slightly obnoxiously, insists that is purely a theoretical issue which shouldn't affect the judge's determination. Then the American ADA states that they do not want to extradite the man for kidnapping and murder, but for the car theft that was part of the kidnapping and murder, which is, of course, not a capital crime. The defense attorney protests that as soon as they have the man, they'll charge him with the more serious crimes. With a grin, the judge responds that such an event is a purely theoretical issue which shouldn't affect his determination.
    • One episode featured a semi-recurring rapist who was taunted his victims with the question "Is that how you like it?" John Munch deadpanned the same question when they finally arrested him.
  • Law & Order: UK: A similar scene. After raping Alesha, Dr. Merrick tauntingly asks her "Didn't that feel good?" The rest of the team hears this will reviewing the tape of the attack. As Matt handcuffs Merrick while he and Ronnie arrest him, Merrick whines, "You're hurting me!", to which Matt snarls in response, "Yeah, I know. Didn't that feel good?"
  • Leverage:
    • "My name is Nate Ford, and I am a thief."
    • Leverage seems to be good for these. The Season 1 finale starts out with a scene that echoes the beginning of the previous episode, with Nate parroting the villain's line from that episode — "Are you here to kill me?"
      • And then again at the end of the episode. At the start, the villain, an insurance agent, has a smug rant about how you can't let personal feelings get in the way of business and how he has a responsibility to his shareholders. After the heist, Nate Ford shouts the exact same rant back at the insurance agent while simultaneously disarming him and bankrupting him.
    • The Season 3 finale has two that pay off in the end. The Big Bad, Damien Moreau, escaped at the end of the previous episode to a small country called San Lorenzo. Nate is warned that "San Lorenzo has no extradition treaties" and "Damien Moreau will never leave San Lorenzo." as a testament to how invincible he is. At the end of the episode, when Moreau is arrested as a political prisoner and he's begging the Italian to get him on trial in another country, these two lines are once again repeated, this time as assurance that he won't be able to weasel his way out.
  • Lois & Clark: In the first episode, Lex Luthor gives Lois Lane and Clark Kent an interview from his penthouse office at the Lexcorp Building, saying, "I like being at the highest spot in the city. I like knowing that everyone in Metropolis has to look up to see me." Later, when Superman confronts Lex to let him know he would be watching him, Superman smiles and says before flying away, "And if you ever need to find me, just look up."
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: In "Partings", after Halbrand warns her that he is not the hero she seeks because of his Dark and Troubled Past, Galadriel responds with "sometimes to find the light, we must first touch the darkness", to let him know she empathizes with him and does not judges whatever bad decisions he had to take. Several episodes later, Galadriel learns that Halbrand is Sauron in his fair form, and he traps her in a Mind Rape where he takes the form of her brother, reciting back to her on a creepy tone to "touch the darkness once more".
  • Lost:
    • In early Season 2, Desmond leaves Jack in a flashback, saying, "See you in another life, Brother." In the Season 4 finale, as they part, Jack says the same line to Desmond.
    • It's all over the place in the final season.
    • Lost loves repeating lines in general, though not always ironically. Some of the scenes in the last few episodes were almost as if the writers just didn't want to come up new lines (but they made up for it with self-referential meaningfulness).
    • "He was standing over his dead body with a bloody dagger. So yeah, I'm pretty damn sure."
  • The Mandalorian: In chapter 7 of the first season, Moff Gideon makes a veiled threat that no matter what Mando and his allies do, he will have the Child. In chapter 7 of the second season, Mando returns the threat to Gideon, almost word for word.
    Moff Gideon: You have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what you're in possession of, but you do not. In a few moments, it will be mine. It means more to me than you will ever know.
    Din Djarin: Moff Gideon. You have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what you're in possession of, but you do not. Soon, he will be back with me. He means more to me than you will ever know.
  • Masters of Horror: In the episode "Incident On and Off a Mountain Road", Ellen echoes the killer Moonface's signature "Sssshhhh...!" when she shoots Buddy at the end.
  • Medici: In the first and last episodes of the first season, Cosimo says "A man always has a choice." In two very different situations, and with rich irony on the repetition he adds "-as long as he doesn't mind losing."
  • Mimpi Metropolitan:
    • In Bambang's apology letter to Melani in episode 44, he declares that "until Mount Tangkuban Perahunote  becomes a boat again", he will make her happy. When Bambang later threatens to climb a tree and not climb down until Melani forgives him, Melani tells him that he can do whatever he wants "until Mount Tangkuban Perahu becomes a boat again."
