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Funny / ZE

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Unmarked spoilers are ahead, per Spoilers Off rule.

  • Pick any moment of Asari teasing anybody.
  • After Raizou takes a leave of absence and Kon decides to chase after him, the entire household takes up a betting pool to see if they would undergo a Relationship Upgrade.
  • A running gag in an omake has Kotoha being repeatedly denied ice cream, because the twins Seiji and Tsukito keep eating it. Raizou finally gets around to making gourmet ice cream for Kotoha, only for the aforementioned twins to knock it out of his hands whilst chasing after their Kami-sama Hatsuhi. Kotoha's reaction destroys Waki's house. (and Konoe is fixing it up)
  • Raizou realizing that Ouka was a woman.
  • In an omake Genma gets annoyed that Moriya is hanging out with Himi so much and complaining to him about Ryuusei, so he uses his Kotodama to curse Ryuusei so he will never get an erection around women again.
  • Doubles as a Heartwarming moment, but in the series finale the twins (Tsukito and Seiji) introduce Magane to the wonders of digital photography. Excited, Magane asks Waki if they could get a family photo and Waki obliges — by calling everyone and ordering them to stop what they’re doing and come to the main house for the group photo. When Ryuusei and Moriya receive the call, they’re in the middle of roughing some guy up. When Genma and Himi receive the call, Genma is in the middle of bending Himi over his desk.
