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Heartwarming / Ministry of Darkness

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  • Edge and Gangrel turning on the Ministry when The Undertaker orders them to help punish Christian for his failure.
    "The Brood's loyalty to The Undertaker and The Ministry of Darkness was shattered by the Brood's bond to each other."

  • With relation to Taker, this is arguably his darkest period with considerably less humanity but he still has an attachment to Kane. During Heat, when Kane starts getting manhandled by the Big Show, Taker came out to help him and wanted Kane to join him again. However, Kane formed a close bond with X-Pac and ultimately sided with him over Taker. This leads to more fights between them, and again Taker still showed up twice to save him from two assaults by HHH. Sadly it ends when Kane crosses him again and Taker calls out his brother and vents that he has tried repeatedly to forgive Kane & give him chances only to get betrayed every time.