    • In episode 55, one of ustad's line when Juna films a scene in barefoot on a really hot day is "heat of this world is nothing compared to heat of the afterlife (hell)". After Juna can't take the heat anymore and takes the ustad actor's sandals, he quotes back the ustad's line.
    • After stopping Pipin from being scammed in episode 63, Bambang tells her that nothing comes free nowadays. At the end of the conversation, Bambang asks for free plain water, so Pipin jokingly reminds him that nothing comes free (she still gives him the free water).
  • In the Monsters episode "Hostile Takeover", slimy Wall Street yuppie Laurence Bauer uses literal voodoo economics (he gets insider information with the help of a voodoo practitioner) to buy out a competitor. He gloats about selling the competitor's assets off piece by piece, ending it with saying "you're my boy now". Unfortunately for Laurence, his dabbling in magic has made him the target of a demon named Obeah. When Laurence's janitor reveals himself to be Obeah in disguise (Laurence having fulfilled the conditions that make his soul Obeah's), Obeah gloats about how he is going to sell Laurence piece by piece (having already smacked out his eye and wondering what price he can get for Laurence's tongue), ending it with saying "you're my boy now".
  • Murdoch Mysteries:
    • In "High Voltage'', Inspector Brackenreid learns from the mayor (and fellow Freemason) that Dr. Ogden is planning to run for office in the coming provincial election. The mayor warns Brackenreid this will have bad professional consequences for Detective Murdoch (because he is now her husband), and later Brackenreid warns her about such consequences in an effort to convince her not to run. After she objects to his interference in the decision, he takes Murdoch aside to have the detective order his wife not to run. Murdoch supports his wife's plans and tells the inspector so, concluding with the words, "This matter is closed," before turning the topic to the current murder case he's working on. Later, Julia arrives at the morgue where Emily and Lillian are looking over campaign posters and tells them she has decided to withdraw her candidacy. Emily tries to talk her out of it, especially since her husband is an enthusiastic supporter. Julia firmly refuses, closing with the words, "This matter is closed."
    • In "Bloody Hell", Chief Constable Davis has framed Brakenreid for graft, and visits him in custody, saying he has a choice, go to jail where he'd be surrounded by men he put away, or take a deal (call Murdoch off the case) and get a job in Central Records where he'd at least keep his pension. After Davis's involvement has been exposed, they still need his testimony about the corruption in the city council, so the Inspector goes down to the cells and offers him the same deal, in almost the same words.
  • My So-Called Life: "Life of Brian": Jordan tells Angela he doesn't believe in fate; "whatever happens, happens." She says she respects that. Later at the dance, Brian tells Angela he doesn't believe in fate; "Whatever happens, happens." She calls it the stupidest thing she ever heard.
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000: A recurring riff, where the guys will intone a film's title in a pompous, mock-important tone of voice when it's not living up to its premise. Examples include "Manos: The Hands of Fate" (during the long, boring sequences), "Horrors of Spider Island" (when it's not focusing on horror or spiders), and "The Pumaman" (when the titular hero isn't particularly heroic).
    • Perhaps done most hilariously in the "Johnny at the Fair" short in the episode "The Rebel Set". After showing Johnny admiring a "helio-copter airplane," the narrator says, "'Jiminy,' thinks Johnny, 'if only I could get a ride in one of those!'" A few scenes later, Crow repeats the line as Johnny is being snuggled in a beauty queen's bosom.
  • The Nanny: In "Here Comes the Brood", Rich Bitch C.C. Babcock upsets Gracie by lying that Fran is only pretending to love her because of her job. Then when Fran finds out, we have this exchange:
  • Nashville: In Season 2, Gunnar says to old love Scarlett 'All I felt was music' when they sing a smouldering song together. Later on, when Gunnar tries to get her back Scarlett doesn't seem to trust him, and repeats a variation of the line.
  • Not Going Out: The lesbian episode has Lee inviting around a lesbian couple who have just moved in, justifying it as "offering a welcome hand of friendship". Later, when one of the women and Lucy spend the rest of the evening together, she explains that it's not romantic, but her "offering a welcome hand of friendship". It's lampshaded by Lee:
    Lee: Alright, you've made your point.
    Lucy: What?
    Lee: I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to God.
