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Headscratchers / Jupiter Ascending

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  • An obvious one but one that needs to be noted: if the Abrasax clan "seeded" humanity...then where did they come from? Are they robots? Are they from the future or the past? Are they from another dimension?
    • Stinger explains that seeding is very common and that they are bred with local animals > So we are all kind of monkey splices and Abrasax are "pure" humans.
      • Stinger explains that they're from a distant planet, and evolved roughly one billion years ago, so they're definitely Human Aliens.
      • The home planet is the massively industrialized planet that shows up at one point, where all the bureaucracy happens.
  • Why exactly is having someone with the same genome as you at sheer random chance be entitled to all your belongings? As far as I'm concerned just having someone with the same genetic make up as you doesn't make that person to be you, even with all the gene spirituality it makes no sense for the Abrasax clan to hand over their mother's inheritance to Jupe.
    • It's not the whole inheritance, only a portion, like giving some of your money to charity and leaving the rest to your children. As for why specifically, why does any religion do what it does?
      • But wait wouldn't that mean that they're belief in the first act that Katherine was the one with the genetic code be correct?
      • I believe Jupiter explained that she was using Katherine's name for various hospital procedures such as the operation where she was selling her eggs.
    • Kalique mentioned that their mother left in her will that her genetic recurrence will get the inheritance when she was found.
    • Their culture and family are obsessed with genetics and longevity. It's no surprise that this would result in the wishful thinking that identical genetics had some deeper meaning.
  • Why dosen't Greeghan just kill Balem and enslave Earth? He's at least ten times his size, far stronger, has wings and is just as intelligent as Balem is. And as Balem's royal guard, he has access to countless amounts of advanced technology and weapons he could use to take over the Abrasax clans and Earth if he felt like it.
    • Greeghan is a splice, and it's heavily implied that splices are not considered equal in that bit of the universe. Consider what happened to Caine just for (it's implied accidentally) killing an Entitled: do you really think the rest of society, let alone the Aegis, would let him get away with murder, a hostile takeover of an Entitled's lands and property, and breach of contract?
    • Unless someone paid him to do it. In fact, Star Wars: The Clone Wars dealt with this kind of thing when Slick betrayed the other Clones and the Jedi when Assaj Ventress paid him highly and gave him An Offer You Can't Refuse and then said he was "striking a blow for all clones." Creeghan would know what he's doing is a lost cause but does it as a way to strike a blow to the Abrasax family and for his fellow splices.
    • But then everyone's royal houses (there have to be more than Abrasax after all) would have to constantly fear for the loyalty of their splices (their competitors could pay them off), and it doesn't seem like that's the case, especially for characters like Famulus. Given that Caine is very aware of the fact that he is a splice (and considers himself unworthy of Jupiter because of it), presumably most splices, if not all of them, have either bought in to the system or at least don't rise up against it.
      • Maybe it's not really an issue within the space society at least what's been shown. In hindsight though, what exactly would be the advantage for Greeghan to usurp his boss and take over the Earth himself? He has no legal claim whatsoever to own Earth so anything he does to it would probably just bring trouble from the proper authorities and the bureaucracy possibly more harsher than the response to what Balem and Greeghan were already doing in the film proper. Also the Earth's only real worth seems to be just its human resources. However there seems to be alot of planets out there which serve the same purpose based of what's been told so what does taking over a single planet of its kind amount to especially if it's done through forceful means?
  • Whose idea was it to stick a factory inside the Great Red Spot?
    • When you have a substance that valuable, what better way to defend it than a hurricane three times the size of Earth? Yes, it was breached, but that was lucky as hell, and the one coming in didn't give a crap about the merchandise. If someone wants to seize the factory, it'd be pretty damn hard when the ones running it are shielded by a gas giant.
    • There's also the fact that the entire factory is presumed to be completely undetectable, and unapproachable by normal means while inside Jupiter's great red spot. If the Aegis hadn't been trailing Balem's agent, they might never have found it.
    • Most cyclonic storms have an eye. Dunno about huge ones on gas giants mind you.
    • Maybe the factory was wind-powered, or supplied with materials from the storm. It would be simple to filter out given minerals without much effort to mine them.
  • If Earth humans were created by genetically splicing "pure" humans (the ones from Ouros, like the Abrasaxes) with local Earth species, how the hell does Jupiter, the offspring of two spliced humans, have identical DNA to a pure human who was born before Earth humans even existed?
