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Heartwarming / The Incredible Hercules

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  • The way Cho and Herc resolve the 'Prisoner's Dilemma'. Hephaestus captures Herc and Amadeus and puts them each in a cell with a button. If one pushes his button, he will die but the other will go free. If neither of them push the button, they both die. What happens? They both push their buttons immediately at the same time and both go free.
  • Fall of An Avenger, first issue.
  • Herc had a hospital built for terminal demi-god and monster children!
    • The kids find solace in not only being loved and cared for in their remaining days, but safe in the knowledge that even when they are gone, their memories will live on in the immortal god of heroes, Hercules
    • Doubles as a Tear Jerker, since the visitors are there to liquidate the home, after Hercules's death
      • But they don't
  • Incredible Hercules #115: Hercules, a textbook example of a Boisterous Bruiser if there ever was one, tells his friend Amadeus not to destroy SHIELD. Herc begs him not to make the same mistakes of letting his anger get the better of him and hurt everybody around and failing to learn from his mistakes. Amadeus listens and hugs his friend before they teleport away from the incoming missiles.
  • The 2005 Hercules limited series begins with Hercules being absolutely furious with the rest of the Avengers for not honouring Thor along with the other fallen Avengers (after the events of Avengers Disassembled). When they point out that they don't know for sure that Thor is dead, Hercules asks if they think he'd be in such a state if were not true.
  • When Amadeus takes a trip into the afterlife, he runs into Ben Parker, who we see is enjoying a peaceful and happy afterlife.
  • Whenever Hercules chooses the actions of a man instead of a god, it’s heartwarming. Given how most of the gods in the Marvel universe tend to be aloof and jerkass, whenever one of them sides with humanity it serves as a proof of humanity’s goodness and worthiness.
    • Hercules is confronted by his wife Hebe, the goddess of youth, who asks him (in tears) why he doesn’t like being with her and why he must gallivant with other women. He explains to her, in a sweet and sincere moment, that it’s not her, but him. He doesn’t like being a god, he needs adventure and danger and thrills, and that he can never settle down. What makes it more heartwarming is that she slaps him and tells him that his untamable but noble nature is why she fell for him to begin with.
    • Ares and Hercules clash during the Civil War, and Ares angrily asks Hercules what makes him better; Ares is a god of war, and even at its worst war makes glorious heroes out of people and can be beneficial, and yet people revile him, while his brother is hailed as a hero but causes arguably more trouble on his own account and as Ares factually puts is a foolish adulterous mass murderer and drunkard. Hercules explains that is the point: he is a mortal man with mortal failings, which people can identify with and see in Hercules rather than in a god like Ares. As he puts it: “Most men just want to be men.”