  • The Office (US): When Michael is fired for starting a competing company and tries to say his goodbyes, Charles tells him "No more, Michael. You're done." However, when Michael gets his job back and Charles is sent back to corporate in the ensuing deal, Michael cuts off his goodbye with "No. You're done."
  • Once Upon a Time: This, Ironic Echo Cuts, Meaningful Echoes, and pretty much any other echo trope out there; every episode is half past and half present, meaning that there's an example at least Once per Episode.
    • Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Dr. Lydgate initially explains that there's a treatment for Alice's "delusions". After Will breaks her out with the Rabbit in tow, they run into the same doctor on the way out. On seeing the Rabbit, the doctor can only stare in shock. Alice doesn't waste time setting him straight:
    Alice: Seeing things, Doctor? I hear there's a procedure for that.
  • One Foot in the Grave: The message on Margaret's mother's answering machine is along the lines of "Victor? Margaret? I'm sorry that I'm not here now, but it's because I'm somewhere else. I say, I'm somewhere else. But I expect you'll both be up here soon, won't you? So I'll see you then. Hello?" At first, this is just somewhat charming and funny, the result of her being an old woman who doesn't really understand how the machine works. Then she dies. Now read it again.
  • Only Fools and Horses: When stolid constable Terry Hoskins questions his Dirty Cop boss DI Slater, Slater snaps "It's not your job to think". Later, when he's on the point of being arrested, and offers Hoskins a cut, he ask Hoskins to think about it. Hoskins replies "It's not my job to think".
  • The Outer Limits (1995):
    • In the episode "Better Luck Next Time", two evil Body Surfing aliens named Gerard and Kimble — one of whom was revealed as the true form of Jack the Ripper in the episode this one is a sequel to — use "Better luck next time" as a catchphrase, usually when killing or screwing someone over. At the end of the episode, they realize they are in big trouble because both of their human hosts are mortally wounded and the only nearby human is a policewoman named Terry:
      Gerard: Her body is mine!
      Kimble: Wait! Where am I supposed to go!?
      Terry: Nowhere! Game over, better luck next time. [points her gun at her head and fires]
    • "Trial by Fire" has two for the price of one. The recently elected U.S. President Charles Halsey's campaign slogan was "Let me be your friend." On his first day in office, he is faced with a crisis which is at first believed to be an extinction level event but turns out to be the approach of alien ships. Having received several answers filled with technical jargon, President Halsey tells his advisors that he wants to hear plain English in response to any further questions. After the aliens launch a weapon of mass destruction at Washington, D.C. in response to an attempted attack on their fleet, Halsey is provided with the translation of their original message. It turns out that it was in English all along but that the distortions caused by the liquid environment in which the aliens live needed to be removed. The message said, "Let us be your friends."
    • In "Relativity Theory", Sgt. Adam Sears repeatedly justifies killing the seemingly primitive aliens on Tau Gamma Prime by saying that it is humanity's right as the more advanced species, basing his arguments on the principle of survival of the fittest. It later becomes clear that the aliens were essentially Boy Scouts who belonged to a species who are considerably more advanced than humanity. One of their extremely powerful vessels destroys the survey ship (killing Sears and everyone else on board) and then sets its sights on Earth.
  • Person of Interest: In one flashback scene in "Flesh and Blood", when Elias' father decides to have some of his men kill his illegitimate son, he has them tell Elias that he's sorry that he couldn't be there at the end. At the end of the episode, Elias calls his father and half-brother and tells them that he's sorry that he couldn't be there at the end. Then the car they're in explodes.
  • Power Rangers RPM loves this trope.
    • Episode Five:
      Scott: Ever heard the expression "too much of a good thing"?
      Dillon: Heard of it. Don't buy it.
      • Later, as Scott drives his souped-up car to where The Dragon is terrorizing the other Rangers, and is about to crash into their vehicles…
        Dillon: Whoa, whoa, whoa, haven't you ever heard of downshifting?!
        (Scott stops the car successfully)
        Scott: Heard of it. Don't buy it.
        (Dillon smirks)
    • Also from Episode Five:
      Dr. K: Ranger Series Black, you still owe me three minutes of shield-sequence training.
      Dillon: Bill me.
      (Dillon opens the fridge... and a laser pulse cannon extends out)
      Dillon: You've got to be kidding.
      Dr. K: Shall we begin?
