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Headscratchers / Tomodachi Life

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  • Some of the food items are classified a bit strangely. For example, beef jerky and potato chips are classified as dessert foods.
    • Snacks and desserts are grouped together.
  • Speaking of food groupings, why are certain 75% filling items classified as sides, while some 50% filling items are classified as entrées?
  • On this troper's game, this happened. Surely I can't be alone in thinking that this makes absolutely no sense at all?
  • The description for Tap Water in the game is "No ice?! This should be free. Just don't ask what's in there other than H2O." What else is in the Tap Water?
    • Tap Water is infamous for having chemicals, tasting funny due to containing (harmless) metal and mineral particles, or just being dirty or polluted in general (it depends on where you live and how clean your water supply is). Regardless this is the reason why people buy water filters for their taps.
  • Adult Miis who become kids and then want to return to be adults to get married remain short... why?
    • There's such thing as short adults you know.
  • Why, when you give a Mii bubblegum, do they eat it instead of chewing it and spitting it out?
    • Well, I don't think the game can use a separate animation.
    • In-game reason? The Miis are kind of dumb. When you give them food with plates or wrappers, they eat the plate and wrapper that came with the food (with no problems afterwards). They also eat mouldy bread, banana peels, spoilt milk, etc. (sure, they don't like it but they still eat and drink it before realizing their mistake). Basically, the Miis eating their bubblegum instead of simply chewing it isn't actually that surprising
  • Once you give a Mii money after they ask to borrow some why do they say that you're their "new" favorite person ever? Who was the person before other than their personal God?
  • What's the in-game reason for as to why you can't just calm both Miis down after they get in a fight? Like, you can only go to one Mii and calm them down but why not after you've calmed one Mii down, you go over to the other Mii and do the same to them?
  • Why are Baby Miis classified as a Hair-Trigger Temper instead of simply being Prone to Tears?
  • Speaking of babies, why is it that a stage 4 baby can cry on the Mii Homes screen but not in the minigame?
  • Why do they have the girl proposing as well as the boy? This is nontraditional; only the boy proposes in real life.
    • There are plenty of girls who propose in real life, it's just less common. It’s also a tradition for a female to propose on February 29th.
