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Heartwarming / Welcome to Tranquility

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  • Henry Hate and Maximum Man were arch enemies. Maximum Man is similar to DC Comics' Captain Marvel in that he is usually an ordinary human until he says his magic word, which he has long since forgotten and has been trying to figure out for years.
    Henry Hate: "I might know a way. I should have done this long ago. I'm sorry." (Unintelligible Whisper)
    Maximum Man: "Thank you, old enemy. Old friend...HECATEAN!"
  • "It's a town not like any other. Young, old, healthy, ill...something about the people here. The children they raised. They're brave. Powers or not, most of them are heroes to me. I'm just their sheriff. I do my best for them and I take the job pretty damn serious. And they repay me with love. Honor. Dignity. Decency. And maybe most wonderful of all...compassion."
  • "Ssshaid... 'nuff dyin'. You... hard on me, because you shawww my family. You cared that they died. I... forgive. Run. LIIIIIIIVVVVE!"
  • No matter what happens or what anyone has to say, Mayor Fury and Pink Bunny love Thomasina Lindo like she was their own daughter. Even after Tommy has to arrest Fury for trying to kill Collette Pearson, Fury never hates her for it and neither does Pink Bunny. Pink Bunny even turned against her husband to honor a promise she made to Tommy, without hesitation. Fury later makes it clear that, for all intents in purposes, he does see Tommy as his daughter and given the choice between her and his own biological son Derek, he'd always choose Tommy.