      (Dillon is blasted across the room)
      • Later, when Tenaya 7 has used a detached hand to infiltrate the Rangers' base and keep them at bay with a laser, immediately after Dillon fends off the laser with his invincibility shield:
        Tenaya 7: Nice shield. But that was five seconds, Ranger Black. Your time's up.
        Dillon: So is yours. Right, Doc?
        Dr. K: Shall we begin?
        (Dillon throws open the fridge, and the cannon comes out, pointing straight at Tenaya's hand)
        Tenaya 7: You gotta be kidding me.
        (Display monitor for her hand's camera goes to static)
    • Also from Episode Five:
      Dr. K: Your ability to drive the Series Black Zord Attack Vehicle is needed to add firepower to the Megazord configurations.
      Dillon: If that thing has a steering wheel, I can drive it.
      Dr. K: In order to channel enough energy to power the Zord, you must first master your suit's five-second invincibility-shield burst.
      • Later, after successfully using the shield against Tenaya, and while the other three rangers are struggling horribly against the Monster of the Week
        Dillon: Doc, we need some firepower here. Do you think I can handle my Zord?
        Dr. K: It has a steering wheel, so you should be able to drive it, right?
        Dillon: Now you're talking.
  • Pretty Little Liars: Emily field was deep into the closet while her friend Hanna had been told what she was.
    Emily: Why did you think I would take Maya to the dance?
    Hanna: What?
    Emily: You thought I wanted her as my date. Why?
    Hanna: “A” sent me a picture of you and Maya kissing. So, can I just ask — You took Toby to the dance, but then you took that picture with Maya?
    Emily: [Pregnant paus] ... I think I know what I want. ... But if I say yes to Maya, everything would change. You know it would.
    Hanna: Yeah, it would. You wouldn’t have to pretend you’re someone you’re not.
    About 20 episodes later when Emily had gone trough all kind of hell because her own closet trauma, talking with a closeted friend while trying to convince her to come out:
    Paige: If I say it out loud... if I say.... that I am Gay (gasps) ... the whole world is going to change!
    Emily: [smiles wistfully] Yeah. It will.
  • Queer as Folk (US): Melanie and Lindsay are getting married, and Michael and Ted have decided to buy a joint wedding gift, only Michael doesn't have any money, so Ted says he'll pay for it. Then Ted has to leave, so he gives Michael the money and tells him to buy something nice. Michael ends up buying an African statue from someone selling things off a blanket at a street corner. When Ted sees it, he tells Michael to take it back because it's hideous (it is), and Michael says he can't because he got it off a blanket. This starts a fight which ends with Ted saying something insulting, prompting Michael to tell him to take it back, to which Ted responds by shouting: "I can't! I got it off a blanket!"
  • Red Dwarf:
    • In the second episode, Lister discovers that, at some point in the future, he will become a father. He admits he doesn't know how that's possible — there are no living women in the known universe — but says it'll be fun finding out. One series later, in "Parallel Universe", Lister is impregnated in a mirror universe where reproductive roles are flipped. Rimmer gleefully quotes his line about how it would be fun.
    • Also from the second episode, when Rimmer is moping that he's dead, Lister reassures him that "being dead isn't the handicap it used to be in the olden days". Later in the episode, when it seems like Lister will die, Rimmer gleefully recites the line back to him.
  • Revolution:
    • What Rachel says to Aaron, in "Home", after Aaron found his ex-wife, Priscilla:
      Rachel: You think that you'll apologize, and everything will be okay.
    • In "The Love Boat", Miles Matheson has Monroe militia Major Pete Bowers at his mercy, and comments on the fact that Pete got captured so easily, saying that he thought he taught Pete better than that. When he gives Pete the chance to tell him information on Sebastian Monroe, Pete responds that he's not a traitor and that Miles taught him better than that.
  • Early in the Saved by the Bell: The New Class episode "To Tell the Truth", Nicky expresses confidence that the Home Ec class he, Ryan, and Eric are taking will be easy to pass, claiming that all they have to do is show up and eat. Cue the Home Ec class teacher showing up to inform the boys that they'll have to bake a pie to pass the class and concludes her announcement with a question before walking away: "Did you think all you had to do was show up and eat?"
    Ryan: Holy Betty Crocker, we've got a lot of studying to do, Batman.
  • Scrubs:
    • Doctor Cox is trying to find a pediatrician for Jack, and teases one potential doctor for talking to his patients through puppets (calling them dolls). "It's not a doll, it's a collectible!" is echoed when Cox is holding his favorite puppet hostage, and the pediatrician begs him to let the puppet go. "It's just a doll!" "No, David, it's a collectible."
