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Heartwarming / Fantasia

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See, if this was any other reality, one would be eating the other. The fact that they got this far is, quite frankly, a thing of beauty.


  • The smile Yen Sid and Mickey share at the end of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. As Mickey begins to slink off to resume his task of fetching water normally, he turns back to Yen Sid. Yen Sid smirks a bit more playfully, as if saying, "So, how was it?". Mickey relaxes and smiles back meekfully, as though he were saying, "Pretty swell, master."
  • Mickey coming in to shake hands and congratulate Maestro Stokowski straight afterwards. He seems quite taken to interacting with Disney's prize cartoon star.
  • The entirety of the Pastoral Symphony segment, really, with the Greek Mythology, the centaurs, the fauns, and everyone dancing around.
    • After the centaurs and centaurettes meet and most of them pair off, the cupids notice that one centaur and one centaurette are alone, with both of them sitting by themselves and clearly lonely and unhappy. The cupids bring the two together and love immediately blossoms from there.
    • Starting in the symphony's final three movements: everyone preparing for the bacchanal. They seem delighted to be participating in their own ways, be it bringing the grapes, crushing the grapes, or just building atmosphere by throwing petals or playing music.
    • Bacchus seems pretty cool with the mortals (if only because he's stumbling drunk the whole way through). During the dancing scene, a couple of centaurettes show no qualms over dancing with him briefly (as does Jacchus); and at the brief intermission, when the line of centaurs/centaurettes bow to him, he bows back.
    • Also sweet is the amount of love and affection Bacchus has for his little donkicorn companion. Just before the storm, he kisses him full on the snout, and when Zeus shows up, his first response is to clutch Jacchus close to his chest. And after the storm passes, his last shot is of him holding the little guy under his arm as he raises a glass to Iris.
    • As the storm begins, a few baby unicorns all hide under a larger one (presumably their mother), who braces for the incoming wind.
    • A centaurette saving a baby unicorn stranded on a rock during the storm.
    • One of the baby pegasi is being tossed to and fro in the storm. The mother pegasus immediately goes over to it, grabs it, and protects it and her other babies in a tree.
    • The very end of the segment, where everyone settles down to sleep in preparation for another fun lively day.
  • The 'King' alligator Ben Ali Gator silently telling the others, "Back off!" after he falls for the girl hippo Hyacinth.
  • Ave Maria playing at the end of Night On Bald Mountain, showing that good triumphs over evil in the end.
    • Religious or not, this is the perfect foil to the absolutely terrifying 'Night on Bald Mountain.'
    • That is exactly the reason they were placed back to back; because they are so utterly different in construction and mood.
    • Yup, the Ave Maria scene is gorgeous. A beautiful piece of music and the perfect imagery to match it.
    • The full narration by Deems Taylor before the segment is heartwarming in itself: "...and then we hear the Ave Maria, with its message of the triumph of hope and life over the powers of despair and death."
    • Not to mention the symbolism behind the scene. Chernabog (Satan, basically) is portrayed as this absolutely terrifying force of evil, summoning ghosts and demons and toying with them for his amusement. But then suddenly he and his fellow ghouls recoil at the sight of some off-screen source of light. Is it God, come to destroy him? Is it the Sun, whose light is known to vanquish certain monsters? No, it's the striking of a church bell, signalling the arrival of the dawn and potentially the time for the worshipers in Ave Maria to set out.
  • The baby triceratops and newly-hatched baby sauropods in "The Rite of Spring". One of the baby sauropods tripped on an in-land puddle, and was looking at one of its siblings swimming on the water, as if glaring at the swimming one for laughing.
    • Two Choanoflagellate give each other a kiss.
  • The roadshow impromptu swing session is strangely touching.

Fantasia 2000

See Fantasia 2000
