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Headscratchers / The Path

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This pertains to The Path television series.

  • How on earth does Cal clean up the oceans of blood spilled when he accidentally killed Silas? We see him take a shower, mop up the blood with bath towels, and take Silas' body out in a rug, stuff it into the hatchback of his car and bury it in the hole Eddie dug as a devotional exercise earlier — but there's blood all over the goddam carpet. Doesn't anyone visit Cal in his house or — gak — smell anything?

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Where is Alison Kemp? We last see her being re-welcomed into the community by Cal, who has faked sacred documents allowing "deniers" to change their minds and return. That was clear back in "The Miracle" at the end of season 1. The Doylist view is speculated by fans to be: 1) her character embodied a source of doubt for Eddie, but he's past that now; 2) her story showed how the Meyerists stalked and harassed those who questioned doctrine, also now shown in Eddie's story; and 3) Dr. Kemp's death was an accident, not murder — leaving the storyline to focus on the death of Silas. (Which they also seemingly forgot about until the very last minutes of the season 3 finale).

  • The end of season 1 after Eddie's expelled and is living in a hole in the wall motel, where did he get the money to fly down to Peru?