    • In a similar scenario, Dr. Cox needs to find a pediatrician to give his daughter Jennifer Dylan a shot. Earlier he had told his interns to buckle down when a patient didn't want to be treated by interns, and tell them "I am your doctor, deal with it!" Later, when he needs someone for his daughter, the interns reply that they were asked to give the shot, and when Dr. Cox protests, they reply with "We are your doctors, deal with it!" Subverted in that they then act very incompetent, leading Dr. Cox to change his mind before they can give the shot.
      • Possibly double-subverted in that we don't quite see who it was that ends up giving the shot, but it looks from the back like one of the interns.
    • Also, when J.D. feels responsible for a patient's death, and Dr. Cox explains it as a slippery slope and when you start going down that line, "you never come back." Later, when Cox's hasty actions kill three patients (one of which could've waited another month), J.D. states "Once you go down that road, you never come back." Cox then flatly states "Yeah... you're right," and walks out the door, not planning to come back.
    • In the Scrubs episode "Their Story", Ted thinks about killing Kelso and cutting his wrists before anyone could get to him. Kelso senses he's thinking of something like that and says "You'll never do it you don't have the guts.". Later he secretly gives the nurses the means to get the pay increase they deserve from Kelso. Kelso suspects him but he says "Please sir, I don't have the guts.".
  • Sisters. Middle sister Georgie's therapist convinces her that she was molested by her father and seduces her after convincing her to turn her back on her disbelieving family. Her attempts at filing a complaint prove futile after he denies everything and he tauntingly suggests that she get professional help. After she sends in another sister as a Honey Trap, she tells him the exact same thing. Given the high likelihood that she's not the only woman he's done this to, she's probably right.
  • Smallville:
    • In Season 3's "Delete", computer genius Molly asks Lex Luthor how he found her. He shrugs and says "Birds of a feather." Later, when Clark walks in to search for the CD containing the program she's been using to hurt his friends, Lex has already surreptitiously stolen it. When Molly responds with shock and asks "How did you get that?" he replies "Birds of a feather."
  • In So Random!, during the MC Grammar sketch:
    Rapper: You're rhyming bad!
    MC Grammar: No, you're rhyming badly.
    Rapper#1: Let's beat him bad!
    Rapper#2: Let's beat him badly!
  • Sons of Anarchy: In the Season 4 premiere, at a meeting between SAMCRO and The Mafiya, Mafiya leader Putlova inquires about Jax's recovery from the prison shivving he had ordered in retaliation for SAMCRO's double-cross last season. Jax's response is "Fine. Just business, right?" Jax repeats the "Just business" part at the end of the episode after stabbing Putlova to death.
  • In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Tacking into the Wind", Kira pulls this on Damar during the Cardassians' Heel–Face Turn. For context, Damar's people, the Cardassians, have only recently withdrawn from a lengthy and brutal occupation of Kira's home world that was laden with Nazi parallels. Kira, a former Resistance fighter, is helping him out as part of an Enemy Mine against the totalitarian Dominion. Even Kira wonders if this line was going too far, though Garak assures her Damar needed a reality check about his romanticization of old Cardassia.
    Damar: They weren't a part of this rebellion. The Dominion knew that. The Founder knew that. Weyoun knew that. To kill her and my son... the casual brutality of it... the waste of life. What kind of state tolerates the murder of innocent women and children? What kind of people give those orders?
    Kira: Yeah, Damar, what kind of people give those orders?
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation:
    • Played with between series. In "Encounter at Farpoint", upon meeting their android commander, Data for the first time, and hearing of his desire to be human, Will Riker ascribes him the nickname "Pinocchio". In the next series' episode "The Measure of a Man", when Riker is forced into playing against Data in a court case which could, if Data loses, very well see him dismantled beyond repair (i.e., killed), he plays out a devastating scene culminating in switching Data off: "Pinocchio is broken. Its strings have been cut." Consider that this is, effectively, the same as knocking a person unconscious when they're sitting at a table minding their own business. Worse, in fact, given that turning him off effectively renders Data dead...