    • All Earth humans are some percentage of "pure" and "local." It's certainly not a 50/50 split, because a difference in genes that big would mean they'd look nothing like pure humans. So they must be extremely similar, more like dogs and wolves. They also must be more human than Splices, as Earth humans have no discernible physical differences between them and "pure" humans as Splices do. When we're dealing with two species that are near-identical genetically, it's not hard to see one person (out of billions) happening to, by chance, have an arrangement of DNA that is identical to another's.
    • It must have been more than one splice, too. Maybe multiple splices done on rodents, monkeys, apes, various hominids in that order, in order to 'guide' evolution. It is implied they've got the time for it.
  • So their religion says that someone with the exact same genetic sequence is a "reincarnation". Something like that is pure chance, so what would have happened if the queen hadn't been killed? There's no reason that the queen being killed would have influenced Jupiter's conception, so is it possible in their religion to have a "reincarnation" who is alive at the same time as the person they're reincarnating?
    • There might be a limitation to matches where the original is still alive, or the entire situation may be avoided in practice (no one would be looking for a reincarnation of a living person). Of course, if the queen was still alive, she might have made contact with Jupiter and ignored the true reincarnation in favor of Legacy Immortality, so she could retire from an industry that was disturbing her moral sense of self.
    • There is also the reverse of the situation in the film. It's entirely possible the "reincarnation" wouldn't exist for hundreds or thousands more years, if ever. Even if she were born, finding her would be a major shot in the dark. She could have been born and died before then. As a result, given the rather violent rivalry between her three heirs, it's entirely possible her estate could have been divided up over multiple generates (albeit extremely long lived ones) before any reincarnation was found.
      • Unless they actually test every human ever born, they'd also have had to wait until a planet's medical technology reached a point where genetic records would even exist. Even here, if Jupiter hadn't chosen to donate eggs for money it's unlikely her DNA would be on file anywhere.
  • During the battle early in the movie, skyscrapers are partly blown up. Obviously, this would kill people. So how would rebuilding the skyscrapers later fix that? And wouldn't the news come and film the destroyed buildings?
    • The action sequence takes place at night/in the very early morning, so most people are asleep, including news teams. The building Caine takes Jupiter to initially is clearly empty, so even though it was damaged, no one was killed. If anyone *was* killed... well, people go missing for unexplained reasons all the time.
    • Manned vehicles were caused to explode by being hit with energy weapons. Even though the buildings are being restored, and populations are being Mind Wiped, one has to assume that local agents are manufacturing plausible "normal" scenarios to explain away "inconsistencies."
    • It's Chicago. Anyone saw a lasers-that-bark-like-dogs gunfight 'probably just saw a regular gunfight, they were running away after all'.
    • Sears building knocked all to shit? Helicoptor or light aircraft collision. Debris scattered across entire downtown area with other buildings also sustaining damage. Multiple fatalities vehicles on Lower Wacker Drive? Please find an alternative route to your destination.
  • If galactic medical technology is so advanced that it can produce splices, then why doesn't it just manufacture the required material synthetically? They do hand wave cloning (while demonstrating in the same sentence that they do not understand how cloning works) but even our 'primitive early genetic age culture' knows there are other options. So...?
    • For the same reason we Earth humans can create glow-in-the-dark cats but can't create humans from scratch. The material has to come from somewhere, it can't just be made out of thin air. Even cloning requires a host to incubate the fetus, and given that Caine is described as coming from a litter, one can infer that he technically came out of a uterus, even if he doesn't have genetic parents as we would understand them. It's easier to just let the herd multiply by itself than create each one individually in a lab, anyway.
      • But we're not producing humans from scratch. We're producing whitish goo. We're not even producing whitish goo from scratch. That can come from any number of sources that are not human beings. I would also question how much white goo a facility the size of the Jupiter Processing Station could have produced it has been mass producing cells for the past ten thousand years or so.
      • Kalique states that an attempt to synthesize Recode several hundred thousand years ago resulted in a plague that killed trillions and nearly caused the complete extinction of mankind; this was considered an inherent limitation rather than a flaw in the process, resulting in synthetic Recode being declared illegal. This also leads into a touch of Fridge Horror in that similar events have occurred on Earth in the past, and almost certainly are occurring right now - Thermal Depolymerization could turn just about any organic substance into oil, but the test plant was forced to shut down due to smell complaints - lodged on days when the plant wasn't running. The sly tone in Kalique's voice when she speaks of synthetic Recode makes one wonder if Abrasax Industries had a hand in preventing it from disrupting their business - if "time" wasn't scarce, how could the Abrasax family get rich selling it?
