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Headscratchers / The Shadow

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  • So Shiwan's tricked all of New York including Lamont Cranston initially that the hotel that he's taken over for his headquarters is actually a vacant lot. Why hasn't anyone ever tried to use it as a shortcut?
    • Most likely part of Shiwan's 'trick'; like the SEP field in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, people have been influenced to not consciously register that there's an apparently open area that they could use for a shortcut.
    • Probably the illusion made it look too full of garbage, dog poop, and the like for anyone to want to try to walk across it.
    • There's also the very tall chain-link fence surrounding the lot. We also know that when the Shadow makes his move, the lot is guarded by two of Khan's Mongol warriors, although we don't know how long the guards have been there.
  • How did Shiwan learn to master the Phurba dagger? Clearly moral goodness has nothing to do with it, as Shiwan is a power-hungry narcissist.
    • For that matter, how did Lamont master it too? It looks like he just relaxed and meditated or concentrated, and suddenly the dagger no longer felt obligated to kill him.
    • The dagger can be controlled by those whose are in control of their emotions - a yin state. The dagger reacts to those whose emotions are in turmoil, and attacks those that are afraid of it, and respects the fearless and controlled.The less you are concerned about it injuring you, the less interested the dagger is in actually harming you.