    • In "The Hunted", the Enterprise is meeting the leadership of Angosia, a planet applying for entry into the Federation, before learning that Angosia has a group of Super Soldiers who are effectively shunned by society, with the Angosian prime minister, Nayrok, brushing away Picard's concerns by saying that these are "matters of internal security, which is not your concern". Later, when the soldiers rise up and try to hold the Angosian leaders hostage, Nayrok pleads for Picard's help, but Picard points out "In your own words, this is not our affair" and leaves, having seen enough of Angosia's hypocrisy and respecting the soldiers' right to decide their future against their government.
    • In "Hollow Pursuits", Troi talks a good game about the "healthy fantasy life" that's led Barclay to create a fantasy version of his real life on the Enterprise holodeck, in contrast to Riker's temper. This lasts up until she runs into her own holo-version, the "Goddess of Empathy", at which point Riker — cheering up quite a bit — steps in to stop her from ending the program or deleting Holo-Troi, throwing the "healthy fantasy life" line back in her face in the process.
    • In "The Most Toys", Data is held captive by an eccentric collector named Kivas Fajo. In order to force Data to accede to Fajo's desires Fajo threatens and eventually kills a crewmember of his trade vessel. After doing so, Fajo taunts Data for the android's inability to retaliate over the death: "If only you could feel rage over Varria's death... feel the need for revenge... then maybe you could fire. But you're only an android." Then, after Fajo is placed in custody for his crimes and has his extensive illegally obtained collection returned to their respective owners, Data visits Fajo in the brig. Fajo bitterly remarks over how he has lost everything and is now in Data's collection, which he assumes gives Data "great pleasure", to which Data replies: "No, sir, it does not. I do not feel pleasure. I am only an android."
    • Riker delivers a particularly ripping one to Captain Jellico in "Chain of Command (Part 2)".
      Jellico: Let's drop the ranks for a minute. I don't like you. I think you're insubordinate, arrogant, willful, and I don't think you're a particularly good First Officer... but you are also the best pilot on this ship.
      Riker: ...Well, now that the ranks are dropped, Captain, I don't like you, either. You are arrogant, and closed-minded. You need to control everything and everyone. You don't provide an atmosphere of trust, and you don't inspire these people to go out of their way for you. You've got everybody wound up so tight, there's no joy in anything. And I don't think you're a particularly good Captain.
    • In "Descent, Part II", a young ensign points out that their tactical officer's calculations, if wrong, would bring them crashing into a planet's atmosphere, and the officer says, "Well, then I'll just have to make sure my calculations are correct, Ensign." Later on in the episode, when that ensign figures out how to use a solar eruption to destroy a Borg ship, the tactical officer points out that the flare could destroy them as well. The ensign snaps back, "Well, then I'll just have to make sure my calculations are correct, Lieutenant." Rimshot!
  • Star Trek: The Original Series:
    • In "I, Mudd", the androids of Mudd's Planet reply to any question they are unwilling to answer with "I am not programmed to respond in that area." As central-control android Norman succumbs to the liar paradox, Kirk echoes that phrase back at him when he desperately asks for an explanation.
    • In "A Taste of Armageddon", Anan calls Kirk a "barbarian" when he barges in, phaser in hand. Later, when he realizes that Kirk is about to put an end to their sanitized simulated war:
      Anan: What kind of monster are you?
      Kirk: I'm a barbarian. You said it yourself.
  • Supernatural:
    • In Dean's Dream Sequence in "Dream a Little Dream of Me" when he meets his Doppelgänger, he tries to snap his fingers to get himself out. Doesn't work. At the end of the episode, just after he says he doesn't want to die, the same shot appears. Except it's Evil Dean this time, with black eyes and a huge smile, doing the clicking and ending the dream.
    • Earlier, Dean mentioned to Sam that their mom often told Dean that angels are watching over him. It would be the last words she ever said to him. Then, came Season 5 and turns out Michael and the rest of the angels saved Mary's life so she could give birth to Dean, who is Michael's vessel. Mary commenting how angels are watching over them changed a once harmless, almost heartwarming line into something much more eerie and ironic.
      • As of 8x08, Cas outright says "I'll watch over you." To Dean.
    • In the episode "Weekend at Bobby's", Crowley points out a technicality in the deal for bobby's soul. he says "I only have to make to best effort" to a very angry Bobby. Later, when a demon he's torturing says they had a deal for her freedom, Bobby says: "I gave it my best effort".
  • Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger: When Gira reveals to Shuggodom and Racules he's still alive, he proudly declares he has returned from the depths of hell. Come post Time-Skip when Racules reveals himself to be still alive and now working with the Galactinsects, he states he has returned from the depths of hell.
  • Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles:
    • Has two, both courtesy of Cameron. The first appears in the third episode, "The Turk," where John explains to Cameron that she needs to blend in, telling her "Don't be a freak." Later on, when he tries to rescue a girl who commits suicide by jumping off the roof of the gym, she throws the same words back in his face while physically restraining him, since trying to rescue her would draw attention to him.
    • The second instance is in the second season episode "Ourselves Alone," in which Cameron has the line "What am I going to do with you?" The first time she says it, she's talking to a pigeon that's taken up a nest in the chimney. She accidentally kills it when her hand malfunctions. The next time she says the line, it's to Riley, which puts it in a much darker context and creates a legitimate fear in the viewer that Cameron is actually going to kill her. She doesn't, but Riley's dead by the end of the episode anyway.
  • That '70s Show: In the May the Farce Be with You episode, Donna gets mad when Eric says David, the Vader character, has only been spending so much time with her talking to her, and listening and sharing ideas ("What's that about!?") because he wants to see her naked. In a later argument, Donna's trying to prove him wrong, and David gives the exact same examples Eric did, ending with "What's that about!?" in the same tone as Eric.
    • On one occasion, Kitty drafts Eric to pick Red up from the bar because he's drunk. However, she insists that he isn't drunk, he's just "not feeling well." Eric has a few drinks himself, then calls home:
      Eric: Hello, Mother? This is your son, Eric. I am not feeling well.
  • On The Thin Blue Line when Fowler finally settles the ethical dilemma that's been troubling him over the Honey Trap that Grim has set up and declares he wants no further part in the operation, Grim gloatingly replies that he'll hold Fowler to his promise that Grim will get 'full and complete credit' for the operation. Then, Habib drags the mark in, appearing to validate Grim — until the mark points out that he's seen through Habib and has in fact dragged her in as part of a citizen's arrest. Fowler decides it a good time to remind Grim that he's now taking 'full and complete credit' for the operation.
  • Torchwood: In the episode "Everything Changes", Gwen tells Rhys to "say you forgive me" after she's told him she's working an extra shift at her police job. In "Combat" she says the same words after confessing to him that she's been having an affair.
  • The Twilight Zone (1959): In "Spur of the Moment", David Mitchell mockingly tells his wife Anne that he is her true love and her adored one in 1964, the same words that Anne used to describe him before they eloped on June 13, 1939.
  • The Twilight Zone (1985):
    • In "Dead Run", the Dispatcher tells Johnny Davis that he is applying "time honored Biblical standards" in condemning people to Hell for minor transgressions. After helping four such people escape to Heaven, Johnny recalls the story of Jesus journeying to Hell between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection to give the damned another chance and explains that he is using his own time-honored Biblical standards.
    • In "Button, Button", Norma and Arthur Lewis, the couple offered the titular button, are told that if they press it, they'll receive a large sum of money, but someone they don't know will die. At the end of the episode, they've pressed the button and gotten the money, and are told that the button will now be offered to someone else. They're assured that it will be "someone you don't know."
  • Ultraman X has a meta example. Way back in Return of Ultraman, Hideki Goh's Love Interest, Aki Sakata, was killed by Alien Nackle's minions holding her out of a moving car, dragging her along the road with lethal results. X's series has a Nackle named Bandelo get that formula turned on it, with XIO member Rui Takada using Xio Aramis to perform Car Fu on Bandelo. Koichi Sakamoto removed any ambiguity about the scene by outright calling it revenge for Aki.
  • The Vampire Diaries: Right before Katherine turns Caroline, she says "Hello, Caroline. Good-bye, Caroline." Later on, Caroline manages to trick Katherine into entering a room that has a spell placed on it so she can't get out. Stefan reveals himself with a stake in his hand, and says "Hello, Katherine". Caroline says "Good-bye, Katherine" before leaving.
  • Veronica Mars: The title character's father, Keith, uses the line 'who's your daddy?' near the start of the first episode, which is answered by Veronica saying she hates him saying that. The line is almost forgotten until the end of the story arc, when at the end of the final episode Keith (on his way to hospital, having just saved her life) asks her 'who's your daddy' and gets the tearful response 'you are' — it's their version of an 'I love you'. It's made even more heartwarming by the fact that for awhile, they weren't sure if he really was her father, and they had just recently found out that he was.