  • Why were the alien hunters who were trying to find Jupiter having so much trouble identifying her? When searching for her they literally pushed her aside to kidnap a second human despite the fact that the film established (via a statue of the space empress) that Jupiter looked *exactly* like her predecessor. It should have been VERY easy for the spacefaring civilization to provide their hunters with a visual representation of what the empress who ruled the galaxy for 91 millenia looked like.
    • Perhaps not all reincarnations look alike. Or maybe Kalique wouldn't know that the reincarnation would look like her mother. There is also the possibility that the bounty hunters didn't know what the Empress looked like, or at least not that well. Kalique would know her own mother, but bounty hunters probably wouldn't be able to recognise her on the spot.
    • Even Kalique was openly shocked upon seeing Jupiter in person.
    • A visual representation of her at what age? Jupiter happened to be found at the right age to look exactly like Kalique's statue of Seraphi. If her "geneprint" had come to light earlier, they could have been looking for a child or infant (an appearance Seraphi would not have been seen in for ~91000 years); if later, they could have been looking for a middle-aged or elderly woman. (Granted, the specific context of being found due to egg donation in the film would help to narrow the age range down...but that would require Balem or his underlings in charge of the search to lower themselves to pay attention to what business the primitive "Terrsies" conduct in that clinic.) And that's aside from the potential for Jupiter's appearance to differ from Seraphi's due to either external forces (e.g., scars) or personal choices (e.g., dyed hair, tattoos, or simply dramatic makeup).
    • The alien hunters may have terrible facial recognition of humans as a side effect of their splicing. Their general incompetence is highlighted by their visual similarity to aliens in popular media, as if they'd failed to cover up some leaks in the past. It makes sense to keep semi-incompetent handlers, since they'd be less able to rebel or pilfer from the stock.
  • What were those Roswell greys doing to Jupiter's friend/client that Jupiter took a photo of? They just appear out of nowhere and do, something to her. Then when they see Jupiter they wipe her memory and the other lady's memory. But later at the clinic what I think are the same aliens try to kill Jupiter. Why didn't they kill her before if that's what they wanted?
    • The Keepers are working with two pieces of information, the genotype and the name that Jupiter provided when she did her first round of testing as a prospective egg donor. They tracked down the name (Katherine), then immobilized her and checked her DNA to make sure they had the right "Katherine". When their instrument showed a mismatch, they hurriedly wiped her memory and that of a witness (Jupiter), and fled. Later, when Jupiter showed up at the clinic calling herself "Katherine", her DNA was tested and matched the previous test, so they moved forward with killing her.
  • Caine says he's spliced with dog DNA. So why does he have bird wings?
    • They're artificial implants, apparently issued to certain classes of active-duty space soldiers. Stinger describes them as top of the line models.
  • Jupiter cleaning toilets for a living because she "doesn't have the papers" for any other kind of employment. In real life, a young woman with her looks could've easily procured a green card via marriage and skipped the toilet cleaning.
    • In real life, a young woman with her looks doesn't necessarily want to get married just to get a green card.
    • Also, marrying just to get a green card is considered felony fraud.
    • Mila Kunis has also put forward that Jupiter is just too lazy and lacking in ambition to get another job. It's not uncommon.
  • Caine follows the bounty hunter's ship through space by holding on to the exterior of the ship wearing what is clearly not enough to protect him from the void of space, yet in a later he is seen in peril after only seconds exposed to the void.
  • More importantly, why is Jupiter *still* cleaning toilets at the end? She's now one of the richest and most powerful people in the Universe and could do anything she wanted. Now, I totally understand that she's been thoroughly put off any involvement in the Byzantine space politics and just wants a quiet life, but "becoming just like the Abrasax siblings" and "cleaning other people's shit in order to afford to eat" are not the only two options available.
    • We are only shown her resuming her old life for a grand total of one day, with the implication being that the harrowing adventure she's been on — and especially having her family abducted and threatened — has given her a new appreciation for the simplicity of it. Consider how throughout almost all of her journey, the only thing she expressly wants is to go home. It doesn't mean she won't do anything to enhance her status on Earth or off of it in the future; it could just mean she's taking her time.
