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Heartwarming / Kase-san

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  • When Kase admits that the embarrassing thing she wanted Yamada to do after she won the marathon was just simply to congratulate on her victory - especially since we find that out after Yamada does that without even needing to be asked. And when Kase changes her request and finally asks Yamada to go out with her, it becomes all the sweeter.
    • Before that, Yamada sees Kase running the marathon from her window, and she's lagging behind some boys. Yamada yells encouragement, and when Kase notices what seems to be excessive amount of injury (actually just blood from a nosebleed), she speeds up so quickly she easily leaves the others eating her dust and almost immediately appears in the infirmary to check on Yamada's condition.
  • Despite how unremarkable Yamada believes herself to be, Kase has noticed her for quite some time due to her hardworking and deterministic nature in maintaining the school gardens, and on one occasion was inspired by her so much she remembered her enjoyment of running after feeling down about being the target of some of her upperclassmen's jealousy.
  • Kase will not tolerate any ill will or perversion towards Yamada, and has come to her rescue in several uncomfortable (and potentially dangerous) situations.