  • Victorious: In one episode, there is a slight example of Ironic Echo. Beck and Tori nearly kiss, but Tori pulls away because she doesn't want to be the girl who kisses Jade's ex-boyfriend, even though Jade has never done anything nice to Tori. Tori says, "I can't do that to a friend." Little does she know that Jade has watched the entire scene on a webcam. Now, Tori used to have the spotlight for this major event, but it was taken away from her and was given to Jade. Jade feels shocked after seeing the scene on the computer. When Tori comes to watch Jade perform and offer moral support, Jade says that this is all wrong, that this was supposed to be Tori's time to shine. Jade then let's Tori perform instead of herself, saying, "I can't do that to a friend". This is one of the very few times Jade does something nice for Tori.
  • Voyagers!: At one point, one of the people on the boat won't let Bogg by because of his clothing, stating that the dress code on the Titanic is very strict. Later, Bogg encounters him in drag, trying to get into one of the lifeboats. Bogg sarcastically remarks that he thought there was a strict dress code on the Titanic.
  • In Wolf Hall, Thomas Cromwell asks if Thomas More is threatening him ("I'm just interested") when More says he knows Cromwell is in correspondence with the Protestant, William Tyndale. Later, after More resigns his office and says he will write and pray in retirement, Cromwell recommends that he "write only a little, and pray a lot." More asks, sardonically, if that's a threat, but Cromwell likes to answer rhetorical questions and says that it's his turn.
  • In the The X-Files episode "Field Trip", Scully starts off the episode by trying to rationalize two bodies found skeletonized after only being dead for three days as being "a double murder, possibly one with ritualistic overtones. The bodies may have been stripped then skeletonized, possibly by boiling or by the use of some kind of acid solution." This makes Mulder get frustrated with her because even though his more outlandish theories are correct most of the time, she still insists on trying to make her rational explanations fit their cases. By the end of the episode, Scully finds herself in his exact position with everyone from the local coroner to The Lone Gunmen repeating her verbatum that Mulder's death was the result of a murder with ritualistic overtones, with all of them refusing to consider any other possibilities. Luckily, she's just hallucinating.
  • During the Yes, Dear episode "Pimpin' Ain't Easy", Logan decides to be dressed only in underwear as protest to being given hand-me-down clothes once he finds out all of his clothes once belonged to Dominic. When a cop intervenes upon seeing him and Christine out in the street late in the episode, the following conversation takes place, much to Christine's chagrin:
    Officer: Ma'am, he'd better get clothed, or someone will be in jail.
    Christine: That's right, Logan. You'd better put on those hand-me-down clothes, or you're going to jail.
    Officer: Ma'am... I was referring to you.
    Logan: (Turning to Christine) You'd better buy me new clothes, or you're going to jail!
  • Yes, Minister: Hacker and Sir Humphrey are Hauled Before A Select Committee on government waste, and must explain the DAA's shocking expenditures. They manage to get their stories straight behind closed doors and are ready to present a united front. However, Hacker is called to a meeting with the PM's special adviser, who tells him that they want the waste to come to light so the PM can use it as ammo in his larger plan to cut public spending. He also tells Hacker that he has become too close to the DAA, and that Humphrey has called him "a pleasure to work with" — Civil Service code for "easily controlled". At the hearing, Hacker promises a full, independent investigation lead by a key whistleblower, throwing the department and by extension Humphrey under the bus, claiming that Humphrey is completely behind him: "If I may say so, he is a pleasure to work with".
    • Yes, Prime Minister: Sir Humphrey makes a big show of chewing Bernard out for allowing the Prime Minister's constituency agent into Number Ten without a proper pass, despite Bernard's assurance that the constituency agent is known and recognised by the police and staff; he orders Bernard to ensure that all who enter Number Ten via the front door must either have a proper pass, an appointment or must be otherwise cleared. Humphrey's pomposity comes back to bite him later in the episode when he's paranoid about his job because he's gradually being denied entry to Number Ten; he attempts to enter via the front door, but the policeman guarding the door stops him from entering because he has no appointment, no Number Ten pass and Bernard cannot be found to clear him.
  • During the "Mobilize the Vote" game in the Ziwe episode "Democracy", after the wheel of voter demographics lands on "Haters", Bob The Drag Queen quips to Ziwe that "Haters" are "your people", to her visible offense. When the wheel later lands on "Elders", Ziwe repeats the "your people" quip right back at Bob, which goes over just as well.
