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Headscratchers / Dream Daddy

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  • So the banner at the church reads 'Jesus is cuming' thanks to Ernest. So the solution is to change it to 'Jesus is calming', instead of, I don't know, just making the 'U' into an 'O' so it spells the original message correctly?
    • If you make the banner into 'Jesus is cumin' Joseph asks why you didn't do just change the U to a O (which you then do, making it 'Jesus is comin''). So, it comes down to the fact the MC didn't think of that option.
    • Notably, some folks spell the, ah... more lewd word with an "O" anyway (being slang, neither is really considered "correct"). For players familiar with this fact, "Jesus is coming" might have still been pretty funny once the idea was in their head.
  • So is this a world where MPreg is real? Two cisgender gay dads can bring their daughter home from the hospital, with no word of a birth mother. The game leaves it vague.
    • "The day you were born" could easily mean that the player character and their partner were there for Amanda's birth, and adopted her shortly afterwards; they may have even used a surrogate. They still mention being stuck in the car and panicking, but there's never any mention of Amanda being born in the car.
    • It's also possible that one or both of the fathers was/is transgender.
    • Some adoptive parents fondly refer to the day they finalized their child's adoption or the day they brought the child home as a "birthday," so it could also be read in this light.
    • All of the above. It's just vague enough that any one of them can be possible, depending on what you imagine.
      • Exactly. The player character is canonically either a cis male or a trans male, but their partner could be cis male, cis female, trans male, or trans female. So if Amanda biologically belongs to the player character, then either the player character themselves could have given birth to her (if they are a trans male) or their partner did (if they are a cis woman or a trans male).
      • Or if they had a surrogate.
    • Since you specifically asked about two cisgender dads, it's possible they either used a surrogate (as many above commenters have said) or that they arranged to adopt her while her birth mother was still pregnant, meaning that they would probably be at the hospital, and the player character considered Amanda's birth the more important event to mark the day with, as opposed to the adoption part.
  • The morning after Amanda's sleepover, if you decide not to sleep with Robert after the bar, Craig texts the MC, asking the MC if he would like to join him at the gym, to catch up on one another. Seemed innocent enough at first, but then it dawned on me how confusing this is. When you and Craig reunite after what seems to be over a decade separated/out of contact, you two don't seem to exchange numbers. And even Craig seems to acknowledge that you probably wouldn't know who was texting at first, as he ends his first message with "This is Craig, btw," or something along those lines. How did Craig get the MC's number then?
    • Phone book, or the power of Gaggle
    • In some cases where person A has the same phone number for a long time while person B changed theirs, person B might try person A's familiar phone number just to see if it works, adding on "this is ____" since they're aware that their own number has changed and won't be in person A's contacts. Might be a bit of a stretch, but certainly within the realm of possibility (and this troper has actually had this happen with a friend who had been absent for a few years).
  • So before the player character's meeting with Hugo, Hugo scolds Lucien and tells him to go to his third period. Then once that period ends, it's... the end of the school day? How does that work?
    • Some schools have 1.5-2 hour classes called "block periods," instead of the more standard 50-60 minutes. On that kind of schedule, school generally ends after the third class in a day.
  • On a similar note, Joseph specifically says that the barbecue is on Saturday at 3:00. Then Amanda goes out with her friends for the night, stays out too late, the player character gets upset with her, yada yada yada. The next morning they wake up, he asks for help with Dadbook, and she says she has to get to school... on a Sunday?
  • What is the joke in "Thirsty's Pizza"? Is it just a joke about how the pizza is probably loaded with salt and terrible for your health?
    • I'm pretty sure it's a joke about how the softball moms are "thirsting" after Craig. Since it actually is a real place, Amanda threw the name out to make fun of Janet.
