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Headscratchers / The Conjuring

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As this is a Headscratchers page, spoilers will be left unmarked.

  • Janet destroying the kitchen is treated as conclusive proof that she’s faking it all. Er… what? A video of an allegedly possessed person acting erratically and destroying a room (which they, as the person possessed by the malevolent entity, were already implicitly known to have done) and displaying unusual physical strength for a person of their size, age, and build is not really conclusive proof they aren’t possessed.

  • Wasn't it awfully stupid of Roger to descend the cellar stairs immediately after finding them, with nothing but a lit match for light? Never mind the creepy factor: for all he knew, the people who boarded it up might have done so because the steps were on the brink of collapsing under somebody.

  • We learn that the clocks in the house stop at 3:07 because "time of death was pronounced at 3:07 in the morning." The "pronouncement of death" is official confirmation by a doctor or coroner and it can often happen hours after the actual physical death, so it's hard to imagine Bathsheba fixating on this number that only has legal significance. Presumably Lorraine really means that the death took place at 3:07, but it's also a little bit hard to imagine that the exact time of a suicide-by-hanging with only one witness in the dead of night in rural Rhode Island in 1863 would be specified in historical records with perfect accuracy down to the minute.
